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Results 5301 - 5350 of 6941

KVK 2nd Class without Swords on 'Einzelspange'

War Merit Cross 2nd Class without Swords (Kriegsverdienst Kreuz 2. Klasse ohne Schwerter). The tombak cross is period mounted on a so-called 'Einzelspange'. Nice cross in good used condition!

€ 70,00

Army Flak Badge - 'Pillow Crimp'

Wehrmacht Army Flak Badge (Flakkampfabzeichen des Heeres). The badge is not visible maker marked, this is a so called "pillow crimp" variant. Nice and scarce original example in good condition!

€ 695,00

Tan coloured MG 34/42 50 Round Drum Magazine

MG 34/42 50 Round Drum Magazine (Gurttrommel 34). The drum retains most of its original tan coloured camouflage overpaint. The box is nicely maker marked and dated 'ddf' indicating production by the 'Lohmann-Werke AG' from Bielefeld. Nice example in very good condition!

€ 350,00

WW2 Iron Cross 2nd Class '44' with Pouch

Iron Cross 2nd Class (Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse). The cross is nicely maker marked with number '44' indicating production by the company of 'Jakob Bengel' from Oberstein, complete with matching pouch in good condition, uncommon manufacturer. Nice original set in good condition!

€ 225,00

Canadian RCE Battle Dress Jacket

Canadian Battle Dress jacket as intended for a Canadian RCE (Royal Canadian Engineers) Captain within the 1st Canadian Army, complete with all period applied insignia. Nicely maker marked and dated 1943. Great original BD tunic!

€ 375,00

Canadian Battledress Trousers 1944

Canadian Battledress Trousers. The battle dress Trousers are nicely maker marked by the company 'Park Manor Clothes Ltd' from Toronto and dated 1944. The pants are a size 7. Nice original Canadian battledress trousers in good used condition!

€ 250,00

Rare original Third Reich Diplomatic Visor Cap

Rare original Third Reich Diplomatic Visor Cap (Schirmmütze für Staatsbeamte). The 'Erel' marked visor cap is complete with its original hand-embroidered typical large-sized diplomatic cap-eagle and cocarde. The cap is in heavily worn condition. Rare original great looking diplomatic visor cap!

€ 4250,00

WH (Heer) NCO's 1940 Dated Panzer Wrap

WH (Heer) NCO's Panzer Wrap (Panzerjacke). The textbook original large sized panzer wrap is maker marked by 'Opalla & Co' and dated 'B40'. Complete with original applied collar-tabs, breast-eagle and shoulder-straps. Rare original black Panzer Wrap in stunning mint condition!

€ 5500,00

Wehrmacht Rangefinder 'Em 1m R'

Wehrmacht Rangefinder, marked with 'Em 1m R.' (Entfernungsmesser 1m R). The camouflaged rangefinder is nicely maker marked by the company 'Askania' from Berlin-Friedenau. The rangefinder is showing normal traces of usage and is in overall good condition. Nice and honest piece of equipment!

€ 695,00

Canvas Pouch for the Bakelite Head Torch

Wehrmacht Canvas Pouch for the Bakelite Head Torch (Beutel für Stirnlampe). The canvas pouch is approximately sized 22 x 15 cms. The pouch is nicely marked 'bmo 41' indicating production by 'Hans Deuter' from Augsburg in 1941. Rare original pouch in mint and unissued condition!

€ 75,00

Wehrmacht Bakelite Head Torch

Rare original Wehrmacht bakelite head torch (Stirnlampe) for use with MG and Mortar crews for reading firing tables and maps. The torch is in complete and overall good used condition and in my opinion priced accordingly to its rarity!

€ 250,00

Wehrmacht Medical First Aid Bag

Wehrmacht Medical First Aid Bag for Personnel within the Ambulance Companies (Verbandtasche für Mannschaften der Krankentransportkompanien). The carrying strap is regrettably missing. Rare original pouch in good used condition!

€ 275,00

Wehrmacht Officer's Rain Cape

Wehrmacht Officer's Rain Cape (Regen Umhang für Offiziere). The officer's rain cape is made of waterproof rubberized fieldgrey fabric. The cape is not visible maker marked or dated. Hard to find original Wehrmacht Officer's Rain Cape!

€ 125,00

KM Coastal Artillery EM/NCO's Overseas Cap

Kriegsmarine Coastal Artillery EM/NCO's Overseas Cap (Schiffchen für Unteroffiziere und Mannschaften) . The cap is nicely maker marked by the company of 'Johannes Hermann' from Marienberg, the cap is size 57 marked and dated 1942. Nice and rare cap!

€ 475,00

Verwundeten Abzeichen in Silber 'Wiedmann'

Wound Badge in Silver (Verwundeten Abzeichen in Silber). The badge is a non-magnetic hollow brass example. The badge is the so-called 'Wiedmann/Deschler' design type, showing a slightly larger design compared to normal wound badges. Hard to find original variant in good condition!

€ 175,00

Verwundeten Abzeichen in Schwarz

Black wound badge (Verwundeten Abzeichen in Schwarz). The badge is a non-magnetic brass example. The badge is the so-called 'Wiedmann/Deschler' design type. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 75,00

Dutch EM's Kepi Cocarde

Dutch EM's Kepi Cocarde (Kepie Kokarde). This is a metal example intended for enlisted men. The cocarde is in good used condition, perfect for restoration of an incomplete kepi!

€ 15,00

Dutch Infantry 'Kepie'

Dutch 'Kepie'. The Kepi is having one blue coloured piping and one gold coloured piping indicating the rank of adjutant within the 18th Regiment Infantry. The kepi is nicely maker marked and named to 'C.D.B.van Leeuwen'. Nice original kepi in good used condition!

€ 175,00

Dutch 'Schwarzlose M.08' Ammunition Box

Dutch 'Schwarzlose M.08' Ammunition Box. The Dutch Army had approximately 2300 Machinge Guns ready for use in May 1940. The box remains most of its original grey paint. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 50,00

Dutch 'Oorlogszakboekje'

Dutch 'Oorlogszakboekje' which was the pre-war Dutch Soldier's Paybook. The booklet is named to 'A.W.C. Voeten', he was a member within the 6th Regiment Infantry. The booklet is dated 1940. Complete with regulations on military discipline booklet. Nice set!

€ 95,00

Dutch Instruction Booklet for the Compass M22

Dutch Instruction Booklet for the Compass M22 (Beschrijving en Gebruiksaanwijzing van het Kompas M.22). The instruction booklet was published in 1926 by the 'Royal Military Academy' in Breda. Nice original instruction booklet in good used condition!

€ 50,00

Dutch Military Cyclist's Short Overcoat

Dutch Military Cyclist's Short Overcoat (Wielrijders Jekker). The coat is having period machine-sewn Corporal's rank-insignia and an insignia for a bicycle repairer (rijwielhersteller). Rare and hard to find original Dutch Military Cyclist's Short Overcoat in good condition!

€ 750,00

Dutch Military Cyclist's Wooden Clothing Box

Dutch Military Cyclist's Wooden Clothing Box (Kledingkist). This was a wooden box for personal belongings and clothing. The box is named to 'R.Dros' who was a member within the 'Regiment Wielrijders' (Regiment Military Cyclists). Decorative original wooden box in good used condition!

€ 75,00

Dutch Instruction Booklet for Gas Protection

Dutch Instruction Booklet for Gas Protection (Handleiding Gasbescherming) Part I. The instruction booklet was published in 1938 by the 'Royal Military Academy' in Breda. Nice original instruction booklet in good used condition!

€ 25,00

WW2 period Dutch Military Dog Tag

WW2 period Dutch Military Dog Tag (Herkenningsplaatje). Zinc example, complete with original carrying cord. Named to 'Jacobus ...lokker' from Hoorn, his name is hard to read. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 75,00

'Deutsche Stenografenschaft' Members Pin

'Deutsche Stenografenschaft' Members Pin (Mitgliedsabzeichen). The pin is nicely 'Ges.Gesch' marked. The pin has no enamel damage whatsoever and is in overall very good condition. Hard to find original example!

€ 45,00

Set of 3 'Hitler Jugend' Photographs

This nice lot of 3 photographs showing 'Hitler Jugend' (HJ) members. The photographs measure approximately 9 x 6 cms in size and are developed on 'Agfa Lupex' photopaper. Nice lot of HJ photographs!

€ 15,00

Set of HJ/NSFK Cut-Out Paper Plane Models

Set of HJ/NSFK Cut-Out Paper Plane Models. One black&white coloured NSFK 'Bauplan Nr.1 Einführungs-Flugmodell' Plane, the other one is a HJ-NSFK paper plane in colour. Decorative original period unissued paper plane models!

€ 75,00

'Landwacht' Auxiliary Police Badge

"Landwacht" Auxiliary Police Badge (Polizei Dienstabzeichen "Landwacht"). The zinc construction badge still retains most of its original silver finish. The badge is complete with its original soldered on safety-needle. Nice original badge in very good condition!

€ 75,00

Miniature KVK 1st Class without Swords

Miniature War merit cross 1st class without Swords (Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse ohne Schwerter). This is the 9mm version, the tombak miniature is not visible maker marked. The miniature shows stunning details. Nice original miniature!

€ 40,00

Luftwaffe Pilots Badge - 'Brüder Schneider'

Luftwaffe Pilots Badge (Flugzeugführerabzeichen). The tombak badge is nicely maker marked by the company of the 'Brüder Schneider A.G.' from Wien, this is the variant with full maker mark. Nice original badge in good used condition!

€ 895,00

Spanish 'Blue-Division' Commemorative Medal

Spanish 'Blue-Division' Commemorative Medal (Erinnerungsmedaille für die spanischen Freiwilligen im Kampf gegen den Bolschewismus). Marked with number '1' indicating production by the company of 'Deschler & Sohn' from München. Nice original medal in very good condition!

€ 195,00

Dutch 'Buitenmodel' Officer's Overseas Cap

Dutch 'Buitenmodel' Officer's Overseas Cap (Veldmuts voor Officieren). The cap is having golden piping and a metal orange coloured number '8' attached as intended for an officer within the 8th Regiment Infantry. Nice original overseas cap in very good condition!

€ 145,00

Dutch 'Buitenmodel' Tunic Grouping

Dutch 'Buitenmodel' tunic grouping as intended for a 1st Lieutenant within the Infantry. The grouping is consisting of his large size tunic and matching pair of breeches as found together, made by the tailor 'B.Schoemaker' from 's Gravenhage (The Hague). Beautiful original Dutch tunic!

€ 695,00

Dutch 'Sam Browne' Belt & Sword Hanger

Dutch 'Sam Browne' Belt (Draagriemstel M.28) and Sword Hangers (Sabeldrager). The Sam Browne was a privately purchased belt & cross-strap set and was worn with the 'Buitenmodel' tunics. Nice set in good used condition!

€ 125,00

WH M31 Canteen and Cup 'MN44'

This is a nice late war Wehrmacht M31 Canteen and Cup (Feldflasche 31 und Trinkbecher). Red painted steel canteen with gabardine cover, complete with steel cup. The canteen is nicely maker marked and dated 'MN44'. Nice original late war canteen in good used condition!

€ 165,00

5 Willrich 'Schulsammlung' Postcards in Paper Cover

This is a nice set of 5 original period colour postcards made by W.Willrich. These postcards were part of the series 'Spende für die VDA-Schulsammlung 1940'. The postcards come with a hard to find paper cover. Nice and decorative original postcards with unique cover!

€ 125,00

Luftwaffe Leutnant Portrait Photograph

Nice sharp portrait photo of a Luftwaffe Leutnant wearing his Waffenrock. A Luftwaffe Pilot's Badge, Iron Cross 1st Class, Squadron Clasp for Reconnaissance Personal, a Black Wound Badge and 3-piece medal bar are visible. Unique portrait photograph of a highly decorated Luftwaffe Leutnant! 

€ 75,00

Waffen-SS 'Germania' Group Photo

This is a postcard size Waffen-SS 'Germania' group photo showing 4 Waffen-SS soldiers wearing their SS tunics. An "SS Germania" cufftitle is partly visible on one of the soldiers. The photograph measures approximately 14 x 9 cms in size. Interesting original photograph!

€ 25,00

Pistole 08 'Luger' Weapen Manual

Nice original German Pistole 08, also known as 'Luger' folding card style manual called the "Die Pistole 08" (Wa2) Waffentafeln. This six-panel card manual provides a complete explanation of the theory and practice of using the Luger, including technical illustrations. Interesting unique manual!

€ 125,00

US Tool Roll M6

World War 2 US Army Tool Roll M6. Nice tool roll for tools for your Willys GPW, Harley WLC or other US vehicle. The tool roll is in good unissued codition with some traces of years of storage only. New Old Stock!

€ 25,00

'I.M.G. 13' Technical Drawings Folding Card

Nice original German l.M.G. 13 (leichtes Maschinengewehr 13) technical drawings in folding card style called the "l.M.G. 13 - Bildtafel" 18/19 Waffentafel. This eight-panel folding card provides a complete view of the technical aspects of the l.M.G. 13. Interesting original booklet!

€ 75,00

Dutch 1st Lieutenant's Greatcoat

Dutch privately purchased (Buitenmodel) Greatcoat as intended for a 1st Lieutenant's within the army. The greatcoat is maker marked by a tailor from Amsterdam. Nice original Dutch Greatcoat in good used condition!

€ 250,00

'Panzerfaust - 100m' Manual

Nice original German Panzerfaust instructional manual called the "Die Panzerfaust" (D560/4). The booklet features 4 pages with explanation and instructions about handling a Panzerfaust-100 m. The booklet is illustrated and has text written in a humorous manner. Interesting original booklet!

€ 95,00

'Reichsparteitag Nürnberg BDM Girl' Postcard

Rare original colourful postcard of the 'Reichsparteitag der NSDAP - Nürnberg'. The card shows an artistic image of a blonde girl in her 'Bund Deutscher Mädel' (BDM) uniform carrying flowers with a large eagle (Hoheitsadler) in the background. Decorative and very rare original postcard!

€ 150,00

Luftwaffe Tropical M31 Bread Bag Strap

Luftwaffe Tropical M31 Bread Bag Strap (Brotbeutelriemen). Nice tan coloured canvas construction breadbag strap with webbing reinforced steel friction clips to either end. The strap is not visible maker marked or dated. Rare original Luftwaffe type in good used condition!

€ 75,00

Dutch Army Puttees

Dutch Army Puttees (Beenwindsels). Made of fieldgrey woolen cloth for use with the Dutch combat tunics. The puttees are not visible maker marked or dated, the type of wool dates them from the period in the 30's just before WW2. Nice original set in good used condition!

€ 125,00

Dutch 'Luchtbeschermingsdienst' Carton Sign

Dutch 'Luchtbeschermingsdienst' Carton Sign. The sign measures approximately 53 x 21 cms. The white coloured sign shows the in black printed text "Luchtbescherming, Lid van de Blokploeg". Nice and decorative original Dutch Airraid Service carton sign!

€ 50,00

'Liberation of the Rhineland' Postcard

Nice original period colour postcard showing a man kneeling above the Rhine with broken shackles, painted by Theo Matejko. The image is an artistic representation of the end of the occupation of the Rhineland in 1930. Nice artistic postcard!

€ 25,00

Landungsfahrt des "Graf Zeppelin" Postcard

Nice original period colour postcard about the airship 'Graf Zeppelin LZ130'. On the back of the card is some technical data about the zeppelin and a unique 'Eger - 1. Zeppelinlandung im Sudetenland' ink-stamp. Decorative and hard to find original postcard!

€ 60,00