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Original items from the NSB - WA - WHN - Jeugdstorm (NJS) and other organisations

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Results 151 - 200 of 225


'Agrarisch Front' Membership Badge

'Agrarisch Front' (Agricultural Front) Membership Badge. The party was NSB loyal, 'L&M' members were recommended to vote for the NSB. Nice hard to find badge in good condition!

€ 175,00

Dutch ADM Membership Badge

Dutch Labour Service for Girls Remembrance Membership Badge (Draagspeld Arbeidsdienst voor Meisjes). The zinc-type badge is complete with its functional safety pin attachement. Hard to find original badge in good used condition!

€ 125,00

'L&M' Membership Badge

'L&M' Membership Badge (Landbouw en Maatschappij). The party was NSB loyal, 'L&M' members were recommended to vote for the NSB. Nice hard to find badge in good condition!

€ 75,00

NSB - WA Cap Badge

NSB - WA Cap Badge as intended for wear by the 'NSB'-related: 'Weerafdelingen'. The cap badge is in unissued condition, mounted on its original white cotton backing. The badge is showing some minor moth-damage. Nice original WA cap-badge in good unissued condition!

€ 100,00

NSB 'Bloembollenmarsch 1934' Medal

NSB - WA (Dutch pro-German Nazi Party) 'Bloembollenmarsch 1934' Medal. The medal comes on its original black/red ribbon, having a cypher '2' attached indicating that this participant walked the march for the 2nd year. Nice original NSB medal in very good condition!

€ 150,00

Dutch 'Winterhulp' Collecting Box

Dutch 'WHN' (Winterhulp Nederland) Collecting Box (Collectebus). The colleting-box shows an embossed WHN logo. The collecting retains most of its original red paint, the WHN logo has been painted in white. Nice decorative example in good used condition!

€ 75,00

NJS - Jeugdstorm Sports Badge for Boys

NJS - Jeugdstorm Sports Badge in Bronze for Boys (NJS Sportdraagteken voor Jongens). The badge is individually numbered with number '791'. Scarce original example in good used condition!

€ 395,00

NJS - Jeugdstorm Members Pin

NJS - Jeugdstorm Members Pin (NJS Draagteken). The enamelled pin is in good condition with some minor enamel cracks and chips, see photos. This is the harder to find round type membership. Scarce original example in good used condition!

€ 195,00

NSB - WA Membership Badge on Clasp

NSB - WA Membership Badge (WA-Draagteken). The badge has the colours of the 'Princevlag' and was introduced by 'Van Geelkerken' in june 1938', these badges are only used for a very short period of time and are almost impossible to find!

€ 250,00

Set of 2 'NSB' Seals

This is a nice set of 2 unissued original 'NSB' seals (sluitzegels). The Dutch "Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging" (National Socialist Movement) was founded by 'Anton Mussert' in December 1931 and was a Dutch pro-German Nazi Party. Nice colorful set of NSB seals!

€ 25,00

Set of 3 'Jeugdstorm' Contribution Stamps

This is a nice set of 3 used original 'Jeugdstorm' contribution stamps. The 'Nationale Jeugdstorm' (NJS) was a Dutch youth movement shortly before and during World War II, inspired by the German Hitler Youth. Nice colorful set of Nationale Jeugdstorm stamps!

€ 25,00

NSB - WA Membership Badge

NSB - WA Membership Badge (WA-draagteken). The badge has the colours of the 'Princevlag' and was introduced by 'Van Geelkerken' in june 1938', these badges are only used for a very short period of time and are almost impossible to find!

€ 195,00

'WA Marsch Zuid-Holland Utrecht' Tinnie 1942

NSB-related 'WA Marsch Zuid-Holland Utrecht' Tinnie. This event was held in 1942. The tinnie comes on its functional pin/catch system, the zinc type tinnie is not dated 1942 on the back. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 50,00

NSB Propaganda Pamphlets

NSB Propaganda Pamphlets, set consisting of one "proletariërs en plutocraten aller landen vereenigt U!" pamphlet against the Royal Dutch Family and one original NSB 'V' action Pamphlet 'Duitschland wint!' (7x8 cms). Nice set!

€ 20,00

NJS - Jeugdstorm Armband

'Nationale Jeugdstorm' (NJS) Armband (NJS Mouwband). The printed on cotton armband was worn on the wearer's left upper-arm. The full-length armband is in used and worn condition showing some staining. Nice original example!

€ 195,00

NSVO 'Het hartvuur heilig - Het haardvuur veilig' Badge

National Socialist Women's Organization (NSVO) 'Het hartvuur heilig - Het haardvuur veilig' Badge (Draagteken). The badge is not visible maker marked. The badge is having a functional pin/catch system. Nice original badge in very good condition!

€ 125,00

Complete Series of Dutch 'Winterhulp' Tinnies

Complete Series of 10 Dutch 'Winterhulp' Wooden Tinnies from the series of Traditional Attires (Kleederdrachten). These tinnies were given to people who donated during the street collection held on 14/15 November 1941. Decorative original tinnies!

€ 50,00

Small lot of Dutch 'Winterhulp' Terracotta Tinnies

Small lot of 13 Dutch 'Winterhulp' Terracotta Tinnies from the series of Town Halls (Raadhuizen). These tinnies were given to people who donated during the street collection held on 14/15 November 1941. Decorative original tinnies!

€ 45,00

Small lot of Dutch 'Winterhulp' Tinnies

Small lot of 7 Dutch 'Winterhulp' Province Coat of Arms Tinnies (Provinciewapens). These tinnies were given to people who donated during the street collection held on 17/18 October 1941. Decorative original tinnies!

€ 25,00

Dutch 'Staatspolitie' ID-Card

Dutch 'Staatspolitie' ID-Card (Legitimatiebewijs). The yellow oilcloth ID-card was issued to 'Barthus Stekelenburg' on 1 February 1944 in Rotterdam. Barthus was a 'Onderwachtmeester' within the 'Staatspolitie' (State Police). The ID-card is complete with portrait-photo. Rare original ID-Card in ...

€ 125,00

NSB Money Saving Box

NSB Money Saving Box (Gezinsbusje). The NSB was the Dutch National Socialist Movement. This bank was used to save money to support the party. The bank is showing some corrosion. Desirable and decorative NSB money-box in good used condition!

€ 95,00

NVD 'Ramp 17 Juli 1943 Amsterdam (Noord)' Paper Tinnie

NVD 'Ramp 17 Juli 1943 Amsterdam (Noord)' Paper Tinnie. This paper tinnie was given to people who donated during a street collection held by the NVD (Nederlandse Volksdienst) to collect money after the allied bombing of Amsterdam North on 17 Juli 1943. Rare original tinnie!

€ 40,00

NSB 'V' Action Propaganda Tinnie

NSB 'V' Action Propaganda Tinnie. This tinnie was part of the NSB 'V' action propaganda campaign. Nice original tinnie in good condition!

€ 30,00

Dutch Winterhulp Collectors Badge

'Winterhulp Nederland' Collectors Badge. These pins were worn by personnel that was entitled to collect money for the Dutch 'WHN' organisation. The WHN was a NSB affiliated organisation. Nice original badge in very good condition!

€ 50,00

NSB Walking Medal 8 September 1934

NSB Walking Medal of a walk held on 8 September 1934. This medal was awarded for the 50km distance. The medal is complete with its original ribbon. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 225,00

NSB '4e Hagespraak' Tinnie 1939

NSB '4e Hagespraak 1939' Tinnie. This event was held at 6 June 1938 in Lunteren. The lightweight aluminum tinnie comes on its functional pin/catch system, the tinnie is not visible maker marked. Nice original NSB tinnie in very good condition!

€ 50,00

NSB 'Hagespraak 1940' Tinnie

NSB '5e Hagespraak 1940' Tinnie. This event was held at 12 June 1940. The tinnie comes on its functional pin/catch system, the tinnie is not visible maker marked. Nice looking example with great finish, hard to find in this condition!

€ 50,00

NSB Membership Badge

NSB Membership Badge (NSB Draagteken). The NSB was the Dutch pro-German Nazi Party. The badge is having a functional pin/catch system. The pin shows some normal scratches and traces of usage and is in overall good used condition. Nice original NSB Member Pin!

€ 80,00

Dutch NAD M43 Cap

Dutch NAD - 'Nederlandsche Arbeidsdienst' (Dutch labour service) M43 Cap. M43 type cap as intended for Dutch volunteers serving in the NAD. Scarce original NAD M43 cap in good used condition, not often offered for sale!

€ 395,00

NSB 'Bloembollenmarsch 1942' Medal

NSB - WA (Dutch pro-German Nazi Party) 'Bloembollenmarsch 1942' Medal. The zinc-based medal retains most of its original golden finish. This is a rare variant with a functional pin-back system. Rare original NSB medal in good used condition!

€ 250,00

NSB Pillow

NSB Pillow (Kussen). The large sized pillow is showing a hand knotted NSB logo. The pillow is sized approximately 50 x 37 cms. The pillow is in good used condition, see photos. Rare and decorative original period item!

€ 250,00

'Wat was en is, wat deed en doet de NSB' Booklet

'Wat was en is, wat deed en doet de NSB' Booklet. This booklet is a period propaganda publication published by the headquarters of the NSB. This booklet was published in June 1941. Nice original NSB booklet in good condition!

€ 30,00

Zwart Front/Nationaal Front Propaganda Booklet

Zwart Front/Nationaal Front Arnold Meijer 'Alles voor ons Vaderland Nederland' Propaganda Booklet. This booklet was published by 'Uitgeverij de Veste' in Den Haag in 1941. Nice original booklet in good condition!

€ 25,00

NJS - Jeugdstorm Cap Badge

NJS - Jeugdstorm Cap Badge (Karpoets embleem). This cap badge was worn on the NJS overseas cap, the so-called 'Karpoets'. The magnetic-type steel cap-badge is regrettably missing one prong. Scarce original example in good used condition!

€ 150,00

NJS - Jeugdstorm 'Zakboek'

NJS (Jeugdstorm) 'Zakboek' (pocket booklet). This pocket book was inspired by the NSB almanac. This example has not been written in. The book is in overall good used condition, see photos. These original examples are very scarce!

€ 175,00

NSB/Dutch-SS Sympathy Pin

NSB/Dutch-SS Sympathy Pin in "Oranje-Blanje-Bleu" (in the colors of the old Dutch Princevlag). Complete with buttonhole attachment. The pin shows some normal scratches and traces of usage and is in overall good used condition. Nice and hard to find original example!

€ 75,00

NSB Group Leader's Document Grouping

NSB Group Leader's Document Grouping named to 'J.Wierema' who was the group leader of the city of Uithuizen. The grouping is consisting his 5 year NSB Membership booklet (Zakboekje) and several other interesting documents. Rare grouping from one person!

€ 495,00

NSB 'Almanak' 1943

NSB 'Almanak' 1943, the almanac is an annual publication that includes all kind of general and NSB related information. Issue for 1943. Nice original example in good used condition!

€ 90,00

Framed NSB Tapestry

Framed hand knotted NSB Tapestry, this tapestry hung on the wall in the office of the mayor of Rotterdam during the war. The tapestry is showing the NSB logo, the framed tapestry is approximately sized 65 x 61 cms. Rare and decorative original item!

€ 1000,00

NSB 'Viktoria' Propaganda Pamphlet

NSB 'V' Action Propaganda Pamphlet 'Viktoria, Duitschland wint voor Europa op alle fronten' (22,5 x 15 cms). The 'V' was used by the Dutch Resistance for Victory, the Germans were smart and turned it into a NSB activity were it became V = 'Viktorie - Duitschland Wint' (Germany wins). Nice pamphlet!

€ 20,00

Nationale Jeugdstorm Steunkaart 1943

NJS - Nationale Jeugdstorm Steunkaart 1943 (Contribution Card), intended for NJS members living in Germany. This card was issued to a member living in the city of Dülken. 3 stamps have been pasted on. Very rare and hard to find original contribution card!

€ 100,00

NJS - Jeugdstorm Members Pin

NJS - Jeugdstorm Members Pin (NJS Draagteken). This is the harder to find first model membership pin, also called 'Oud Model' (old model). Scarce original example in good condition!

€ 195,00

NSB - WA Membership Badge

NSB - WA Membership Badge (WA-draagteken). This badge was worn by the members of the 'NSB'-related: 'Weerafdelingen' (being more or less the equivalent of the German SA or 'Sturmabteilungen'). Complete with buttonhole attachment. Nice original example in very good condition!

€ 150,00

Dutch NSB Women's Brooch

Dutch NSB Women's Brooch (Nederlandsche Heemkunst Broche). The brooch has a functional pin-back device to its hollow-back reverse. The brooch is not visible maker marked. Great looking brooch in very good condition!

€ 75,00

NSB 'Goud om Staal = NSB 1940' Ring

NSB 'Goud om Staal = NSB 1940' Ring. In order to raise funds for the party, the NSB launched the "gold for steel" campaign in January 1940. Members were able to hand in precious metals for which they received a steel ring with inscription as a thank you. Nice original ring!

€ 65,00

Dutch NAD Sports Badge

'Nederlandsche Arbeidsdienst' (Dutch labour service) Sports Badge (NAD Sportinsigne). Nice original silvered tombak badge, complete with original lugs on the back. Hard to find exemple in good used condition!

€ 145,00

NJS - Jeugdstorm Bike Pennant

'Jeugdstorm' Bike Pennant (NJS Fietsvaantje). The pennant is made of printed cotton showing the NJS Gull logo. The pennant is complete with original rope. Nice and decorative original NJS pennant in very good condition!

€ 195,00

Dutch NSKK Volunteer's Loyalty Honour Badge

Dutch NSKK Volunteer's Loyalty Honour Badge (Insigne van Trouw). Bronze example which regrettably has been polished once. Complete with often missing original pin and catch assembly. Rare original badge in good condition!

€ 425,00

Dutch 'Landwacht Nederland' Soldbuch

Dutch 'Landwacht Nederland' Soldbuch (Zakboekje). The 'Landwacht Nederland' was a territorial security unit (Wehrhilfsorganisation) under command of the higher SS and Police Führer Nordwest. Soldbuch issued on 27 March 1945. Extremely rare and hard to find original 'Landwacht Nederland' Soldbuch!

€ 695,00

NSB 'Werkersbijeenkomst' Tinnie 1938

NSB 'Werkersbijeenkomst-22/10.38-R.A.I.-A'DAM' Tinnie. This event was held at 22 October 1938 in the 'R.A.I.' in Amsterdam. The tinnie comes on its functional pin and is not maker-marked. Nice original example in good condition!

€ 45,00