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German (Propaganda) Postcards

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Hoffmann Postcard 'Obergefreiter Brinkforth'

This is a nice original period photo-postcard from the famous 'Hoffmann' Knight's cross bearers (Ritterkreuzträger) series, depicting the (Heeres) 'Obergefreiter Brinkforth'. Hubert Brinkforth was the first enlisted soldier to receive the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. Nice and decorative item!

€ 25,00

'Unser Führer' Postcard

 This is a nice original photo postcard (Propaganda-Postkarte) showing Adolf Hitler. A 'Deutsches Reich' postage stamp is pasted on the card, the postage stamp is beautifully ink-stamped on Hitler's 52nd Birthday on 20 April 1941. Nice original postcard!

€ 30,00

'Landhaus des Reichskanzlers' Postcard

This is a nice original period colour photo-postcard (Propaganda-Postkarte) showing the famous house of Hitler: 'Berghof Wachenfeld, Landhaus des Reichskanzlers in Berchtesgaden (Obersalzberg)'. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 35,00

'Motorcycle with sidecar' Postcard

This is a nice color postcard showing a painting of members of the SS riding on a motorcycle with sidecar. It comes from a 'War Victims Wall Calendar'. This artistic postcard is 'Bild 40: SS-Vorausabteilung in Polen' - Painting von Schnürpel. Nice and decorative postcard!

€ 25,00

'Schaffendes Volk' Postcard

This is a nice original period color postcard from the 'Schaffendes Volk - Große Reichsausstellung' exhibition, which was in Düsseldorf 1937. The postcard was sent to 'Fam. de Breij' who lived at the Stadionweg 206 in Amsterdam (The Netherlands). Nice and decorative Dutch related postcard!

€ 35,00

Adolf Hitler Postcard

This is a nice original postcard (Propaganda-Postkarte) showing Adolf Hitler in his uniform. The subtitle says: "Unser Führer!". Nice original postcard!

€ 25,00

Set of 9 'Berghof Obersalzberg Interior' Postcards

This is a great set of original period colour photo-postcards showing the interior of the famous house of Hitler: 'Der Berghof'. These postcards were published by 'Photo Hoffmann' and have the consecutive numbers 465-473. Nice and decorative original series of postcards!

€ 100,00

'Berghof' Postcard with Paper Cover

This is a nice original period colour photo-postcard with hard to find paper cover. The postcard is showing the famous house of Hitler at the Obersalzberg: 'Berghof Wachenfeld'. Nice and decorative original postcard with unique cover!

€ 50,00

2 Willrich 'Schulsammlung' Postcards with Paper Cover

This is a nice set of 2 original period postcards showing 'Stukaflieger' and 'Aufklärungsflieger' by W.Willrich. The postcards come with a hard to find paper cover. All items were part of the series 'Spende für die VDA-Schulsammlung 1940'. Nice and decorative postcards with unique cover!

€ 60,00

'Iron Cross 2nd Class' Postcard

This is a nice original period colour propaganda-postcard showing an Iron Cross 2nd Class with some oakleave decoration and a quote from Adolf Hilter. This artistic postcard was designed by the famous Gottfried Klein. Decorative colourful original postcard!

€ 30,00

'Gustav Wilke' signed Luftwaffe Postcard

Luftwaffe Photo-Postcard, personally signed by 'Gustav Wilke'. The postcard is showing from left tot right: Hermann Göring, Gustav Wilke, August Grauting and Bruno Loerzer. 'Wilke' was a recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. Nice original postcard with Gustav Wilke signature!

€ 60,00

'Paratrooper Badge' Postcard

Nice original period postcard showing a 'Paratrooper Badge' (Fallschirmschützenabzeichen). The postcard is in unissued condition and measures approximately 15 x 10,5 cms in size. Very nice, decorative and hard to find postcard, great to display with your Paratrooper Badge!

€ 100,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Generaloberst Guderian'

This is a nice original period Willrich postcard 'Generaloberst Guderian, Schöpfer und Führer unserer siegreichen Panzerwaffe' from the series 'Unsere Panzerwaffe' . The postcard is showing a portrait of 'Heinz Guderian', a famous German general. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 25,00

Adolf Hitler Postcard

This is a colourful original period propaganda-postcard (Propaganda-Postkarte) No. 448 showing a painting of Adolf Hitler, painted by Hugo Lehmann. This propaganda postcard was published by 'Verlag Heinrich Hoffmann' in München. Nice original postcard!

€ 30,00

'Winterhilfswerk' Postcard

This is a nice original period colour propaganda-postcard (Propaganda-Postkarte) from the 'WHW' (Winterhilfswerk) 1938-1939. The card is showing a cherub with a 'WHW' collecting box. There's a nice Winterhilfswerk ink -stamp at the back. Decorative colourful original postcard!

€ 20,00

Wehrmacht 'Marching Band' Postcard

Original period color postcard showing a Wehrmacht marching band, painted by 'Hans Friedmann'. This postcard is part of 'Die Postkarte der Wehrmacht' series, Folge I/8: 'Der Frontsoldat mit dem Edelweiß marschiert'. At the back is a colourful print of the 'NSRKB' flag. Nice artistic original ...

€ 25,00

'Nürnberg, Hoheitsadler in der Luitpoldarena' Postcard

Nice original period postcard about the 'Reichsparteitag' terrain at Nuremberg. The card is showing a large statue of an eagle with swastika (Hoheitsadler) at the 'Luitpoldarena' (site of the Nuremberg rally's). There's a nice ink stamp at the back. Great original postcard!

€ 30,00

'Nürnberg Reichsparteigelände' Postcard

This is a nice original period postcard (Postkarte) about the grounds of the Nuremberg rally's. The card is showing small but very sharp pictures of the 'Nürnberg Reichparteigelände', such as the 'Luitpoldarena', the 'Zeppelinfeld' and the 'Hoheitszeichen'. Nice original postcard!

€ 30,00

'Olympic Stadium Berlin' Postcard

This is a nice original period photo-postcard (Postkarte) showing the sports field and eastern gate of the Olympic Stadium in Berlin: 'Reichssportfeld, Olympia-Stadion Osttor'. Nice original postcard!

€ 15,00

'1935 Saarland Status Referendum' Postcard

Nice original period postcard about the referendum on the territorial status that was held in the Territory of the Saar Basin on 13 January 1935. The card is showing two men shaking hands with the text: "Saarland Treue zeigt der Welt wie Deutsches Volk zusammenhalt". Nice original postcard!

€ 15,00

'München Mahnmal in der Feldherrnhalle' Postcard

Nice original period postcard (Postkarte) showing the 'Mahnmal in der Feldherrnhalle für die Gefallenen des 9. November 1923' at München with two 'Algemeine-SS' members guarding it. There's a nice 'München - Hauptstadt der Bewegung' ink stamp at the back. Nice original postcard!

€ 25,00

'Machtergreifung Adolf Hitler 1933' Postcard

Nice original period postcard about the 'Machtergreifung' of Adolf Hitler. The card is showing the famous 'Brandenburger Tor' at Berlin with an NSDAP parade with NSDAP flags and a saluting crowd. Below the image is the text: 'Deutschland, Deutschland über alles! 30.1.1933'. Nice original postcard!

€ 15,00

Adolf Hitler Postcard

This is a nice original period postcard (Postkarte) showing a Adolf Hitler. This postcard was published by 'Foto Grimm' from Nürnberg. The postcard has been described and sent and measures approximately 14 x 9 cms in size. Interesting original postcard!

€ 20,00

'Adolf Hitler with children' Postcard

Nice original photo postcard showing Adolf Hitler being saluted by children and receiving flowers. The postcard has a beautiful unique Saarbrücken 50th birthday of the Führer ink-stamp. Nice original postcard!

€ 25,00

Landungsfahrt des "Graf Zeppelin" Postcard

Nice original period colour postcard about the airship 'Graf Zeppelin LZ130'. On the back of the card is some technical data about the zeppelin and a unique 'Eger - 1. Zeppelinlandung im Sudetenland' ink-stamp. Decorative and hard to find original postcard!

€ 60,00

'Liberation of the Rhineland' Postcard

Nice original period colour postcard showing a man kneeling above the Rhine with broken shackles, painted by Theo Matejko. The image is an artistic representation of the end of the occupation of the Rhineland in 1930. Nice artistic postcard!

€ 25,00

'Reichsparteitag Nürnberg BDM Girl' Postcard

Rare original colourful postcard of the 'Reichsparteitag der NSDAP - Nürnberg'. The card shows an artistic image of a blonde girl in her 'Bund Deutscher Mädel' (BDM) uniform carrying flowers with a large eagle (Hoheitsadler) in the background. Decorative and very rare original postcard!

€ 150,00

5 Willrich 'Schulsammlung' Postcards in Paper Cover

This is a nice set of 5 original period colour postcards made by W.Willrich. These postcards were part of the series 'Spende für die VDA-Schulsammlung 1940'. The postcards come with a hard to find paper cover. Nice and decorative original postcards with unique cover!

€ 125,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Norwegen Kämpfer'

Nice original period Willrich postcard 'Oberltn Gerlach und Mattheß erkämpften mit der Pak den Vormarsch nach Andalsnes' from the series 'Norwegen Kämpfer'. The postcard is showing a drawing of Gerlach and Matthess wearing their Iron Crosses. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 30,00

'Hermann Göring' Portrait Postcard

This is a nice original period photo-postcard from the famous 'Röhr' Knight's cross bearers (Ritterkreuzträger) series, depicting Reichsmarschall 'Hermann Göring'. The postcard is in excellent unissued condition. Nice and decorative postcard!

€ 75,00

'Tag der Deutschen Kunst 1938' Postcard

This is a nice original period color postcard (Postkarte) from the 'Tag der Deutschen Kunst 1938' exhibition. There's a 'Tag der Deutschen Kunst 1938' ink-stamp of the opening day of the exhibition at the back. Nice and decorative postcard!

€ 25,00

'Reichsparteitag Nürnberg 1934' Postcard

This is a nice original colour postcard of the 'Reichsparteitag Nürnberg 1934'. The card shows an artistic image of a knight in armour holding up a sword and a shield with swastika. Very decorative and hard to find original postcard!

€ 75,00

'Flugzeug-Hilfsschiff' Postcard

Nice original period colour propaganda-postcard showing a drawing of a waterplane and an auxiliary ship (Hilfsschiff) at the sea. Hard to find and decorative postcard!

€ 50,00

'Panzer in snow' Postcard

Nice original period color postcard (Feldpost) showing a drawing of a panzer in the snow at the Ostfront. The drawing was made by 'Obergefreiter Fritz Brauner' and was taken out of a magazine that was published by the OKW. Nice and decorative postcard!

€ 25,00

Panzerschiffe 'Deutschland' und 'Admiral Scheer' Postcard

Nice original period color propaganda-postcard showing a painting of two german battle ships at the sea (Panzerschiffe "Deutschland" und "Admiral Scheer"). The painting was made by Walter Zeeden. Nice and decorative postcard!

€ 45,00

'Tag der Deutschen Kunst' Postcard

This is a nice original period color postcard (Postkarte) from the 'Tag der Deutschen Kunst' exhibition, which was in München 14-16 July 1939. The postcard has a nice postage stamp and a beautiful ink stamp. Nice and decorative postcard!

€ 25,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Kapitänleutnant Schultze'

Nice original period Willrich postcard 'Kapitänleutnant Schultze, einer unserer erfolgreichsten U-Boot Kommandanten' from the series 'Unsere U-Boot-Waffe'. The postcard is showing a portrait of 'Herbert Schultze', a famous U-Boat commander. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 25,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Jagdflieger'

This is a nice original period Willrich postcard showing a 'Jagdflieger' (Fighter Pilot). The card is in unissued condition and is void of any writing or text. Nice and decorative original postcard in good condition!

€ 20,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Hauptmann Hans Detleff von Cossel''

Nice original period Willrich postcard 'Hauptmann Hans Detleff von Cossel erhielt das Ritterkreuz als Oberleutnant und Kompaniechef in einem Panzerregiment'. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 25,00

Adolf Hitler Postcard

Nice original period postcard (Postkarte) showing a portrait of Adolf Hitler wearing his visor cap (Schirmmütze). The postcard measures approximately 14 x 9 cms in size and is in excellent condition. Nice original postcard!

€ 30,00

Willrich Postcard - 'Leutnant Rudolf Witsch'

Very rare original period Willrich postcard 'Leutnant D. Res. Rudolf Witsch, erhielt das Ritterkreuz als Kompanieführer in einem Grenadierregiment'. The postcard is in excellent unsent condition and measures approximately 15 x 10,5 cms. Hard to find decorative original postcard!

€ 150,00

Hoffmann Postcard 'Generalfeldmarschall Keitel'

Nice original period photo-postcard from the famous 'Hoffmann' Knight's cross bearers (Ritterkreuzträger) series, depicting the (Heeres) 'Generalfeldmarschall Keitel'. Nice and decorative item in excellent condition!

€ 30,00

Hoffmann Postcard 'Adolf Hitler'

Nice original period photo-postcard depicting Adolf Hitler. This propaganda postcard was published by 'Photo-Hoffmann' in München and measures approximately 15 x 10,5 cms. The card is in excellent unsent condition. Nice and decorative item!

€ 30,00

'German Soldier Song' Postcard

Nice original period postcard showing a Wehrmacht soldier and the lyrics of a German soldier song "Kameraden wir marschier'n!". The postcard measures approximately 14 x 9 cms in size and is in excellent condition. Decorative original postcard!

€ 15,00

'Danzig ist Deutsch' Postcard

Nice original period colour propaganda-postcard, designed by the famous Gottfried Klein, from the 'WHW' (Winterhilfswerk) showing a view of the city Danzig and an eagle with swastika in very vibrant colours. Decorative colourful original postcard!

€ 25,00

'Tag der NSDAP im Generalgouvernement' Postcard

'Tag der NSDAP im Generalgouvernement' Postcard, this event was held from 15-17 August 1941. The postcard is having a postage stamp pasted on the back and is nicely ink-stamped. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 20,00

'Waffen SS Recruitment' Postcard

Nice original period Waffen SS recruitment postcard showing a drawing of two members of the Waffen SS. The text on the front says: "Melde Dich freiwillig zur Waffen-SS - Eintritt mit vollendetem 17. Lebensjahr". Nice and interesting postcard!

€ 175,00

Luftwaffe 'Hörchgerät' Postcard

Nice original period Luftwaffe postcard showing a directional Anti-Aircraft listening device (Hörchgerät). Nice and decorative postcard in excellent condition!

€ 15,00

Luftwaffe 'Leichte Flak' Postcard

Nice original period postcard 'Leichte Flak im Erdkampf' from the series 'Unsere Luftwaffe'. The postcard is showing a photograph of Luftwaffe soldiers with a 3.7 cm Flak anti-aircraft gun. Nice and decorative postcard!

€ 15,00

Luftwaffe 'Flak' Postcard

Nice original period postcard 'Flak geht in Stellung' from the series 'Unsere Luftwaffe'. The postcard is showing a German convoy with in front Luftwaffe soldiers putting a Flak into position. Nice and decorative original postcard!

€ 15,00