Wehrmacht Bicycle Grenade Box
Wehrmacht Bicycle Grenade Box (Munitionskasten für Truppenfahrrad). The black metal box is missing the inner-frame. The box is maker marked and dated 'bzk 44' indicating production in 1944. Rare and hard to find original box in good used condition!
British Sten Gun Magazine Loading Tool
British Sten Gun Magazine Loading Tool. The tool was used for loading the 9mm magazines for the Canadian and British Mk.II, Mk.III, and Mk.V Sten Guns. Nice original British Sten Gun loading tool in very good condition!
HJ Proficiency Badge in Silver
Hitler-Jugend Proficiency Badge in Silver (HJ Leistungsabzeichen). The cupal construction badge is nicely maker marked with 'RZM M1/101' indicating production by the company of 'Gustav Brehmer' from Markneukirchen, and marked with number '244688'. Nice original example!
Standard Wehrmacht Compass
Standard Wehrmacht Compass (Marschkompaß). The compass is nicely maker marked by the company 'Hugo Krieger & Faudt' from Berlin, it comes with its original carrying cord. Nice original example in good used condition!
Canadian R.C.A.S.C. Battle Dress Jacket
Canadian RCASC Battle Dress Jacket, complete with period machine-sewn 'R.C.A.S.C.' shoulder titles, Canada patches and hand-applied 1st Canadian Infantry Division patches. Nicely maker marked and dated 1943, size 6. Nice original RCASC Batte Dress Tunic!
Canadian Canvas 'Canada' Shoulder Title
Canadian 'Canada' Shoulder Title. British made canvas example. Nice original patch in very good, mint and unissued, condition!
'The Westminster Regiment Canada' Title
'The Westminster Regiment Canada' Shoulder Title. British made, printed on canvas, shoulder title. The title is in very good, mint and unissued, condition!
Canadian Canvas 'Canada' Shoulder Title
Canadian 'Canada' Shoulder Title. British made canvas example. There is some glue residu on the back, it has most likely been pasted in a scrapbook once. Nice patch in good used condition!
Canadian Armoured Corps Protective Beret Cover
RCAC (Royal Canadian Armoured Corps) Protective Beret Cover. The beret is nicely maker marked by 'Rogers-Rayman Industries' from Toronto and dated 1945. Nice example in mint and unissued condition!
US Army Wool Shirt
US Army Wool Shirt. The shirt is complete with its original faded label. Initials and numbers are written inside. Nice original shirt in good used condition!
German Cigarette Tobacco Package
German full cigarettes tobacco package from the company of 'Tabakwerke A.G. Vorm' from Hainburg a.D. (Austria). Complete with intact 'banderolle' showing the German Eagle. Nice and decorative original package in good unissued condition!
WH (Heer) M40 SD Combat Helmet
Wehrmacht (Heer) M40 Single Decal Combat Helmet (Stahlhelm M40). 'SE64' marked helmet, complete with its original liner and chinstrap. The decal is present for about 95%. Nice and honest original M40 combat helmet in good used condition!
Spanish Blue Division Volunteer Medal
Spanish Blue Division Volunteer Medal (Erinnerungsmedaille für die spanischen Freiwilligen im Kampf gegen den Bolschewismus). The Spanish made tombak type medal is complete with its original ribbon. Nice original medal in very good condition!
Kriegsmarine EM/NCO's Overseas Cap
Kriegsmarine EM/NCO's Overseas Cap (Bordmütze für Unteroffiziere und Mannschaften). The blue cap is complete with its original applied cap-eagle and cocarde. Nice original cap in very good condition!
Miniature Mothers Cross in Silver 'L/11'
Miniature Mothers Cross in Silver (Ehrenkreuz der Deutschen Mutter). Complete with its original confectioned ribbon and functional pin-back device. The miniature is maker marked with 'L/11'- 'Wilhelm Deumer' from Lüdenscheid. Nice original miniature in very good condition!
Set of 2 'Oneida' Deutschland Spoons
Set of 2 'Oneida' Deutschland Spoons showing 'Feldmarschall Von Hindenburg' and 'Kaiserin Augusta Victoria'. The silver plated spoon were sold to promote Germany in America. Decorative original spoons in very good condition!
RAD (Reichsarbeitsdienst) Clothing Hanger
RAD (Reichsarbeitsdienst) Clothing Hanger as used in RAD Barracks. The wooden clothing hanger is in very good condition, without any damages. Decorative original clothing hanger!
MG34 Weapen Manual Wa30/31
Nice original German MG34 folding card style manual called the "Das M.G. 34" (Wa30/31) Waffentafeln. This eight-panel card manual provides a complete explanation of the theory and practice of using the M.G. 34. Interesting original manual!