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Miscellaneous items like flags, porcelain, art, daggers, swords and other unique pieces.

Results 201 - 250 of 413


'Berchtesgaden' Wooden Souvernir Box

Nice hand-made 'Berchtesgaden' wooden souvernir box with carved 'Edelweiß' flower and 'Berchtesgaden' inscription. The box is not visible dated but looks like a period souvernir. Decorative item!

€ 50,00

Waffen-SS Plane Tree Camouflage Fabric

Original piece of Waffen-SS Plane Tree camouflage material (Platanenmuster). The fabric is sized approximately 34 x 7 cms. Perfect for restauration purposes, or just for decoration and/or reference!

€ 45,00

Early NSKK M33 Dagger 'Weyersberg'

Early NSKK M33 Dagger (Dienstdolch M33), complete with its original black painted scabberd. The dagger is nicely maker marked by the company of 'Paul Weyersberg' from Solingen. 'Hochland' marked. Nice original dagger in good used condition!

€ 1100,00

WH (Heer) Commemorative Beer Stein

WH (Heer) Artillery Commemorative Beer Stein (Bierkrug) 'Zur Erinnerung an meine Dienstzeit'. The 0,5-Liter capacity beer stein is showing a Machine-Gun and Mortar setting in its design. Nice and decorative original piece!

€ 200,00

Large Get Well Soon Card to 'General der Infanterie Schmundt'

Original large sized (38 x 48 cms) Get Well Soon Card, dated '13.August MCMXLIV' (13 August 1944) to "General der Infanterie Schmundt" who got wounded at the failed 20 July plot and died later on. Signed by 'Karl-Wilhelm Specht'. Extremely rare original piece of history!

€ 1450,00

Luftwaffe 'Den Siegern von Kreta' Beer Stein

Luftwaffe 'Den Siegern von Kreta' Commemorative Beer Stein (Bierkrug). The 0,5-Liter capacity beer stein is showing a nice image of a Luftwaffe Paratrooper Badge and one of the city of 'Gardelegen'. Rare and decorative original piece!

€ 1650,00

NSDAP Swastika Pole Top

NSDAP Swastika Pole Top (Fahnenspitze) showing a Swastika in a roundel. The 21,5 cms high pole top is made of magnetic chromed metal. It is not visible maker marked. Decorative original piece!

€ 250,00

Third Reich ‘Reichsbahn’ Railroad Eagle

Third Reich ‘Reichsbahn’ Railroad Eagle. 27 inch (69cm) example in very good condition showing great details and a nice patina. Maker marked by 'J&Z' (Johannsen & Ziegner from Oranienburg). Rare and stunning original railroad eagle!

€ 3950,00

'Reichsnährstand' Movie in Metal Case

'Reichsnährstand' Movie in Metal Case (Filmrolle in Film-Dose). The reel is complete with original movie. Decorative and rare original item!

€ 125,00

WW2 German Laboratory Glass 'Erlenmeyer'

World War 2 German Laboratory Glass 'Erlenmeyer' made by the company 'Schott u. Gen.' (Schott und Genossen) from Jena. The 100cc laboratory glass is clearly marked with a German Eagle with Swastika and dated 1939. Rare original item!

€ 85,00

Luftwaffe 'Borduhr' on wooden pedestal

Luftwaffe 'Borduhr' on wooden pedestal. The Borduhr type J30BZ1 (FL.23885) was made by the famous 'Junghans' company, it is in functional/running condition. Decorative original item!

€ 375,00

NSDAP Enamel Sign

'Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei' (NSDAP) Enamel Sign (Emailleschild). The enamel is showing some normal traces of usage, the sign is not visible maker marked. The sign is measuring approximately 49,5 x 49,5 cms. Hard to find original enamel sign in good used condition!

€ 650,00

Wooden Box 'Gen.Komp.Gren.Ers.Btl.466'

Nice hand-made wooden souvernir box with carved inscription "Gen.Kom. Gren.Ers.Btl.466" (Genesenden Kompanie Grenadier Ersatz Bataillon 466). Decorative original item!

€ 95,00

'Kyffhäuserbund' Flag Pole Top

DRKB 'Deutscher Reichskriegerbund' (Kyffhäuserbund) Flag Pole Top (Fahnenspitze). The 25,5cms high Flag Pole Top is made of cast brass, the pole top is showing a nice age patina, it is in overall very good condition. Nice original example!

€ 395,00

Reichsbahn Honor Plaque 1936

'Reichsbahn' (DRB) Honor Plaque (Plakette). The plaque is mounted in a wooden frame and measures approximately 21 x 23 cms. The plaque is named to train driver 'Friedrich Pauker'. Decorative original item!

€ 250,00

HJ/BDM Scarf & Leather Knot

HJ/BDM black triangular Scarf & Leather Knot (Schwarzes Halstuch mit Lederknoten). Nice set in good used condition!

€ 165,00

Eagle on a marble base 'Fl. Schule Hildesheim 1937'

Zinc statue of a German Eagle on a marble base (Adler auf Marmorsockel). Aluminum plate with the inscription 'Zur Erinnerung Uffz-Korps Fl. Schule Hildesheim 1937'. Wings have been repaired. Still a nice and decorative item!

€ 95,00

Wehrmacht (Heer) NCO's Portepee

Wehrmacht (Heer) Sword Portepee (Portepee für Säbel der Unteroffiziere). Nice original replacement item which would be perfect for completing your army sword with. Nice original portepee in very good condition!

€ 70,00

Hand-made 'Reichsarbeitsdienst' Embroidery

Hand-made 'Reichsarbeitsdienst' Embroidery. The embroidery is approximately sized 23 x 18 cms, showing the RAD logo. Decorative original period item!

€ 75,00

Wooden 'Kampfstoffproben' box with contents

Wehrmacht wooden box for 'Kampfstoffproben' (chemical warfare test equipment box). Complete with most of its original contents including 6 cardboard tubes which are all complete with the original glass sample jars. Dated 1944. Scarce original set in good condition!

€ 250,00

Wehrmacht Wooden Target Board 1942

Wehrmacht Wooden Target Board. This wooden target board is dated 22 April 1942, the turkey was shot by 'Uffz. Goldschmitt'. The heavy wooden target board has a diameter of approximately 40cms. Rare and decorative original piece!

€ 125,00

Wehrmacht Souvenir Wall Plaque MG 08/15

Wehrmacht souvernir wall-plaque. The 21 x 16 cms sized plaque is showing an MG 08/15 Machine gun crew. The plaque shows a small brass plate with the script '8./J.R.109 Preisschiessen 36, III Preis'. Hard to find decorative original item!

€ 225,00

Hitler-Jugend Knife

Hitler-Jugend Knife (HJ Fahrtenmesser). Late war unmarked example, complete with original scabberd. Remaining most of its original black paint. Nice original HJ knife in good used condition!

€ 575,00

'Adolf Hitler' Wall Plaque by 'Arno Breker'

Rare original cast-iron wall relief picture of 'Adolf Hitler', anniversary edition for Hitler's 50st birthday. The plaque is having a diameter of 9,5cms. The relief picture of Adolf Hitler is signed by the famous artist "Arno Breker". Rare and decorative original piece!

€ 395,00

German 'Reichskriegsflagge' 100x170

German 'Reichskriegsflagge' (National War Flag). Nice medium 100x170cms sized flag, maker marked with company logo 'WFT' and marked with 'Kriegsflg. 100x170'. Nice original flag in good used condition!

€ 795,00

Wehrmacht (Heer) Sword Portepee

Wehrmacht (Heer) Sword Portepee (Portepee für Säbel der Offiziere). Nice original replacement item which would be perfect for completing your army sword with. Nice original portepee in very good condition!

€ 95,00

Wehrmacht (Heer) Desk Clock 'Kienzle 1940'

Wehrmacht (Heer) Desk Clock by 'Kienzle', dated 1940. This was a so-called "Funkraumuhr" (communication room clock) having a 8 day Movement, it runs perfectly. Decorative original clock in good functional condition!

€ 485,00

WW2 German Molotov Cocktail

German Molotov Cocktail. The empty glass bottle was to be filled with petrol. There are two special recesses in the side to attach the fuzes. Decorative and hard to find original empty bottle!

€ 125,00

German 'Westfälische Landeszeitung' Newspaper Enamel Sign

German 'Westfälische Landeszeitung Rode Erde' Newspaper Enamel Sign (Emailleschild). The enamel sign is maker marked by 'Ferro-Email' from the company 'C. Robert Dold' from Offenburg. The sign is measuring approximately 59 x 39 cms. Hard to find original enamel sign in very good condition!

€ 1250,00

Large sized 'Adolf Hitler' Bust

Large sized, twice life size, 'Adolf Hitler' Bust (Büste des Reichskanzlers Adolf Hitler). This is an approximately 60 cms high heavy quality cast iron bust. Truly rare and impressive piece of Third Reich Propaganda!

€ 4500,00

German 'Der Alemanne' Newspaper Enamel Sign

German 'Der Alemanne' Newspaper Enamel Sign (Emailleschild). The enamel sign is maker marked by 'Boos & Hahn' from Ortenberg (Baden). The sign is measuring approximately 59 x 39 cms. Hard to find original enamel sign in very good condition!

€ 1000,00

NSDAP - National Flag

NSDAP - National Flag / Banner (Politische Fahne). The double-sided multi-piece construction flag is sized approximately 304 x 108 cms. The flag is having reinforcement stitching and is complete with its original cord with loop. Original flag in good used condition!

€ 500,00

Model 1731 Prussian Cavalry Pistol

Model 1731 Prussian Cavalry Pistol (Kavalleriepistole M1731), which is a Prussian flintlock pistol (Steinschlosspistole), spring intact, long version with full walnut stock, some old restoration to the stock. Overall in very good condition. Rare original Prussian Cavalry Pistol!

€ 2250,00

Gebirgsjäger Petsamo Souvernir Brass Moose

Wehrmacht Gebirgsjäger Petsamo Souvernir Brass Moose Head. Locally made souvernir which originate from the Petsamo area in Finland and were sold to Gebirgsjäger soldiers. The first such example I've encountered. Great and decorative original item!

€ 150,00

'Blumenschmuck Wettbewerb 1941' Ceramic Tile

Large sized "München Hauptstadt der Bewegung Blumenschmuck Wettbewerb 1941" Ceramic Tile (Keramikkachel). The tile measures approximately 23,5 x 26 cms. Maker marked by 'Ernst Königbauer' from München. Decorative original piece!

€ 495,00

NSDAP 'Unser Gruß ist Heil Hitler!' Enamel Sign

NSDAP 'Unser Gruß ist Heil Hitler!' Enamel Sign (Emailleschild). The enamel is showing some normal traces of usage and some damages, the sign is not visible maker marked. The sign is measuring approximately 52 x 32 cms. This is a rare and hard to find original enamel sign!

€ 1350,00

'NSV-Blockwalter' Enamel Sign

'NSV-Blockwalter' Enamel Sign (Emailleschild) with paper label from the manufacturer 'C. Robert Dold' from Offenburg. The enamel is showing some normal traces of usage. Sized approximately 24,5 x 24,5 cms. Hard to find small sized original enamel sign in very good condition!

€ 275,00

DRK Subordinate's Hewer

German Red Cross (DRK) Subordinate's Hewer (Hauer für Mannschaften). The dagger is in good condition, complete with its original leather frog, maker marked and dated with 'jkh 41'. Nice original DRK hewer!

€ 1150,00

Luftwaffe Desk Clock by 'Junghans'

Luftwaffe Desk Clock by 'Junghans'. This was a so-called "Funkraumuhr" (communication room clock) having a 'J30D' 8 day Movement by 'Junghans'. Decorative original clock in good functional condition!

€ 495,00

'Wehrm.Verpflegungs-Ausgabestelle' Wooden Sign

'Wehrm.Verpflegungs-Ausgabestelle' Wooden Sign. The sign is measuring approximately 100 x 20 cms. Very decorative and rare original wartime wooden road sign, this would be a great display piece in any collection room!

€ 1200,00

Iraqi Captured Sterling Silverware Fork

Iraqi Captured Sterling Silverware Fork from Saddam Hussein's Kuwaiti Palace, these were taken as a trophy by US soldiers during operation Iraqi Freedom in the 2003 Second Gulf War. Interesting original Iraqi War souvernir!

€ 150,00

German 'Volksempfänger' VE301W Radio

German 'Volksempfänger' Radio (Volksempfänger, Typ VE 301 W) as introduced in 1933. The radio is complete with the rare original 'Luxor' antenna switch (Antennenschalter). Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 350,00

Luftwaffe 'Siemens K32' Troop Radio

Luftwaffe 'Siemens K32GWB' Broadcast Receiver (Truppenbetreuungsempfänger). The radio was made by the 'Siemens' company. The wooden box is is showing painted on Luftwaffe eagles. Great display piece!

€ 895,00

Wehrmacht Vehicle Identification Flag

Wehrmacht Flag with grommets in the corners, used for vehicle identification from the air to avoid being bombed by other German units. The flag is sized approximately 197 x 95 cms. Rare original Swastika vehicle identification flag in very good condition!

€ 485,00

Wehrmacht 'Feldgendarmerie' Gorget

Wehrmacht 'Feldgendarmerie' Gorget (Ringkragen). The full-length chain is present. The magnetic steel gorget is complete with its brown carton backing. Hard to find original example in very good, near mint, condition!

€ 1300,00

'Umleitung' Wooden Sign

'Umleitung' Wooden Sign. The sign is measuring approximately 54 x 15 cms. Very decorative and rare original wartime wooden road sign, this would be a great display piece in any collection room!

€ 400,00

'Zum Luftschutzraum' Enamel Sign

'Zum Luftschutzraum' Enamel Sign (Emailleschild). This is a rarely seen variant with special luminous paint which will glow in the dark. The sign is measuring approximately 42 x 15 cms. Hard to find original enamel sign in good used condition!

€ 395,00

Bronze eagle on a marble base by 'Prof. Poertzel'

Bronze eagle on a marble base (Bronze Adler auf Marmorsockel). The 47 cms high statue is having a wingspan of 60cms and weighs approximately 17kgs. The bust is signed by the famous sculpter 'Prof.Otto Poertzel' (1876-1963). Truly impressive large, majestic table eagle!

€ 2750,00

German Helmet Chamber Pot

German Helmet Chamber Pot (Nachttopf). The enamelled chamber pot is made of a recycled German Army helmet, these were sold by the Dutch 'Hema' store in the early post-war years. Decorative and interesting original post-war reissued helmet!

€ 295,00

German 'Reichskriegsflagge' 80x135

German 'Reichskriegsflagge' (National War Flag). Nice small 80x135cms sized flag, maker marked by the company of 'N.V.P.F. v. Vlissingen & Co's Katoenfabr.' from Helmond and marked with 'Kr.Fl. 80x135'. Nice original flag in very good condition!

€ 900,00