Miscellaneous items like flags, porcelain, art, daggers, swords and other unique pieces.
Miniature Dress Bayonet
Miniature German Dress Bayonet as Letter opener (Bajonett als Brieföffner). It is engraved with a company's name 'Hackethal-Draht u. Kabel-Werke A.G.' from Hannover. Decorative original example in good condition!
VDA Collecting Box
VDA (Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland) Collecting Box (Spendenbüchse). The collecting box is in slightly rusted condition. Decorative original item!
'Ausgabestelle für Volksgasmasken der NS Volkswohlfahrt' Wooden Sign
'Ausgabestelle für Volksgasmasken der NS Volkswohlfahrt' Wooden Sign (45 x 32 cms) which would mark a distribution point for gas masks of the NS Volkswohlfahrt. The NSV logo and script are painted on triplex. Very decorative original wartime wooden sign!
'Rauchen Polizeilich Verboten' Metal Sign
German dual-language 'Rauchen Polizeilich Verboten' (Smoking Prohibited by Police) Metal Sign in Both German and Russian language. The sign is measuring approximately 56 x 35 cms. Very decorative original metal sign, this would be a great display piece in any collection room!
'Nürnberg, die Stadt der Reichsparteitage' Souvenir Beer Stein
'Nürnberg, die Stadt der Reichsparteitage' Souvenir Beer Stein (Bierkrug). The 0,5-Liter capacity beer stein is showing the ancient city of Nuremberg as its central design. The beer stein is having a lid from the brewery 'Hansen-Bräu' from Meeder (Oberfranken). Nice and decorative original souvenir ...
Stahlhelmbund Commemorative Beer Stein
Stahlhelmbund Commemorative Beer Stein (Bierkrug) 'Zur Erinnerung an meine Dienstzeit im Stahlhelm' and named to 'Edmund Diehl'. The 0,5-Liter capacity beer stein is showing an early style battle flag. Nice and decorative original piece!
Period Boardgame: 'Welthandel'
German 'Welthandel' Board Game (Brettspiel), made by the company 'Hausser'. The set is complete with cardboard game board, playing cards and metal ships. The set is in used condition. Rare original wartime board game!
Chinese Communist Propaganda Poster
Chinese Communist Party Propaganda Poster. The poster is approximately sized 75 x 50 cms. published around 1965/1968. Decorative original Cold-War era Chinese Propaganda Poster!
Wehrmacht Wooden Grave Marker to NCO 'Johann Bayer'
Wehrmacht Wooden Grave Marker to NCO 'Johann Bayer'. Large sized hand-carved wooden remembrance shield to Unteroffizier 'P. Johann Bayer' from Regensburg who was killed in action on 7 September 1941 near Kachowka (Dnepr). Interesting original item!
DRK Subordinate's Hewer
German Red Cross (DRK) Subordinate's Hewer (Hauer für Mannschaften). The dagger is in good used condition, complete with its original leahter frog, maker marked by 'Paul Klopfer' from Berlin and dated 1938. Nice original DRK hewer!
Miniature Wehrmacht (Heer) Officer's Dagger
Miniature Wehrmacht (Heer) Officer's Dagger/Letter opener (Offiziersdolch als Brieföffner). It is engraved with a company's name 'Alexanderwerk' on the blade. Decorative original example in good condition!
WW1 Miniature Dress Bayonet
Miniature German Dress Bayonet as Letter opener (Bajonett als Brieföffner). It is engraved with a company's name 'Eulenberg Moenting & Co.m.b.H.' on the blade and is dated 1917. Decorative original example in good condition!
Set of 2 'Oneida' Deutschland Spoons
Set of 2 'Oneida' Deutschland Spoons showing 'Feldmarschall Von Hindenburg' and 'Kaiserin Augusta Victoria'. The silver plated spoon were sold to promote Germany in America. Decorative original spoons in very good condition!
German 'Heeres Verpflegungs Sack' 1944
German Provision/Ration Bag (Heeres Verpflegungs Sack). This is a nice 1944 dated example showing the Third Reich style national eagle. The sack is in very good mint and unissued condition. Nice and decorative original sack!
WH (Heer) Officer's Dagger 'WKC'
Wehrmacht (Heer) Officer's Dagger (Heeres Offiziersdolch). The blade is well marked with the etched manufacturer’s logo and script from the maker 'WKC' from Solingen. Nice original dagger in good used condition!
'Winterfeldzug Luftgau-Moskau' Porcelain Plate
'Winterfeldzug Luftgau-Moskau' Porcelain Plate (Teller) 1941-1942. Made by the famous 'Meissen' company, marked with number 'W162'. Hard to find and very decorative original item!