WH (Heer) Tropical Overseas Cap
WH (Heer) Tropical Overseas Cap (Tropenfeldmütze). Complete with hand-applied BeVo cocarde and cap eagle. The cap is maker marked with 'R.Btr.-Nr.0/0265/5044' and dated March 1943. Nice original cap!
Single HJ Shoulder Strap ‘Bann 531’
Single HJ (Hitler-Jugend) shoulder-strap intended for a 'Hitlerjunge' within 'Bann 531'. Bann 531 = Linz-Stadt (Austria). Nice original shoulder strap in good, clearly used and shirt removed condition!
'Deutsches Generalkonsulat in Shanghai' Letter Seal
'Deutsches Generalkonsulat in Shanghai' Letter Seal (Siegelmarke). The seal has been removed from a letter. Rare and interesting original letter seal of the German Consulate General in Shanghai during the Third Reich Period!
SA Brown Shirt with Swastika Armband
SA (Sturmabteilung) Brown Shirt (Diensthemd) complete with wine-red early type shoulder-strap and collar-tabs inteded for a SA Music Band Member within a 7th Standarte of Gruppe Westfalen. The brownshirt is complete with a Swastika Armband. Nice original brown shirt!
Allach Porcelain Begging Bear
Rare Allach porcelain Begging Bear (Bär Bittend), model number #5, designed by 'Theodor Kärner'. The bear is approximately 9cms high. The bear is nicely maker marked with the stylized SS runes logo of the Allach company. Rare and decorative original item!
WH (Heer) EM/NCO's Breeches for Mounted Troops
WH (Heer) EM/NCO's Breeches for Mounted Troops (Stiefelhose für Mannschaften). The breeches are having leather reinforcement panels. The breeches are nicely RB.Nr. marked and dated 1944 (F44). Nice pair of breeches in very good condition!
Dutch Subaltern Officer's Kepi 20th Regiment Infantry
Dutch Subaltern Officer's Kepi 20th Regiment Infantry (Subalterne Officier's Kepie). Nice example having double golden piping, the Kepi is complete with a nice quality hand-embroidered cocarde. Nice example in good used condition!
Hitler-Jugend Member's Armband
This is a nice Hitler-Jugend Member's Armband (Armbinde) as worn by HJ members on the upper left sleeve on almost all HJ uniforms. Nice original armband in good used condition!
Verwundeten Abzeichen in Schwarz 'L/53'
Black Wound Badge (Verwundeten Abzeichen in Schwarz). The magnetic steel badge is nicely maker marked 'L/53' indicating production by the company of 'Hymmen & Co.' from Lüdenscheid, rare maker. Nice original badge in very good condition!
Wehrmacht 'Deckungswinkelmesser'
Wehrmacht 'Deckungswinkelmesser'. Complete with aluminum instruction plate. Hard to find original example in good used condition. Nice item to complete your map case with!
German Olympic Commemorative Medal
German Olympia Commemorative Medal (Olympia Erinnerungsmedaille). The medal is made of silvered steel the medal comes on its original confectioned ribbon. Nice original medal in good used condition!
Luftwaffe Cap Eagle
Luftwaffe Cap Eagle (Mützenadler). Standard pattern machine-embroidered cap eagle as worn on the Luftwaffe Overseas Cap ('Schiffchen') and/or M43-cap. Nice original example in mint and unissued condition!
German Municipal Police NCO's Sleeve Eagle
German Municipal Police (Schutzpolizei der Gemeinden) NCO's Sleeve Eagle (Ärmeladler). The eagle is embroidered in wine-red on a field-grey woolen background. Nice original sleeve eagle in good unissued condition!
WH (Heer) Tropical 'Oberschütze' Rank Patch
WH (Heer) Tropical 'Oberschütze' Rank Patch. The patch is showing one neatly machine-embroidered rank star on a light-brown/green tropical cloth, having a reinforced border. Nice original patch in good clearly used condition!
Kriegsmarine BeVo Coastal Artillery Cap Eagle
Kriegsmarine Coastal Artillery (Küstenartillerie) Cap Eagle (Schiffchenadler). The eagle is executed in the neat so-called BeVo weave style in golden-yellow thread on a fieldgrey linnen background. Nice example in good unissued condition!
'Zinksalbe' Salve Tin
'Zinksalbe' Salve Tin as issued in various medical bags and/or boxes. The tin is having a diameter of 4cms. It is in overall good used condition!
Hitler-Jugend 'Kreissieger 1938' Badge
Hitler-Jugend 'Kreissieger 1938' Badge. The badge is neatly maker marked on the back by the company of 'G. Brehmer' from Markneukirchen. The badge is complete with its functional pin and catch. Nice original example in good condition!
SA Sports Badge in Bronze
SA Sports Badge in Bronze (SA-Sportabzeichen), 1939/1945 model. The badge is nicely maker marked by the company of 'W.Redo' from Saarlautern. The details on the badge are really pronounced and stunning. Nice example in good condition!
WH (Heer) 'Schützenschnur'
WH (Heer) First Grade Shooting Lanyard (Schützenschnur 1.Stufe). This lanyard would look great when re-attached to a tunic of 'Waffenrock'. Nice example in good used condition!
Austrian Occupation Medal
Austrian Occupation Medal (Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13 März 1938). The medal is complete with its original confectioned ribbon. Nice example in good used condition!
Iraqi M80 Helmet
Iraqi M80 Helmet. The M80 was produced in South Korea (bangtan helmet) and made for the Iraqi military. Complete with webbing liner and chinstap. Example in clearly used condition.
WW2 British Pocket Knife 1943
World War 2 British Pocket Knife. The blade is nicely maker marked by the company of 'J.Clarke & Son' from Sheffield and the knife is dated 1943. The knife is in overall good used condition, see photos. This would be a nice addition to a Soldier's personal kit!
Enamel Grave Marker to Gebirgsjäger 'Konrad Hofmann'
Enamel Grave Marker to 'Konrad Hofmann', Konrad was a gefreiter within a Gebirgsjäger Regiment, he died on 31 January 1943 in a Field Hospital in Saporoshje (Russia). Interesting original piece of history!
WH (Heer) M36 Style Infantry M43 Field Blouse
Wehrmacht (Heer) M36 style Infantry Obergefreiter's M43 Field Blouse (Feldbluse M43). Complete with flat-wire breast eagle, collar tabs and shoulder straps as intended for an 'Obergefreiter der Infanterie'. Nice original Field Blouse in good condition!
Luftwaffe 'Sumpftarn' Paratrooper Smock 1945
Luftwaffe 'Sumpftarn' Paratrooper Smock (Fallschirmschützenbluse) also known as 'Knochensack'. The smock is nicely RB.Nr. marked and dated 1945. Stunning original late war smock in very good, near mint, condition!
Waffen-SS BeVo 'Nederland' Cufftitle
Waffen-SS BeVo-woven 'Nederland' cufftitle (Ärmelband). The cufftitle is in full length condition with typical unfinished ends and measures approximately 41cms in length. The cufftitle is in good unissued condition showing some staining and traces of years of storage. Nice original cufftitle!
Waffen-SS 'Maria Theresia' Collar Tab
Waffen-SS Collar Tab as intended for a member within the '22. SS-Freiwilligen-Kavallerie-Division "Maria Theresia" (Hungarian). The collar tab is embroidered in silver/grey thread on black wool. Nice original collar-tab in mint and unissued condition!
Waffen-SS 'Croatian' Volunteer's Collar Tab
Waffen-SS Collar Tab as intended for a member within the '13.Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS "Handschar" (Kroatische Nr.1)'. This is a so-called Dachau made example. Nice example in very good condition!
WH (Heer) Gasmask with Canister
WH (Heer) Gasmask with Canister (Gasmaske M38 mit Blechbüchse M38), complete with both carrying straps and spare glasses (Klarscheiben). The canister is nicely maker marked and dated 1944. Named to 'Obergefreiter Stephan'. Nice original gasmask set in used condition!
Cased WH binoculars 'Dienstglas' 6 x 30
Standard Late War Tan Painted Wehrmacht Binoculars 'Dienstglas' 6 x 30 (Doppelfernrohr). Maker marked with 'cag' indicating production by 'D. Swarovski' from Wattens (Austria). Complete with 1944 dated leather storage case. Nice piece of equipment!