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WW2 German Lapel Pins & Tinnies

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Lapel Pins / Tinnies

'D.V.G. Westmark (Lothr)' Membership Badge

Deutscher Volksgenossen Bund (D.V.G.) Westmark (Lotharingen) Membership Badge (Mitgliedsabzeichen). The badge is marked with 'RZM M9/312' indicating production by the company of 'Fritz Mannheim G.m.b.H.' from Kaiserslautern. Nice example in good condition!

€ 225,00

NSDAP Membership Badge RZM M1/128

NSDAP Membership Badge (Parteiabzeichen). Maker marked with "RZM M1/128" - 'Eugen Schmidhäussler' from Pforzheim. The badge is of course complete with its functional pin/catch construction. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 150,00

'NS Schwesternschaft' Silver Brooch

'NS Schwesternschaft' Brooch (Brosche für Lernschwester & Anwärterin). The silver brooch is 'Ges.Gesch.' marked and showing a '800' silver hallmark. It is individually numbered 'L 78'. Regrettably the pin is missing. Rare original brooch!

€ 75,00

NSDAP 'Gau Tag Koblenz Trier' Tinnie

NSDAP 'Gau Tag Koblenz Trier' Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen) intended for an NSDAP gathering held on 26-28 June 1936. The large sized aluminum tinnie is complete with functional pin-back system. Decorative original tinnie!

€ 45,00

NSDAP 'Gautreffen Gau Westfalen Nord' 1935 Tinnie

NSDAP 'Gautreffen Gau Westfalen Nord' 1935 Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen) intended for an NSDAP gathering held on 5/6 July 1935. Decorative original tinnie!

€ 25,00

'Reichsparteitag' 1937 Tinnie

'Reichsparteitag' 1937 Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen). Nice example made of zinc, maker marked by the company 'Gebr. Trautz' from Pforzheim. The tinnie still retains most of its original darkgrey finish, hard to find in this condition. Nice original tinnie!

€ 35,00

Hitler-Jugend 'Jugendfest' 1936 Tinnie

This is a nice Hitler-Jugend 'Deutsches Jugendfest 1936' Tinnie (Youth Sport-Festival Badge). The tinnie is very lightweight, stamped from a thin metal sheet. The tinnie comes on its original pin/catch construction. Nice example in good condition!

€ 25,00

'HJ Thüringen Rudolstadt 1933' Tinnie

'HJ Thüringen Rudolstadt 1933' Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen). The tinnie is very lightweight, stamped from a thin metal sheet. Nice original early HJ tinnie in very good condition!

€ 85,00

'XI. Olympiade Berlin 1936' Badge

'XI. Olympiade Berlin 1936' Badge (Abzeichen). The enamelled badge is nicely maker marked with the logo from the company of 'Hermann Aurich' from Dresden. Complete with a functional pin/catch pin-back system. Decorative original badge!

€ 65,00

'116er Tag Gießen 1934' Tinnie

'116er Tag Gießen' Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen), this gathering was held in Gießen on 21/22 July 1934. The tinnie is showing an image of Paul von Hindenburg and Adolf Hitler in front of a Swastika. Nice example in good condition!

€ 25,00

NSKOV 'Frontsoldaten u. Kriegsopfer-Ehrentag' 1935 Tinnie

NSKOV 'Frontsoldaten u. Kriegsopfer-Ehrentag' 1935 Tinnie. This gathering was held on 4 August 1935 in Potsdam. The aluminum tinnie is nicely maker marked by the company of 'Hoffstätter' from Bonn. Nice original tinnie in good condition!

€ 45,00

'Seefahrt ist Not' Tinnie 1935

'Seefahrt ist Not' 1935 Tinnie. This is a tinnie of the 'Tag der deutschen Seefahrt', held at the 25/26 May 1935. The aluminum tinnie is nicely maker marked by the company of 'Friedrich Hosbach' from Hannover. Nice original tinnie in good used condition!

€ 20,00

'Deutsch ist die Saar' 1934 Tinnie

'Deutsch ist die Saar' 1934 Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen). The tinnie is very lightweight, stamped from a thin metal sheet. Nice original tinnie!

€ 25,00

'Kavallerieverein für Friesack und Umgebung' Membership Badge

'Kavallerieverein für Friesack und Umgebung' Membership Badge (Mitgliedsabzeichen). The badge is maker marked by the manufacturer 'Paul Küst' from Berlin. Decorative original badge!

€ 35,00

'Wiedersehensfeier Res.Inf.Rgt.236 Köln' 1927 Tinnie

'Wiedersehensfeier Res.Inf.Rgt.236 Köln' 1927 Tinnie (Regimentstag Abzeichen) intended for a gathering held on 9-11 July 1927 for members of the former 'Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment 236'. Rare original tinnie!

€ 20,00

Set of 3 'Tag der Arbeit' Tinnies

Set of 3 'Tag der Arbeit' Tinnies (Mai-Tag Abzeichen). German National Labour Day tinnies for the years 1935, 1936 and 1937. Nice set of original tinnies in good condition!

€ 40,00

'Tag der Arbeit' 1935 Tinnie

'Tag der deutschen Arbeit' 1935 Tinnie (Mai-Tag Abzeichen). German National Labour Day tinnie of 1935. The aluminum tinnie is nicely maker marked by the company of 'Dr. Franke & Co' from Lüdenscheid. Nice original tinnie in good used condition!

€ 15,00

German Mother's Day 1935 Tinnie

'Reichsmütterdienst im Deutschen Frauenwerk - Muttertag 1935' (German Mother's Day 1935) Tinnie. The wooden tinnie is complete with a functional pin-back system. Nice original tinnie!

€ 10,00

'1. Fest der Jugend' 1933 Tinnie

'1. Fest der Jugend' 1933 Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen), this gathering was held on 24 June 1933. The tinnie has a pin-back device to its hollow-back reverse. Decorative original early tinnie!

€ 40,00

'1.Kreissängerfest Peine' 1935 Tinnie

'1.Kreissängerfest 10/11.8.35 - 50 Jahre M.G.V. Glocke Peine' Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen) intended for the district singing festival held on 10/11 August 1935 in Peine. Nice original tinnie!

€ 20,00

'Wettkampftage der SA-Gruppe Niedersachsen' 1936 Tinnie

'Wettkampftage der SA-Gruppe Niedersachsen' 1936 Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen). The tinnie has a pin-back device to its hollow-back reverse. Decorative original tinnie!

€ 40,00

'Motorsturmtag und NSKK Treffen Peine' 1933 Tinnie

'Motorsturmtag und NSKK Treffen Peine' 1933 Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen) intended for an NSKK Rally held on 13 August 1933 in Peine. Rare and decorative original early tinnie!

€ 125,00

'Regimentstag Füs. Regt. 73 Hannover' Tinnie

'Regimentstag Füs. Regt. 73 Hannover' Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen). Originally dated 1929, but over stamped with 1934 date, probably the gathering was held again and the same tinnie was distributed. Nice example in good condition!

€ 20,00

'Das Deutsche Volk muß ein Volk von Fliegern werden' Tinnie

'Das Deutsche Volk muß ein Volk von Fliegern werden, Hermann Göring' Tinnie. The tinnie is very lightweight, stamped from a thin metal sheet. The tinnie comes on its original pin/catch construction. Very attractive design. Nice example in good condition!

€ 17,50

DJ 'Jungbann Treffen Peine' 1934 Tinnie

DJ 'Jungbann Treffen Peine' 1934 Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen), this event was held in Peine in May 1934. The tinnie has a pin-back device to its hollow-back reverse. The tinnie is not visible maker marked. Rare original early tinnie!

€ 75,00

'Reserve Infanterie Regiment 73 Hannover' Tinnie

'Reserve Infanterie Regiment 73 Hannover' Tinnie (Youth Sport-Festival Badge). The tinnie is very lightweight, stamped from a thin metal sheet. The tinnie comes on its original pin/catch construction. Very attractive design. Nice example in good condition!

€ 20,00

NSDAP Membership Badge RZM M1/63

NSDAP Membership Badge (Parteiabzeichen). The late war zinc type badge is maker marked with "RZM M1/63" - 'Steinhauer & Lück' from Lüdenscheid. The badge is of course complete with its functional pin/catch construction. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 100,00

Hitler-Jugend 'Jugendfest' 1935 Tinnie

This is a nice Hitler-Jugend 'Deutsches Jugendfest 1935' Tinnie (Youth Sport-Festival Badge). The tinnie is very lightweight, stamped from a thin metal sheet. The tinnie comes on its original pin/catch construction. Nice example in good condition!

€ 20,00

'Ⅰ.N.S. Kriegsopfertag Kreis Peine' 1933 Tinnie

NSKOV 'Ⅰ.N.S. Kriegsopfertag Kreis Peine' 1933 Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen), this event was held in Peine in 1933. The tinnie has a pin-back device to its hollow-back reverse. The tinnie is not visible maker marked. Rare original early tinnie!

€ 45,00

'NSDAP Gautag Hannover 1935' Tinnie

'NSDAP Gautag Hannover 1935 - Süd Hannover-Braunschweig' Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen) intended for an NSDAP gathering held on 28-30 June 1935 in Hannover. Decorative original tinnie!

€ 30,00

RADwJ Remembrance Brooch in Silver

RADwJ Remembrance Brooch (Erinnerungsbrosche in Silber). Nicely maker marked with 'J.B.u.Co.'. Great looking Female youth RADwJ brooch in good used condition!

€ 45,00

'Deutscher Frauenarbeitsdienst' Brooch

'Deutscher Frauenarbeitsdienst' Members Brooch (Mitglieds Brosche). The Brooch has stunning detail and has a functional pin & catch. The brooch is a tombak example and is numbered with the unique number '83872', the piece has a somewhat darkened age patina. Great looking Female RAD brooch!

€ 100,00

Luftwaffe Civilian Flak Helper’s Stick Pin

Luftwaffe Civilian Flak Helper’s Stick Pin (Zivilabzeichen für Flakhelfer). The 30mm wide pin is not visible maker marked. Nice original lapel-pin in very good condition!

€ 75,00

Luftwaffe 'Zivilabzeichen'

Luftwaffe 'Zivilabzeichen' (Luftwaffe civil-attire badge). The 30mm wide pin is showing the 1st pattern drooptail eagle. The pin is not visible maker marked. Nice original lapel-pin in very good condition!

€ 95,00

Hitler-Jugend Membership Badge 'RZM M1/72'

Hitler-Jugend enamelled Membership Badge (Mitgliedsabzeichen). The badge is nicely maker marked with 'RZM M1/72' indicating production by 'Fritz Zimmermann' from Stuttgart. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 65,00

'N.S.Frauensch' Members Pin

'National Sozialistische Frauenschaft' (NSF) Members Pin (Mitgliedsabzeichen). This is the smaller 27mm sized version showing the script 'N.S.Frauensch'. Pre RZM example, marked with 'Ges.Gesch.'. Nice example in very good condition!

€ 50,00

Deutsche-Jugend Shooting Badge

Deutsche-Jugend (DJ) Shooting Badge (DJ-Schießauszeichnung). The badge is nicely maker marked with 'RZM M1/52' indicating production by the company of 'Deschler & Sohn' from München. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 125,00

Hitler-Jugend Shooting Badge

Hitler-Jugend (HJ) Shooting Badge (HJ-Schießauszeichnung). The badge is nicely maker marked with 'RZM M1/63' indicating production by the company of 'Steinhauer & Lück' from Lüdenscheid. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 110,00

Hitler-Jugend 'Siegernadel' 1934

This is a nice Hitler-Jugend 'Siegernadel der HJ-Reichssportwettkämpfe 1934' (Youth Sport-Festival Badge). The ceramic badge comes on its regrettably broken pin/catch construction. Decorative original badge for a fair price!

€ 10,00

Luftwaffe 'Zivilabzeichen'

Luftwaffe 'Zivilabzeichen' (Luftwaffe civil-attire badge). The 30mm wide pin is showing the 1st pattern drooptail eagle. The pin is not visible maker marked. Nice original lapel-pin in very good condition!

€ 95,00

DRK Membership Pin

German Red Cross (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz) enamelled Membership Pin (Mitgliedsabzeichen). Nicely marked with 'O.P.' and 'Ges.Gesch.' on the back. It comes on its original and functional pin, there is no enamel damage. Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 65,00

NSRKB Members Pin

'Nationalsozialistischer Reichskriegerbund' (NSRKB) Members Pin for the civil attire (Zivilabzeichen). The aluminum pin is nicely 'Ges.Gesch' and number '2' marked. Nice original members pin in very good condition!

€ 25,00

Large sized 'Sonnenwende - Zeitenwende' 1933 Tinnie

'Sonnenwende - Zeitenwende' 1933 Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen). The large sized (45mm) tinnie has a pin-back device to its hollow-back reverse. The tinnie is not visible maker marked. Decorative original tinnie!

€ 60,00

DDAC Membership Badge

'Der Deutsche Automobilclub e.V.' (DDAC) Membership Badge (Mitgliedsabzeichen ). The 21mm sized enamelled badge is nicely maker marked by the company of 'Biedermann & Co' from Obercassel (Bonn). Nice original badge in very good condition!

€ 75,00

Hitler-Jugend 'Jugendfest' 1937 Tinnie

This is a nice Hitler-Jugend 'Deutsches Jugendfest 1937' Tinnie (Youth Sport-Festival Badge). The tinnie is very lightweight, stamped from a thin metal sheet. The tinnie comes on its original pin/catch construction. Nice example in good condition!

€ 25,00

'10 Jährige wiederkehr des Reichsparteitages Weimar 1936' Tinnie

'10 Jährige wiederkehr des Reichsparteitages Weimar 1936' Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen). The heavy quality tombak tinnie is nicely maker marked by 'G. Danner' from Mühlhausen, Thüringen. Decorative original early tinnie!

€ 85,00

1936 'DAF Aufmarsch Gotha' Tinnie

'DAF Aufmarsch am 6.u.7. Juni Gotha' 1936 Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen). The tinnie has a pin-back device to its hollow-back reverse. The tinnie is not visible maker marked. Nice original tinnie!

€ 40,00

'NSDAP Thüringen' 1925-1935 Tinnie

'NSDAP Thüringen' 1925-1935 Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen) intended for an gathering held for the 10 year existence of the NSDAP Party in Thuringia. The tinnie has a pin-back device to its hollow-back reverse. The tinnie is not visible maker marked. Nice original tinnie!

€ 40,00

'Arbeitsschlacht Gau Bayr. Ostmark' Tinnie

'Arbeitsschlacht Gau Bayr. Ostmark' Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen), this was DAF related event. The tinnie has a pin-back device to its hollow-back reverse. The tinnie is not visible maker marked. Nice original tinnie!

€ 35,00

Hitler-Jugend Membership Badge 'RZM M1/101'

Hitler-Jugend enamelled Membership Badge (Mitgliedsabzeichen). The badge is nicely maker marked with 'RZM M1/101' indicating production by 'Gustav Brehmer' from Markneukirchen. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 75,00
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