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WW2 German Lapel Pins & Tinnies

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Results 151 - 186 of 186

Lapel Pins / Tinnies

'D.V.G. Westmark (Lothr)' Membership Badge

Deutscher Volksgenossen Bund (D.V.G.) Westmark (Lotharingen) Membership Badge (Mitgliedsabzeichen). The badge is nicely maker marked by the company of 'W.Redo' from Saarlautern. There is some enamel damage. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 65,00

'Adolf Hitler' Sympathy Pin

'Adolf Hitler' Sympathy Pin. This tinnie was most likely part of the large propaganda campaign for the elections in Nazi-Germany in November 1933. Nice and decorative original tinnie in good condition!

€ 30,00

'Kreisparteitreffen der NSDAP Bleckede' Tinnie

'Kreisparteitreffen der NSDAP Bleckede' 1935 Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen). The aluminum tinnie is nicely maker marked by the company of 'Assmann u. Sohne' from Lüdenscheid. Nice original NSDAP tinnie!

€ 40,00

Early Patriotic 'Adolf Hitler' Pin

Early 1920's/1930's Patriotic 'Adolf Hitler' Pin. The pin is showing an image of Adolf Hitler printed on paper, placed behind celluloid. Rare and hard to find early patriotic propaganda pin!

€ 125,00

DRK 'Schwesternhelferin' Brooch

German Red Cross (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz) enamelled 'Schwesternhelferin' brooch (Nurse's Helper badge). Nicely marked with 'Ges.Gesch.' on the back. Nice original DRK brooch in good used condition!

€ 95,00

'Kriegerkameradschaft Hassia' 1934 Tinnie

'Kriegerkameradschaft Hassia' 1874-1934 Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen). The tinnie is very lightweight, stamped from a thin metal sheet. Nice original tinnie in very good condition!

€ 40,00

'Olympische Winterspiele' 1936 Tinnie

'Olympische Winterspiele Garmisch-Partenkirchen' 1936 Enamelled Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen). Nice tombak construction tinnie, maker marked by the company of 'Carl Poellath' from Schrobenhausen. Decorative original tinnie in good condition!

€ 60,00

'Internationale Wintersportwoche' 1937 Tinnie

'Internationale Wintersportwoche Garmisch-Partenkirchen' 1937 Enamelled Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen). Nice tombak construction tinnie, maker marked by the company of 'Carl Poellath' from Schrobenhausen. Decorative original tinnie in good condition!

€ 40,00

'Sportappell der Betriebe' 1938 Tinnie

'Sportappell der Betriebe' 1938 Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen). The plastic tinnie is nicely marked with 'RZM M9/25' - 'Richard Sieper & Söhne' from Lüdenscheid. Nice original tinnie in very good condition!

€ 20,00

Luftwaffe 'Zivilabzeichen'

Luftwaffe 'Zivilabzeichen' (Luftwaffe civil-attire badge). The 30mm wide badge is showing stunning details. The pin is not visible maker marked. It is complete with it's original pin. Nice original lapel-pin in very good condition!

€ 70,00

DRK civil-attire badge

German Red Cross (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz) civil-attire badge (Zivilabzeichen). Nicely marked with 'Ges.Gesch.'. It comes on its original and functional pin/catch construction. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 45,00

'Deutscher Schützen-Verband' (DSV) Members Pin

'Deutscher Schützen-Verband' (DSV) Members Pin (Mitgliedsabzeichen). The pin is nicely maker marked by the company of 'E.Schmidhäussler' from Pforzheim. Nice original members pin in good used condition!

€ 30,00

DRKB Members Pin

DRKB 'Deutscher Reichskriegerbund' (Kyffhäuserbund) Members Pin (Mitgliedsabzeichen). The pin shows a 'Ges.Gesch.' marking on the back. This is a so-called opaque enamel version. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 25,00

DSV Shooting Award in Silver

Deutscher Schützenverband (DSV) shooting award in silver (Auszeichnung für Schießleistung in Silber). The award is not visible maker marked. The award has no enamel damage whatsoever and is in overall good condition. Nice original award!

€ 75,00

DSV 'Abzeichen für Kreis-Sieger' in Gold

Deutscher Schützenverband (DSV) shooting badge in gold (Abzeichen für Kreis-Sieger) for member's within the 'Unterkreis Murg' in 1937. The pin is nicely maker marked by the company of 'E. Schmidhäussler' from Pforzheim. Nice original lapel-pin!

€ 50,00

German Hunting Association Badge

German Hunting Association (Deutsche Jägerschaft) Badge (Jagdschutzabzeichen). Nice 43x33mm silvered tombak (Buntmetall) badge. The badge is nicely 'Ges.Gesch' marked on the back and complete with a functional pin/catch system. Nice original example!

€ 150,00

DG Membership Badge

'Deutsche Glaubensbewegung' (DG) Membership Badge (Mitgliedsabzeichen). Marked with 'Ges.Gesch.' on the back. The badge is of course complete with its functional pin/catch construction. Scarce and rare original badge in good condition!

€ 95,00

Swastika Sympathy Pin

Swastika Sympathy Pin (Sympathie-Abzeichen). Sympathy Pins were part of the large propaganda campaign for the elections in Nazi-Germany in November 1933. Nice and decorative original sympathy pin in good condition!

€ 50,00

'H.J. Bann-Treffen 121.Unterland' Tinnie

'H.J. Bann-Treffen 121.Unterland 23./24 Brachet 34.' Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen). The tinnie is very lightweight, stamped from a thin metal sheet. Nice original early Hitler-Jugend tinnie in very good condition!

€ 65,00

Complete series of 'Reichsparteitag' Tinnies

Complete series of 'Reichsparteitag' Tinnies (Veranstaltungsabzeichen). This is a complete series of 7 tinnies for all Rallies from 1933 up to and including the cancelled edition in 1939. Nice complete series in good condition!

€ 225,00

DRKB Silver '25' Year Member Honor Pin

DRKB 'Deutscher Reichskriegerbund' (Kyffhäuserbund) Silver Honor Pin for '25' Years Membership (Silberne Ehrennadel für 25 jährige Mitgliedschaft). The pin is nicely 'Ges.Gesch.' marked on the back, nice original example in good condition!

€ 40,00

RADwJ Brooch for a 'Maidenführerin'

RADwJ 'Brosche für Maidenführerin' (Brooch) in bronze. The brooch is not visible maker marked. The bronze coloured Brooch shows stunning detail and has a functional pin & catch. Great looking Female youth RADwJ brooch!

€ 75,00

SHF members pin

'Sudetendeutsche Heimatfront' (SHF) members pin (Mitgliedsabzeichen). The SHF was founded in 1933 by Konrad Henlein. The pin is not visible maker marked. Rare original pin in good used condition!

€ 95,00

NSFK Member's Pin - 'Förderer'

NSFK Sponsoring Member's Badge - 'Förderer'. The badge is nicely maker marked with the logo of the company of 'Gustav Brehmer' in Markneukirchen, the badge is also marked with 'Ges.Gesch'. Rare original badge in very good condition!

€ 50,00

Wehrmacht (Heer) 'Offiziersbewerber' Pin

Wehrmacht (Heer) Lapel-pin for 'Angestellte und Arbeiter bei Heer'. Non-uniformed civilians were authorized wear of a distinctive identifying lapel badge when assigned to the armed forces. The pin is not visible maker marked. Nice example in very good condition!

€ 70,00

Czech Fascist 'NS' 5-years Badge

Czech Fascist 'Nàrodni Sourucenstvi' (NS) 5-years Badge (Mitgliedsabzeichen). This is a special badge issued on the fifth anniversary of the Protectorate and the National Union in March 1944. Maker marked by 'Karnet-Kyselý' from Prague. Nice original badge in good used condition!

€ 95,00

Czech Fascist 'NS' Membership Badge

Czech Fascist 'Nàrodni Sourucenstvi' (NS) Membership Badge (Mitgliedsabzeichen). This is the second model NS membership badge. The pin is nicely maker marked by the company of 'Karnet-Kyselý' from Prague. Nice original pin in good used condition!

€ 35,00

NSDAP Reichsparteitag Nürnberg 1933 Badge

NSDAP Reichsparteitag Nürnberg 1933 Badge (Veranstaltungsabzeichen). Nice heavy 'Buntmetall' example, the badge is not visible maker marked. Nice original early badge in very good condition!

€ 85,00

R.D.Kl. Membership Badge

R.D.Kl. (Reichsverband Deutscher Kleintierzüchter) Membership Badge (Mitgliedsabzeichen). The badge is not visible maker marked. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 35,00

NS-Hago Membership Pin

'Nationalsozialistische Handwerks, Handels-und Gewerbeorganisation' (NS.-Hago) Membership Pin (Mitgliedsabzeichen). Tombac 15mm sized version, complete with pin. Nice original pin in good used condition!

€ 30,00

NSDFBSt Members Badge

'Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Frontkämpferbund Stahlhelm' (NSDFBSt) Members Badge (Mitgliedsabzeichen). The badge is maker marked on the back, complete with functional buttonhole attachement. Nice example in good condition!

€ 50,00

NSKK 'Marienberger Dreiecksrennen' Tinnie

NSKK Motor-Staffel 244 'Marienberger Dreiecksrennen' Tinnie (Veranstaltungsabzeichen). The tinnie is not visible maker marked. Nice and scarce original example in very good condition!

€ 95,00

SDP members pin

'Sudeten Deutsche Partei' (SDP) members pin (Mitgliedsabzeichen). The pin is not visible maker marked. Nice original pin in good used condition!

€ 40,00

DRV Members Pin

'Deutscher Radfahrer-Verband' (DRV) Members Pin (Mitgliedsabzeichen). The pin is nicely maker marked by the company of 'Lehmann & Wundenberg' in Hannover. Nice original example in good condition!

€ 65,00

'Eiserne Front' Member's Brooch

'Eiserne Front' Member's Brooch (Mitgliedsbrosche). The brooch is showing the the Antifascist Circle. The brooch has a functional pin and catch to its reverse. The brooch is not visible maker marked. Nice original brooch in good used condition!

€ 65,00

'Deutsche Christen' Membership Badge

'Deutsche Christen, Reichsbewegung' (DC) Membership Badge (Mitgliedsabzeichen). Maker marked by the company of 'Willi Merten' and marked with 'Ges.Gesch.' on the back. Scarce badge in good condition!

€ 95,00
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