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Original items from the NSB - WA - WHN - Jeugdstorm (NJS) and other organisations

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Results 101 - 150 of 226


NJS - Jeugdstorm Banner

NJS 'Jeugdstorm' Banner (NJS Banier/Vlag). The banner is made of orange coloured wool with a separate, machine stitched white NJS Gull logo. The banner is sized approximately 106 x 27 cms. There is some moth damage. Rare original NJS Banner!

€ 250,00

Dutch Police Wooden Prisoner Transportation Stick

World War 2 Dutch Police Wooden Prisoner Transportation Stick (Opbrengstok). The stick was put inside one trouser leg and strapped around the ankle and waist. Rare and hard to find original item!

€ 250,00

Cased NSB table-medal 'Lotsverbondenheid'

Cased NSB table-medal (or plaque) 'Lotsverbondenheid 10-14 mei 1940'. The medal has a diameter of 4 cms. The medal comes in its original slightly damaged case marked with '10-14 MEI 1940'. Hard to find original cased NSB table-medal in good condition!

€ 175,00

Dutch 'Nederlandsche Unie' Pennant

Dutch 'Nederlandsche Unie' Pennant. The double-sided pennant is sized approximately 36 x 22 cms. The pennant shows some staining caused by usage. Hard to find original pennant in good used condition!

€ 150,00

Dutch 'Winterhulp Nederland' Armband

Dutch 'Winterhulp Nederland' Armband. The cotton multi-piece construction red, white and blue coloured armband shows the printed in blue script 'Winterhulp Nederland'. Hard to find original armband in good used and worn condition!

€ 150,00

Large Winterhulp Nederland (WHN) Collection

Large Winterhulp Nederland (WHN) Collection consisting of over 70 pieces in total including various complete series. See photos for more details. Nice collection for a fair price!

€ 150,00

Cased NSB 'Oostlandkruis'

Cased NSB 'Oostlandkruis', also known as Mussert Cross (Mussertkruis). The cross is complete with confectioned ribbon and matching batton, the set comes in its original carton box. Nice and scarce original set in good condition!

€ 650,00

Pair of NSB Political Organisation Collar Tabs

Pair of NSB Political Organisation Collar Tabs (kraagspiegels). Blue felt collar tabs with three gold-washed metal bars and silver piping indicating a 'Kringadministrateur' (local group administrator). Nice original slighlty mis-matching pair of collar tabs in good used condition!

€ 300,00

NSB - WA Oldfighters Medal

NSB - WA Oldfighters Medal (WA Strijdersteken) "Alles voor het Vaderland 1932-1935" (All for the Fatherland). The medal is complete with its original ribbon. Hard to find original medal in very good condition!

€ 600,00

NSB 'Kerstmarsch 1942' Medal

Very nice NSB (Dutch pro-German Nazi Party) 'Kerstmarsch 1942' Medal (Christmas rally). Tombak based example, complete with its original ribbon. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 150,00

NSB - WA Cap Badge

NSB - WA Cap Badge as intended for wear by the 'NSB'-related: 'Weerafdelingen'. The insignia is having a separately attached 'Wolfsangel' to its center. Nice original WA cap-badge in good used and clearly cap-removed condition!

€ 150,00

Dutch SS 'Vormingsbladen' Number 3

Dutch Germaansche-SS 'Vormingsbladen'. These were monthly published instruction booklet. This is the 3rd edition from the 1st year (April 1941). Interesting original early booklet in good condition!

€ 125,00

'Het Rechtsfront' Newspaper 1942

"Het Rechtsfront" Newspaper (Krant). This is edition 45 of the 1st Winter Month 1942. The newspaper is showing normal traces of usage. Extremely rare and hard to find original newspaper!

€ 75,00

NSB - WA Cap Badge

NSB - WA Cap Badge as intended for wear by the 'NSB'-related: 'Weerafdelingen'. The cap badge is in unissued condition, mounted on its original white cotton backing. The badge is showing some minor moth-damage. Nice original WA cap-badge in good unissued condition!

€ 140,00

NSB - WA 'Bloembollenmarsch 1942' Medal

NSB - WA (Dutch pro-German Nazi Party) 'Bloembollenmarsch 1942' Medal, held on 3 May 1942. The medal comes on its original black/red ribbon. Nice original NSB medal in very good condition!

€ 150,00

Dutch 'Landwacht' Cufftitle

Dutch 'Landwacht' Cufftitle. The 'Landwacht Nederland' was a military volunteer corps that was founded on 12 March 1943, in October 1943 it was was incorporated into the Waffen-SS. Rare original full length cufftitle in good used condition!

€ 950,00

Schalkhaar Police Cap Cocarde

Dutch 'Schalkhaar' Police Cap Cocarde. Dutch made example, complete with all 4 prongs. Nice original example in mint and unissued condition!

€ 30,00

NSB Machine Woven Arm Badge

NSB Machine Woven Shirt (or Tunic) Arm Badge. The Dutch-made arm badge is nicely machine-woven. These badges were in my opinion specifically intended for wear on the black linnen shirts. Decorative original NSB arm badge in good condition!

€ 95,00

NSB 'Jaarlijksche Afstandsmarsch' Medal

Very nice NSB (Dutch pro-German Nazi Party) 'Jaarlijksche Afstandsmarsch' Medal 1935. Enamelled example, complete with its original confectioned ribbon. Hard to find original medal in very good condition!

€ 400,00

NSB 'W.A. Marsch 't Noorden' Medal 1941

NSB 'W.A. Marsch 't Noorden' Medal. This was a walking march held in 1941 by the NSB districts in the provinces Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe. The tombak medal is complete with its original ribbon. Scarce and hard to find original medal in very good condition!

€ 450,00

NSB 'Kerstmarsch 1933' Medal

Very nice NSB (Dutch pro-German Nazi Party) 'Kerstmarsch 1933' Medal, this was the first Christmas Rally held by the NSB. Tombak based example, complete with its original ribbon. Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 175,00

NSB - WA Membership Badge

NSB - WA Membership Badge (WA-draagteken). The badge has the colours of the 'Princevlag' and was introduced by 'Van Geelkerken' in june 1938', these badges are only used for a very short period of time and are almost impossible to find!

€ 225,00

NSVO 'Het hartvuur heilig - Het haardvuur veilig' Badge

National Socialist Women's Organization (NSVO) 'Het hartvuur heilig - Het haardvuur veilig' Badge (Draagteken). The badge is not visible maker marked. The badge is having a functional pin/catch system. Nice original badge in very good condition!

€ 125,00

Set of WA Cufflinks

Set of WA (Weerafdelingen) Cufflinks (Manchetknopen). Nice set of enamelled cufflinks showing a silver coloured Wolfhook on a black enamel background, there are a few minor scratches caused by usage. Hard to find set of original WA cufflinks!

€ 225,00

Pair of WA 'Banleider' Collar Tabs

Pair of WA 'Banleider' Collar Tabs (kraagspiegels). Red woolen collar tabs with four gold coloured stars and gold piping as intended for a 'Banleider'. Nice original pair of collar tabs in good used condition!

€ 350,00

Pair of WA 'Onderbanleider' Collar Tabs

Pair of WA 'Onderbanleider' Collar Tabs (kraagspiegels). Red woolen collar tabs with three gold stars, four gold stripes and golden piping. Nice original pair of collar tabs in good used condition!

€ 350,00

NJS 'Stamheer' Collar Tab

NJS - Jeugdstorm 'Stamheer' Collar Tab (kraagspiegel). Red felt collar tab with one gold coloured metal bar. The Collar tab is in clearly used and tunic removed. Nice original example!

€ 175,00

NSB - WA Lion Cap Badge

NSB - WA Lion Cap Badge as intended for wear by high-ranking NSB and/or WA members. The lion is regrettably missing one prong. Hard to find original cap insignia in good used condition!

€ 60,00

NSB Membership Card 1943/44

NSB Membership Card (Lidmaatschapskaart) of the year 1943/44. The card belonged to 'A.Geurs' from Amsterdam, having NSB Member number #32682, he became a member on 22 August 1934. Complete with portrait-photo. Nice original card in very good condition!

€ 150,00

NSB Membership Card 1942

NSB Membership Card (Lidmaatschapskaart) of the year 1942. The card belonged to 'I.v.d.Velde' from Wassenaar, having NSB Member number #45073, he became a member on 3 May 1935. Nice and decorative original card in very good condition!

€ 110,00

NSB Membership Card 1940

NSB Membership Card (Lidmaatschapskaart) of the year 1940. The card belonged to 'P.Kooyman' from Rotterdam, having NSB Member number #52379, he became a member on 24 July 1935. Nice and decorative original card in very good condition!

€ 100,00

NSB - WA Membership Badge

NSB - WA Membership Badge (WA-draagteken). This badge was worn by the members of the 'NSB'-related: 'Weerafdelingen' (being more or less the equivalent of the German SA or 'Sturmabteilungen'). Hard to find original example in very good condition!

€ 200,00

NSB Sympathizing Member Card 1942

NSB Proof of registration as Sympathizing Member (Bewijs van inschrijving als Sympathiseerende) for the year 1942. The card belonged to 'J.G. Seemeijer' from Den Haag. Complete with pasted stamps. Rare original Sympathizing Member Card in good condition!

€ 100,00

NSB Membership Badge

NSB Membership Badge (NSB Draagteken). The NSB was the Dutch pro-German Nazi Party. This is a late-war painted version, it comes on its original buttonhole attachment. Nice original late war NSB Member Pin!

€ 100,00

Nationale Jeugdstorm Geldboekje 1942

NJS - Nationale Jeugdstorm Geldboekje 1942 (Contribution Booklet), Various stamps have been pasted in the booklet. Nice original contribution booklet!

€ 50,00

NSB - WA Cap Badge

NSB - WA Cap Badge as intended for wear by the 'NSB'-related: 'Weerafdelingen'. The insignia is having a separately attached 'Wolfsangel' to its center. Nice original WA cap-badge in good used and clearly cap-removed condition!

€ 175,00

Set of NSB Cufflinks

Set of NSB Cufflinks (Manchetknopen). Nice set of enamelled cufflinks showing the standard pattern NSB logo, there are a few minor scratches caused by usage. Hard to find set of original NSB cufflinks in good used condition!

€ 200,00

Pair of WA 'Opperhopman' Collar Tabs

Pair of WA 'Opperhopman' Collar Tabs (kraagspiegels). Red felt collar tabs with three gold stars, two gold stripes and golden piping. Nice original matching pair of collar tabs in good unissued condition!

€ 295,00

NSB - WA Arm Badge

NSB - WA Arm Badge. The arm-badge was intended for wear by the 'NSB'-related: 'Weerafdelingen'. The insignia is having a nicely hand-embroidered 'Wolfsangel' to its center. Desirable and scarce original WA arm-badge in very good condition!

€ 175,00

NSB 'Fronten en Gilden' Collar Tab

NSB 'Kringvertegenwoordiger Fronten en Gilden' Collar Tab (Kraagspiegel). Green felt collar tab showing three gold-washed metal bars and gold piping. The collar tab is having NSB Intendance Utrecht stamps on the back. Rare original collar tab!

€ 175,00

NSB Arm Badge

Nice NSB arm-badge as intended for wear on the black woolen NSB Tunics. The badge is beautifully hand-embroidered (Dutch production). Desirable and scarce original NSB arm badge in very good, clearly used and tunic removed, condition!

€ 200,00

NSB 5-years Membership Badge - Nr 8766

NSB 5-years Membership Badge (NSB Vijf Jaren Draagteken). The NSB was a Dutch pro-German Nazi Party. The badge is not visible maker marked, the badge is numbered with the individual NSB 'Stamboek' number '8766'. Nice original badge in good condition!

€ 150,00

NSB 5-Year Membership Booklet

NSB 5 Year Membership booklet (Zakboekje) named to 'Gertrude Best-Reimeringen' with NSB 'Stamboeknummer 51117', her living address was based in Almelo. The pass is complete with portrait-photo. Many entries. Rare and interesting original NSB 5 Year Membership Booklet!

€ 425,00

NSB Membership Booklet

NSB Membership Booklet (NSB Lidmaatschapsboekje). The NSB was the Dutch pro-German Nazi Party. This membership booklet is in issued condition, named to 'J. Noorland' from Rotterdam with NSB 'Stamboek No. 128759'. Hard to find issued NSB membership booklet in good condition!

€ 100,00

NSB 'Kerstmarsch 1940' Medal

Very nice NSB (Dutch pro-German Nazi Party) 'Kerstmarsch 1940' Medal (Christmas rally). Tombak based example, complete with its original ribbon. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 150,00

NSVO 'Het hartvuur heilig - Het haardvuur veilig' Badge

National Socialist Women's Organization (NSVO) 'Het hartvuur heilig - Het haardvuur veilig' Badge (Draagteken). The badge is not visible maker marked. The badge is having a functional pin/catch system. Nice original badge in very good condition!

€ 125,00

NSB 'Landdag Amsterdam' Tinnie 1934

NSB 'Landdag Amsterdam' Tinnie. This event was held at 28 April 1934 in Amsterdam. The tinnie comes on its functional pin/catch system, the tinnie is not visible maker marked. Rare original early NSB tinnie in very good condition!

€ 65,00

NSB '4e Algem. Landdag Den Haag' Tinnie 1935

NSB '4e Algem. Landdag Den Haag' Tinnie. This event was held at 5 October 1935 in Den Haag. The tinnie comes on its functional pin/catch system, the tinnie is not visible maker marked. Nice original early NSB tinnie in very good condition!

€ 65,00

NSB '3e Algemeene Landdag Amsterdam' Tinnie 1935

NSB '3e Algemeene Landdag Amsterdam' Tinnie. This event was held at 30 March 1935 in Amsterdam. The tinnie comes on its functional pin/catch system, the tinnie is not visible maker marked. Nice original early NSB tinnie in very good condition!

€ 65,00

NSB 'Hagespraak 1940' Tinnie

NSB '5e Hagespraak 1940' Tinnie. This event was held at 12 June 1940. The tinnie comes on its functional pin/catch system, the tinnie is not visible maker marked. Nice looking example with great finish, hard to find in this condition!

€ 50,00