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Results 6751 - 6800 of 6942

KM cap-tally 'Schlachtschiff Scharnhorst'

WH (Kriegsmarine) cap-tally 'Schlachtschiff Scharnhorst' for wear on the donald-duck cap (Tellermütze). The Tally measures approximately 100 cms in length. Nice and hard to find original example in good condition!

€ 125,00

Reichspost Winter Tunic - 'Winterjoppe'

WW2 German Reichspost (German Postal service) Winter Tunic (Winterjoppe). Complete with paper manufacturer's label, nicely marked and dated 1942. With original applied arm-eagle. Scarce original tunic in very good unissued condition!

€ 695,00

Luftwaffe 'Stuka' Document Grouping

Luftwaffe 'Stuka' Document Grouping from Obergefreiten 'Erich Wesche'. Consisting of both his 'Wehrpaß' and 'Soldbuch', several documents and award documents for the Ostmedal, KVK 2nd Class and the gold-cord for the Luftwaffe driver's badge. Nice and interesting original grouping!

€ 450,00

German Cross in Silver '20'

'Deutsches Kreuz in Silber', light weight version, maker marked with number '20' indicating production by the company of 'C.F.Zimmermann'. Nice example in used and worn condition showing a great patina, rare and desirable original cross! Reduced Price!

€ 2950,00

HJ 1933 Pattern Visor Cap

Hitler-Jugend 1933 Pattern Visor Cap (HJ Schirmmütze M33). Piped in red, complete with it's original cap eagle and HJ diamond shaped cap-badge. The visor cap is having the early style leather visor. Nice original Visor Cap in good used condition!

€ 575,00

Photograph of 'Albert Kesselring'

Nice original period photograph of Generalfeldmarschall "Albert Kesselring". The photo is showing 'Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring' visiting troops, he holds his Generalfeldmarschall's baton. The photo measures 7 x 10 cms. Great original photo!

€ 75,00

Dutch military cyclist's protective pants

Dutch military cyclist's protective pants (beenbeschermers voor wielrijders). The pants are made of canvas and served to protect the pants, puttees and shoes during wet weather. Extremely hard to find piece of Dutch equipment in good used condition!

€ 500,00

Luftwaffe Bubble Octant

Luftwaffe Bubble Octant (Libellen-Oktant), used for navigating. Complete set in original box. The set was manufactured by the DeTeWe (Deutsche Telephone Werke) from Berlin. It is nicely marked with a Luftwaffe acceptance marking. Interesting piece of equipment!

€ 450,00

Wehrmacht Extension Cable

Wehrmacht Extension Cable for the FF33 Field Telephone (Verlängerungskabel zum Hörer für Feldfernsprecher FF33) or for the 'Flaksprechgarnitur'. Nicely maker marked and dated 1942/1943, the cable is in very good condition. Nice piece of equipment!

€ 165,00

Dutch Artillery 'Kepie'

Dutch 'Kepie' for a soldier within the Artillery. This is a soldiers rank kepi, recognizable by the double red coloured piping. The red coloured piping is indicating that this kepi belonged to a soldier within an Artillery Regiment. Nice original kepi in good used condition!

€ 120,00

WH FF33 additional headphone

Wehrmacht FF33 Field Telephone additional headphone (Zusatzkopfhörer für den Feldfernsprecher FF33). The headphone comes without headband. It is nicely maker marked and dated 1939. Nice piece of equipment!

€ 90,00

Wehrmacht Armband for disabled soldiers

This is a rare original golden-yellow-coloured linnen Wehrmacht Armband for disabled soldiers (Armbinde für körperbehinderte Soldaten). The armband is executed in a technique similar to the 'BeVo'- weave technique. Nice original armband in good used condition!

€ 250,00

Observation Binoculars 12x60 'FMG 41 T'

Wehrmacht Observation Binoculars 12x60 (Beobachtungsfernrohr 12x60) ,marked with 'FMG 41 T' (Funkmeßgerät 41T), this binoculars were for use with a radar unit. Maker marked with 'blc' indicating production by the company of 'Carl Zeiss' from Jena. A nice and honest piece of equipment!

€ 695,00

Rare original 'Sturmgeschütz IV' photograph

Rare original period black & white photograph (6 x 8,5cm) showing the 'Sturmgeschütz IV'. The StuG IV on the photograph is equipped with a '7.5 cm StuK 40 L/48' and additional armor plates are mounted on the sides. Original period photographs of the StuG IV are very scarce and hard to find!

€ 100,00

Wehrmacht Antenna Guy Wire

Wehrmacht Antenna Guy Wire (Isolator für Abspannseil von Antenne). The insulators prevent parasitic currents from building up. These guy wires were used with the late war 'Steckmast' antenna. Nice example in very good condition!

€ 75,00

Luftwaffe FLAK Ceramic Tile 1943

Luftwaffe 'Zur fünften Kriegsweihnacht - Lei.-Flak-Abt. 761' ceramic tile (Fliese). Made by the famous 'Meissen' company. Hard to find and very decorative original piece!

€ 145,00

Dutch NSB-related 'Landwacht-VCD' Cufftitle

Dutch NSB-related 'Landwacht-V.C.D.' (Landwacht - Verkeers Controle Dienst) Cufftitle. The 'Landwacht' was a Dutch para-military organisation, created on 12 November 1943 by the German authorities. The cufftitle is 45 cms long. Very rare original cufftitle in good condition!

€ 995,00

Dutch NSB-related 'Landwacht' Cufftitle

Dutch NSB-related 'Landwacht' Cufftitle. The 'Landwacht' was a Dutch para-military organisation, created on 12 November 1943 by the German authorities. The cufftitle is 35,5 cms long and is clearly used and tunic removed. Rare original cufftitle in good condition!

€ 1250,00

NSB 'Jaarlijksche Afstandsmarsch' 1935 Medal

Very nice NSB (Dutch pro-German Nazi Party) 'Jaarlijksche Afstandsmarsch' 1935 Medal. Enamelled example, complete with its original ribbon. Hard to find original medal in very good condition!

€ 350,00

WW2 Canadian 'Ross' Fighting Knife

WW2 Canadian Fighting Knife. WW1 Ross Rifle Bayonet which has been re-issued during WW2, it has been officially factory converted into Fighting Knife. Hard to find original Canadian Fighting Knife in good condition!

€ 195,00

Rare original WW2 Polish ATS Jacket

World War 2 Polish ATS Jacket (Service Dress). This is an original 1941 Pattern ATS Jacket, worn by a female Polish ATS member. The jacket is complete with original applied collar tabs, Polish eagle buttons and 'Poland' shoulder titles. Rare original Polish female ATS Jacket!

€ 495,00

WH (Heer) Infantry Officer's Grouping

Wehrmacht (Heer) Infantry Officer's M36 style Field Blouse and document grouping, named to 'Leutnant Günther Petschat'. Included are his Soldbuch, three award-documents and ID-tag. Rare and interesting grouping that surely merits further investigation!

€ 1750,00

NSKK Vehicle Radiator Plaque

NSKK (National Socialistisches Kraftfahr Korps) Vehicle Radiator Plaque or car grill badge. The eagle is nicely marked with 'Ges.Gesch.' on the back. Nice and scarce original example in good used condition!

€ 195,00

Hitler-Jugend Wooden Shield

Hitler-Jugend Wooden Shield. Made for charity by the Hitler Youth collecting for the Winter help work. The wooden shield is showing the HJ logo. Nice and decorative original item!

€ 200,00

'Germaansche Landdienst' Brooch

'Germaansche Landdienst' Brooch. The brooch has a functional pin-back device to its hollow-back reverse. The brooch is not visible maker marked. Great looking brooch in very good condition!

€ 250,00

Waffen-SS BeVo 'Adolf Hitler' Cufftitle

Waffen-SS BeVo 'Adolf Hitler' cufftitle (Ärmelband). Both ends are factory machine-sewn with one end having the 'BeVo-Wuppertal' maker's name. The cufftitle is in good unissued condition showing some staining and traces of years of storage. Nice original cufftitle!

€ 1100,00

NSDAP 25 Years Long Service Award

'NSDAP-Dienstauszeichnung in Gold' - '1. Stufe für 25 Jahre treue Dienst' (NSDAP Twenty Five Years Long Service Award). The medal medal comes with its original long sized ribbon. Rare original NSDAP Twenty-five Years Long Service Award in stunning mint condition!

€ 3500,00

WW1 Binoculars - 'Fernglas 08'

Standard World War 1 German army binoculars 'Fernglas 08'. Nicely maker marked by the company of 'Emil Busch AG' in Rathenow. The binoculars are in good used condition, a nice and honest piece of equipment!

€ 100,00

German 'Gendarmerie' Service Tunic

German Police Service Tunic (Dienstrock) as intended for a 'Leutnant der Gendarmerie'. The tunic is nicely maker marked by the tailor 'Döpke & Wilkens' from Bremen, the tunic is named to a lieutenant and dated 1942. Interesting original Police tunic!

€ 725,00

TeNo M31 Shelter Quarter

'Technische Nothife' (TeNo) M31 Shelter Quarter (Zeltbahn 31). The Zeltbahn is maker marked by the company of 'Walter Reichert' ("Warei" Patentzelte) in Berlin and dated 1939. It is also marked with "Warei" Zeltbahn, D.R.P., 1939. Nice original Zeltbahn in very good condition!

€ 145,00

WH (Heer) Panzer Trooper's Trousers

WH (Heer) Panzer Trooper's Trousers (Panzerhose für Mannschaften). Nicely maker marked by a clothing company from Wunsiedel and dated 'M40' (1940). There are regrettably some moth holes/damages on front of the trousers. Priced accordingly!

€ 1000,00

DJ Belt Buckle

DJ (Deutsche Jungvolk) Belt Buckle (Koppelschloß). Nickel/silver plated 'Sigrune' buckle, this is a rare variant with a larger type 'Sigrune'. The buckle is not visible maker marked. Nice original buckle in good used condition!

€ 110,00

German 'Reichsbahn' lace-up ankle boots

Nice pair of German 'Reichsbahn' (DRB) lace-up ankle boots. The soles are nicely marked with 'Reichsbahn Stiefel' and size '41' marked. Pair in very good condition. Rare opportunity to buy original period footwear to complete your DRB tunic with!

€ 245,00

LW Observer Badge 'CE Juncker'

Nice early tombac Luftwaffe 'Beobachterabzeichen' (Observer Badge). The badge is nicely maker marked by the company of 'C.E. Juncker' from Berlin SW. The badge shows great finish and stunning details, stunning original Observer Badge!

€ 950,00

Reichswehr sport-shirt insignia

This is a large-sized BeVo-woven 'Reichswehr' M32 Sport-Shirt Insignia, sized approximately 20 x 12 cms. Scarce and hard to find early sport-shirt insignia in clearly used and sport-shirt removed condition, nice original example!original example in clearly used and sport-shirt removed condition!

€ 85,00

Scarce original 'Rotfront' Belt and Buckle

Rare original KPD 'Rotfront' (Roter Frontkämpferbund) Belt and Buckle (Koppel und Koppelschloß), nice 2-piece construction box buckle, complete with it's original leather belt as found together. One of the rarest buckles in existence, originals are hardly ever offered for sale!

€ 695,00

SS 'Arbeitsausweis' Krakau 1944

Very unusual SS 'Arbeitsausweis', intended for voluntary workers in the fortification constructions in Krakow in late 1944. The card is in heavily used and fragile condition. Rare and interesting original piece of history!

€ 95,00

LW Rz20 'Fallschirm-Ausweis'

Luftwaffe Rz20 'Fallschirm-Ausweis'. For a Rz20 parachute (FL.Nr.30250) with the unique number '6309230', produced by the company of 'Kurt Peterhänsel' on 28 May 1942. It should be noted that these early 'Ausweis' types of certificates are very difficult to find. Nice original example!

€ 250,00

Luftwaffe Panzer/Mechanic's Overseas Cap

Luftwaffe EM/NCO's Panzer and/or Mechanic's Overseas Cap (Schiffchen). The cap is complete with its original applied cap-eagle. The cap is nicely marked with RB.Nr.0/0912/0017 and dated 1944. Nice original cap in mint and unissued condition!

€ 345,00

WH 'Erdsprechgerät' Headphone 'Dfh g'

Wehrmacht 'Erdsprechgerät' Headphone (Doppelfernhörer g). The set is nicely WaA marked and dated 1944. Example in very good condition. Scarce and hard to find original piece of equipment! New Price: from 280 for 195,-!

€ 195,00

Dutch Motor Cyclist's Leather Jacket

Dutch Motor Cyclist's Leather Jacket (Motorrijders Jas). The jacket is nicely marked and dated with 'CM1931' (Centraal Magazijn). It is complete with the almost always missing removable lining. Nice original leather jacket in good condition!

€ 795,00

Luftwaffe Wooden Aircraft-Ammunition Box

Luftwaffe Wooden Aircraft-Ammunition Box (Luftwaffen-Munition). The box is complete with all paper labels indicating that it contained '13mm Brsprgr Patr.L'spur El.o.Zerl.' (fire explosive ammunition with tracer, not self-destroying). Rare original Aircraft Ammunition box in stunning condition!

€ 150,00

Luftwaffe M43 Trousers (Keilhose)

Luftwaffe M43 Combat Field Pants (Keilhose). The trousers are nicely maker marked by the company of 'K.H.Leibfried' in Stuttgart. It is a perfect size for display on a mannequin. Hard to find original pair of late war Luftwaffe trousers in good used condition!

€ 895,00

KdF 'Reiseleiter Kreis Freiberg' Armband

KdF 'Reiseleiter "Kraft durch Freude" Kreis Freiberg' Armband (Armbinde). The 40cms long sized armband is showing the embroidered white script 'Reiseleiter "Kraft durch Freude" Kreis Freiberg' on a dark blue wool base. Scarce original KdF armband in very good condition!

€ 165,00

DAF Festive Tunic (Festanzug)

'Deutsche Arbeitsfront' Festive Tunic (Festanzug). The festive tunic was worn on special occasions/celebrations. Dark blue wool construction tunic, complete with all DAF type buttons. Nice and hard to find original DAF Tunic!

€ 225,00

East German General's Dagger in Presentation Case

East German General's Dagger in Presentation Case (Generalsdolch der Landstreitkräfte). The dagger is complete with dagger-hangers and comes in it's original red coloured luxury presentation box. Nice set in good unissued condition!

€ 495,00

Polizei Gendarmerie Meister's Greatcoat

German 'Gendarmerie' (Rural Police) Meister's Greatcoat (Mantel). Nice quality, Police green, wool/rayon blend construction greatcoat, piped with the Rural Police orange branch colour. Complete with shoulder-boards. Nice original greatcoat in good used condition!

€ 325,00

Schutzpolizei Officer's Shako

Schutzpolizei Officer's Shako (Tschako für Offiziere). Complete with officer's type shako-eagle and hand-embroidered cocarde. The shako is showing some minimal traces of usage and years of storage and is in close to mint condition. Nice original Police Officer's Shako!

€ 1350,00

'Feldherrnhalle' Souvenir Wall Plaque

'Feldherrnhalle' wall-plaque. The plaque is showing a front-view of the 'München Feldherrnhalle'. The detailed plaque is placed on a wooden base, sized approximately 17 x 16,5 cms. Hard to find original item!

€ 295,00

Kyffhäuserbund Gorget

'NS-Reichskriegerbund/Kyffhäuserbund' (NSRKB) Gorget (Ringkragen). The full-length chain is present and is showing a a swastika/Iron Cross alternating motif. The gorget is showing normal traces of usage and is in overall good condition. Nice and decorative original example!

€ 495,00