'Maandblad der Nederlandsch - Duitsche Kultuurgemeenschap'
'Maandblad der Nederlandsch - Duitsche Kultuurgemeenschap' Magazine this was a monthly published magazine, this is number 3 from the 4th Year for the month March 1942. Decorative original magazine in good used condition!
DJ Proficiency Badge
Deutsche-Jugend Proficiency Badge (DJ Leistungsabzeichen). The cupal construction badge is nicely maker marked with 'RZM M1/35' indicating production by the company of 'Rudolf Wächtler & Lange' from Mittweida. Individually numbered with number '212254'. Nice example in good condition!
HJ Proficiency Badge in Silver
Hitler-Jugend Proficiency Badge in Silver (HJ Leistungsabzeichen). The cupal construction badge is nicely maker marked with 'RZM M1/101' indicating production by the company of 'Gustav Brehmer' from Markneukirchen, this is a 'B-Stück'. Nice original example in good used condition!
Luftwaffe Plexiglass Cleaning Kit Pouch
Luftwaffe Plexiglass Cleaning Kit Pouch which would contain 1 tube of 'Plexipol', a viscose sponge, a Washcloth, a Polishing cloth and a Drying cloth. This set was part of the 'Wartungskasten für Plexiglass'. clean and polish dirty viewing panels
Luftwaffe Sentry Brown K98 Ammo Pouch
This is an interesting K98 pouch that has been cut down to a single pouch for use by rear line troops and/or guards, or might even have been used by political organisations like the SA. Hard to find original light-brown single variant ammo pouch in very good condition!
WH (Heer)/RAD Photo Album
This is a nice WH (Heer) / Reichsarbeitsdienst photo-album containing over 80 military related photographs, pasted inside the photo-album are some dried 'Edelweiß' flowers. Nice and decorative original photo-album!
Cased German WW1 8x40 Naval Binoculars
Cased German WW1 8x40 Naval Binoculars (Marinefernglas D.F.8x40 in Behälter). The binoculars are complete with leather carrying strap, leather lens cover and leather storage case. The binoculars and nicely maker marked by 'Carl Zeiss' from Jena. Rare original WW1 Naval Binoculars!
RAD Traditional Cap Badge 'Arbeitsgau XVIII'
RAD ('Reichsarbeitsdienst') Traditional Cap Badge (Traditions-Mützenabzeichen) for the 'Arbeitsgau XVIII - Niedersachsen-Ost'. Aluminum construction cap badge, complete with all four prongs. Nice example in good used condition!