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Miscellaneous items like flags, porcelain, art, daggers, swords and other unique pieces.

Results 301 - 350 of 413


Plywood Toy Soldier - SA Standard Bearer

Glued to plywood and cut out SA Standard Bearer. These where period DIY paper toy soldiers for kids which where intended to glue on plywood and cut out. Decorative original example!

€ 35,00

'Adolf Hitler' Wall Plaque 11 March 1938

Rare original cast-iron wall relief picture of 'Adolf Hitler' commemorating the 'Anschluss' (Annexation) of Austria which started on 11 March 1938. The plaque is having a diameter of 13,8cms. Rare and decorative original piece!

€ 295,00

Deutsches Jungvolk Flag / Banner

Large sized DJ (Deutsches Jungvolk) Flag or Banner (Fahne). The single-sided multi-piece construction flag is sized approximately 88 x 56 cms and mounted on a 83 cms wide wooden pole. Rare original DH banner in very good condition!

€ 750,00

Luftwaffe Eagle

Luftwaffe Eagle which was originally mounted on a marble socket and awarded as a shooting price. This is a 19cms wide silvered alloy metal Luftwaffe-style eagle with spread wings. Decorative original item!

€ 250,00

NSDAP 'Nürnberg' Pewter Plate

NSDAP 'Nürnberg, Stadt der Reichsparteitage' Pewter Plate (Zinnteller). The plate is showing the city of Nürnberg surrounded by nine shields of different paramilitary organizations. 20cms in diameter. The plate regrettably lost all silver finish on the obverse Decorative original item!

€ 350,00

Lufwaffe Parachute Harness Quick Release Box

Lufwaffe Parachute Harness Quick Release Box (SA-Schloss). The QR box shows engraved type 'Autoflug', 'FL30232' and was manufactured by the company 'Aufoflug' from Berlin. Decorative original example in very good condition!

€ 150,00

Large Sized 'Hermann Göring' Photograph

Large poster size black and white 'Hermann Göring' Photograph. The photograph is approximately sized 59,5 x 46 cms. It is showing the number 'Nr.1438' and was printed by the 'Original Foto u. Verlag Rob Röhr' from Magdeburg. Unique piece of Third Reich propaganda!

€ 495,00

Kriegsmarine 'Rettungsbojenlicht' 1941

Kriegsmarine 'Rettungsbojenlicht'. The lifebuoy light was used in the unfortunate event of a man overboard, the lifebuoy light was launched on a line attached to a life ring, producing on contact with the water a smoke column visibla at great distance. Decorative original item!

€ 350,00

Swastika Car Pennant Pole Top

Swastika Car Pennant Pole Top (Fahnenspitze) showing a Swastika in a oakleaf wreath. The 6cms high pole top is made of non-magnetic metal. It is nicely 'RZM' and 'D.R.G.M.' marked. Decorative original piece!

€ 145,00

Reichsarbeitsdienst Car Pennant Pole Top

RAD (Reichsarbeitsdienst) Car Pennant Pole Top (Fahnenspitze) showing the RAD logo. The 8,5cms high pole top is made of non-magnetic metal, the pole top is showing a nice age patina, it is in overall good used condition, decorative original piece!

€ 125,00

Large Sized 'Adolf Hitler' Lithograph

Large poster size black and white 'Adolf Hitler' photo-drawing/lithograph. The drawing is approximately sized 63,5 x 48 cms. It is showing the number 'Nr.1200' and was printed by the 'Verlag Rob Röhr' from Magdeburg. Unique piece of Third Reich propagandistic art!

€ 450,00

NSV Door Plaque 'Gau Hessen-Nassau'

NSV (Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt) 'Gau Hessen-Nassau' Door Plaque (Türplakette). The plaque is very lightweight, stamped from a thin metal sheet. The plaques is having a diameter of approximately 9 cms. Decorative original item!

€ 95,00

'Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer!' Propaganda Poster

'Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer!' Propaganda Poster showing Adolf Hitler. The poster is sized approximately 59 x 42 cms. The poster is showing small damages and traces of age and usage, see photos. Scarce original period propaganda poster in good used condition!

€ 600,00

10 May 1940 Souvernir Handkerchief

10 May 1940 Souvernir Handkerchief, made of parachute cloth originating from German Paratroopers (Fallschirmjäger) who jumped in Holland on 10 May 1940 during the German invasion of the Netherlands. Rare and decorative original item!

€ 125,00

Wehrmacht Commemorative Beer Stein

Wehrmacht (Heer) Commemorative Beer Stein (Bierkrug) - 'Nachrichten Abteilung 7'. The 0,5-Liter capacity beer stein is showing a nice image of a signals soldier on a horse. Nice and decorative original piece!

€ 125,00

WW2 Period German Fire Extinguisher

World War 2 Period German Fire Extinguisher (Trocken-Feuer-Löscher). The fire extinguisher is still filled with the original extinguishing powder. The fire extinguisher is made by the company 'Clou' and marked 'D.R.P.' (Deutsches Reich Patent). Decorative original item!

€ 100,00

Framed Wehrmacht Faithfull Service Certificate

Framed Wehrmacht Faithfull Service Certificate (Dienstzeit-Erinnerungskunde) to a member within the '10./Infanterie-Regiment Braunschweig'. The colourfull certificate is originally framed in a 37,5 x 47,5 cms sized wooden frame. Decorative original framed certificate!

€ 150,00

NSDAP Enamel Sign

'Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei' (NSDAP) Enamel Sign (Emailleschild). The enamel is showing some normal traces of usage, the sign is not visible maker marked. The sign is measuring approximately 49,5 x 49,5 cms. Hard to find original enamel sign in good used condition!

€ 950,00

Framed Luftwaffe Faithfull Service Certificate

Framed Luftwaffe Faithfull Service Certificate (Dienstzeit-Erinnerungskunde) to a member within the '4./Flakregiment 33'. The colourfull certificate is framed in a 32 x 44 cms sized wooden frame. Decorative original framed certificate!

€ 95,00

Silver Luftwaffe Honor Goblet

Luftwaffe Honor Goblet (Ehrenpokal der Luftwaffe). The goblet was awarded on 1 January 1941 to Oberleutnant 'Hermann Schmitt', he was a member within the '1./Kampf-Geschwader 77'. 835 Silver Goblet made by the company of 'Joh.Wagner & Sohn' from Berlin. Rare original piece of history!

€ 4650,00

Wehrmacht Officer's Sword Grouping

Wehrmacht (Heer) Officer's Sword/Saber (Säbel für Offiziere), maker marked by 'E.u.F. Hörster' from Solingen. The sword is complete with portepee and blue woolen carrying bag. It comes together with a single shoulder strap and portrait-photo of the owner with sword. Stunning grouping!

€ 895,00

'Adolf Hitler' Table Bust

Adolf Hitler' Table Bust (Büste des Reichskanzlers Adolf Hitler), signed by 'Schmidt Hofer'. The bust is approximately 22,5cms high and comes without pedestal. Hard to find original large sized bust in good condition!

€ 950,00

Framed Painting of a Wehrmacht Oberleutnant

Large sized framed Painting of a Wehrmacht Oberleutnant within the 'Infanterie-Regiment 82'. The oil painting is signed by 'Louis Montaigu' (1905-1988) and dated 1943. The oil painting is sized approximately 61x72cms. Great looking original Wehrmacht painting!

€ 450,00

'Für Wehrmacht verboten' Carton Sign

'Für Wehrmacht verboten, Der Stadtkommandant' Carton Sign. The carton sign is approximately sized 39 x 30 cms. There are some small damages and cracks. Nice decorative original carton sign in good used condition!

€ 135,00

WH (Heer) Panzer Reservist’s Flask & Shoulder Strap

WH (Heer) Panzer Reservist’s Flask & Shoulder Strap from a member within the '2. Panzer-Nachrichten-Ersatz-Abteilung 82'. The regimental glass flask is complete with aluminum cover, screw cap and with red, white, black coloured carrying cord. Decorative original set!

€ 295,00

'Obersalzberg' Souvenir Beer Stein

'Obersalzberg' Souvenir Beer Stein (Bierkrug). The 0,5-Liter capacity beer stein is showing the city of Berchtesgaden as its central design with Hitler's House on the 'Obersalzberg' to the left and the 'Königssee' to the right. Nice and decorative original souvenir item!

€ 150,00

WH (Heer) Artillery Commemorative Beer Stein

WH (Heer) Artillery Commemorative Beer Stein (Bierkrug) 'Zur Erinnerung an meine Dienstzeit'. The 0,5-Liter capacity beer stein is showing various artillery settings in its design. Nice and decorative original piece!

€ 195,00

Rare set of Kriegsmarine Signal Flags

Rare original set of Kriegsmarine Signal Flags (Signalflaggen) in original cloth pouch/roll. All flags are in good used condition, showing many nice markings and Kriegsmarine acceptance markings. Rare and decorative original set!

€ 750,00

Kriegsmarine Remembrance Wooden Wall Plaque

Remembrance Wooden Wall Plaque to Kriegsmarine Stabsgefreiter 'Hermann Behrens' who got a burial at sea in the Aegean sea. This wooden wall plaque was made as a remembrance by his family. The iron cross shaped plaque is approximately sized 38 x 38 cms. Decorative item!

€ 450,00

Luftwaffe Officers Sword

Luftwaffe Officers Sword (Schwert für Offiziere), also known as 'Fliegerschwert'. The swords is having all aluminum fittings. The blade is nicely maker marked by the company of 'F.& A. Helbig, Gaefler' from Steinbach (Kr.M.). Scarce original early Luftwaffe sword in very good condition!

€ 995,00

Personal Suitcase of Oblt. 'Emil Becker' - KIA

Personal Suitcase of Oberleutnant 'Emil Becker' who was wounded in action and died on 1 May 1944 in a Lazarett in Wesenberg (Rakvere, Estonia). His suitcase with personal belongings was sent home to wife. The suitcase comes together with a photo of his grave. Interesting piece of history!

€ 150,00

Kriegsmarine Souvernir Glass Show Case

Kriegsmarine Souvernir Glass Show Case 'Erinnerung an die Kriegsjahre 1939-'42 Vlissingen-Holland' (Memory of the war years 1939-'42 Vlissingen-Holland). The glass show case is showing a 3D model of a Kriegsmarine Boat marked S-4 waving the battle flag. Decorative show case!

€ 250,00

1st Pattern Luftwaffe Officer's Dagger

1st Pattern Luftwaffe Officer's Dagger (Luftwaffe Offizierdolch), complete with its original portepee. This 1st pattern was called 'Borddolch' or 'Fliegerdolch'. Early example with nickel/silver fittings, maker marked by the company of 'WKC' from Solingen. Nice original Luftwaffe dagger!

€ 795,00

Set of HJ/NSFK Cut-Out Paper Plane Models

Set of HJ/NSFK Cut-Out Paper Plane Models. One black&white coloured NSFK 'Bauplan Nr.1 Einführungs-Flugmodell' Plane, the other one is a HJ-NSFK paper plane in colour. Decorative original period unissued paper plane models!

€ 75,00

'Deutsches Rotes Kreuz' Enamel Sign

'Deutsches Rotes Kreuz' (DRK) Enamel Sign (Dienststellenschild). The enamel is showing some normal traces of usage, the sign is not visible maker marked. The sign is measuring approximately 49,5 x 49,5 cms. Hard to find original enamel sign in good used condition!

€ 695,00

Luftwaffe Souvernir Ceramic Tile

Luftwaffe Souvernir Ceramic Tile (Fliese) showing a relief image of a Pilot above a propeller, runic symbols are visible in all corners. The tile measures approximately 10 x 10 cms. Decorative original piece!

€ 125,00

Clothing Hanger 'Adolf Hitlerplatz'

Rare original Clothing Hanger from the company 'Hiller' from Karlsruhe, during the war this company was located at the 'Ad.Hitlerpl.' (Adolf Hitlerplatz). Decorative original clothing hanger!

€ 125,00

Wehrmacht Wooden 'Wolchow' Stick 1943

Wehrmacht Wooden 'Wolchow' Stick. Personal hand-carved wooden so-called "Wolchow" stick of a German Wehrmacht soldier showing images of an Iron Cross and a Wehrmacht style eagle. The stick is dated 1943. Decorative original piece!

€ 195,00

HJ - DJH Collecting Box Banderole

HJ - DJH Collecting Box Banderole (Banderole für Spendenbüchse). As used on the collecting boxes used at the street collections (Reichsstraßensammlung) held by the 'Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk'. Decorative original item!

€ 40,00

Luftwaffe Wooden Presentation Display Stand

Luftwaffe Wooden Presentation Display Stand. The stand shows a large sized carved early type drooptail Luftwaffe eagle on top, below are two wooden shutters behind which a photo can be presented. The wooden stand is approximately sized 52,5 x 32,5 x 17 cms. Decorative original period piece!

€ 350,00

Hitler-Jugend Flag

Large sized Hitler-Jugend Flag or Banner (Hitler-Jugend Lagerfahne). The double-sided multi-piece construction flag is sized approximately 238 x 108 cms. The flag is nicely maker marked by the company 'Fahnen-Fleck' from Hamburg. Rare original early HJ flag in good used condition!

€ 650,00

Reichskriegsflagge in US Souvernir Box

Nice medium 100x170cms sized 'Reichskriegsflagge' (National War Flag) in US Soldier's mail-home wooden souvernir box. The box was sent home by 'Sergeant Lyle V. Mustered' who was a member within the 'HQ.Btry.773 F.H.BN.'. Nice and decorative original display item!

€ 495,00

'Minen Lebensgefahr' Wooden Sign

'Minen Lebensgefahr' Wooden Sign. These wooden signs were used by the Nazis to indicate a minefield. The sign is measuring approximately 50 x 29 cms. Very decorative and rare original wartime wooden sign, this would be a great display piece in any collection room!

€ 1250,00

German Patriotic Swastika Wallpaper

German Patriotic Swastika Wallpaper. The roll of wallpaper shows red paper with black swastikas in silver roundels. The 6cms wide roll counts approximately 80 swastikas and measures approximately 5 meters in length. Rare period original Swastika wallpaper!

€ 150,00

WH (Heer) Officer's Dagger

Wehrmacht (Heer) Officer's Dagger (Heeres Offiziersdolch). The dagger is nicely maker marked by the company of 'F.W.Höller' from Solingen. Nice original dagger officer's in good condition!

€ 495,00

Large Sized 'Adolf Hitler' Lithograph

Large sized black and white 'Adolf Hitler' offset lithograph. The lithograph is approximately sized 70 x 100 cms. The litho is showing a unique number and signature by the artist. Unique piece of Third Reich propagandistic art!

€ 750,00

Wehrmacht Vehicle Identification Flag

Wehrmacht Flag with grommets in the corners, used for vehicle identification from the air to avoid being bombed by other German units. The flag is sized approximately 192 x 92 cms. Rare original 'Balkenkreuz' vehicle identification flag in good condition!

€ 450,00

Wehrmacht Officer's Sword

Wehrmacht (Heer) Officer's Sword/Saber (Säbel für Offiziere), lion head type. The blade is nicely maker marked by the company of 'Eickhorn' from Solingen and marked by distributer 'Linnenbrügger & Ellermann'. Nice original Wehrmacht Officer's Sword in good used condition!

€ 575,00

Kriegsmarine Officer's Dagger

Kriegsmarine Officer's Dagger (Kriegsmarine Dolch für Offiziere), complete with its original portepee. The etched blade is in good condition and nicely maker marked with the logo of the company 'Eickhorn' from Solingen. Nice original Kriegsmarine dagger in good used condition!

€ 795,00

Allach Porcelain Goat

Rare painted glazed Allach porcelain Goat (Zicklein/Ziege), model number #108, designed by 'Theodor Kärner'. The goat is approximately 15cms high. The goat is nicely maker marked with the stylized SS runes logo of the Allach company. Rare and decorative original item!

€ 895,00