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World War 2 German Personal Kit Items

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Results 251 - 266 of 266

Personal Kit Items

'Welt-hölzer' Wooden Safety Matches

World War 2-era box of wooden safety matches: 'Welthölzer', manufactured by the company 'Deutsche Zündwaren Monopolgesellschaft'. Nice original personal kit item, the price is for one package in good unissued condition.

€ 10,00

Metal Sugar Ration Tin

Metal Sugar Ration Tin, made by the Dutch 'Wester Suikerraffinaderij' in Amsterdam, specially produced for the Wehrmacht and marked with 'WEHRM' on the bottom. The tin is sized 11,5cms high and 10cms in diameter. Decorative original sugar tin!

€ 100,00

Polizei ID-disc & Pouch

This is an zinc-based Polizei ID-disc (Erkennungsmarke) for a member within the 'Landrat Hameln', on the back the strikethrough text 'GEM.POL.VW.Hameln' (Gemeindepolizei Verwaltung). The ID-disc comes in it's original Leather Pouch. Nice set in very good condition!

€ 95,00

WH (Heer) 'Zenith' Pocket Watch

Wehrmacht (Heer) Pocket Watch (Dienstuhr). Nice original WW2 period manual wind movement pocket watch by hard to find maker 'Zenith', marked with the unique number 'D8405618H' (Dienstuhr Heer). The watch is in functional and running condition. That neat little item to complete your mannequin with!

€ 395,00

German 'Deli Bonbons' Package

German 'Deli Bonbons' Package. Nice original empty wartime bonbons (sweets) package produced by the 'Deli Schokoladenwerke Komm. Ges.' in Lobositz in the 'Sudetengau'. Very nice original package which would be a great addition to a German personal kit display!

€ 5,00

Kriegsmarine ID-disc '18504/44K'

Kriegsmarine ID-disc is engraved with 'Kriegsmarine' and the unique service-number '18504/44K' (Erkennungsmarke). The aluminum disc is nicely 'Feuervergoldet' (gilded). Nice and scarce original example in very good condition!

€ 60,00

German 'Odilei' Condom

This is a nice original German 'Odilei' Condom in original paper package. The condom was produced by the company of 'Otto Dillner G.m.b.H.', based in Leipzig. Rare and hard to find item, great for completing a personal kit display

€ 40,00

Original German artificial resin 18mm buttons

Original German artificial resin 18mm buttons as used on various tunics/trousers and equipment, for example gascape pouches. Perfect for restauration purposes. The asking-price is naturally intended per single piece!

€ 0,50

Late-war Wehrmacht M44 Tunic Buttons

Late-war Wehrmacht M44 Tunic Buttons (Knöpfe). The buttons are having a diameter of 19mm. This is a special late war type of buttons as intended for late-war M44 tunics. The asking-price is naturally intended per single piece!

€ 2,95

Original small German sweetener package

Nice original small German sweetener package ('Süßtoff-Saccharin'). Manufactured by the company 'Deutsche Süßstoff Gesellschaft m.b.H.' in Berlin (W35). Marked with 'Genehmigte Inlandspackung'. Very nice unissued ration item!

€ 10,00

'Welthölzer' wooden Safety Matches

World War 2-era box of wooden safety matches: 'Welthölzer', manufactured by the company 'Deutsche Zündwaren Monopolgesellschaft'. Nice original personal kit item, the price is for one package in good unissued condition.

€ 10,00

German 'Solidox' Toothpaste

German Toothpaste package: 'Solidox Zahnseife'. The package was produced at the company of 'Solidox ges. für Zahnhygiene m.b.H.' and the original sales price was '45 Rpf' (Reichspfennig). Nice original package in good unissued condition!

€ 25,00

Bakelite Hitler-Jugend 'Marsch-Kompass'

Hitler-Jugend 'Marsch-Kompass' (compass), executed in black-coloured 'Bakelite'. Nicely D.R.P. marked. Complete with it's original leather carrying strap. Nice example in very good condition!

€ 60,00

German Agfa Billy-Record Camera 1937

German Agfa Billy-Record Camera 1937. Nice original photo-camera in good used condition, functionality has not been tested. Decorative period original item, great to complete a German Soldier's personal kit with!

€ 65,00

Wehrmacht Bakelite 'Zeiler' Flashlight

Wehrmacht Bakelite 'Zeiler' Flashlight (Taschenlampe). The brown coloured bakelite flashlight is in complete and undamaged condition. The flashlight is having a red and green color-filter. Hard to find original flashlight in very good condition!

€ 175,00

Dutch made Wehrmacht Flashlight

Nice funcitional example of the famous Dutch so-called 'Knijpkat' Flashlight. This example has been produced in order for the German Wehrmacht, nicely marked with 'Wehrmachteigentum'. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 150,00
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