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Results 601 - 650 of 6927

Rare Original Dutch 'Stoottroepen' M1 Combat Helmet

Rare Original Dutch "Stoottroepen" M1 Combat Helmet. Early model fixed bale/front seam. Complete with original 'Inland' liner. Nice original 'Stoottroepen' helmet in good used condition!

€ 3450,00

WW2 US Army Air Forces Type A2 Leather Flight Jacket

WW2 U.S. Army Air Forces Type A2 Leather Flight Jacket. The jacket is complete with manufacturer label by the company of 'J.A. Dubow Mfg Co' from Chicago. Rare original A-2 Type Flight Jacket in good used condition!

€ 1000,00

WW2 US Army Air Forces Type A2 Leather Flight Jacket

WW2 U.S. Army Air Forces Type A2 Leather Flight Jacket with Korean War period Blood Chit sewn inside lining. The jacket is complete with US Army Property Tag. China-Burma-India insignia on right shoulder. Rare original A-2 Type Flight Jacket in good used condition!

€ 1500,00

US M1 Navy Helmet named to 'Hogan'

US M1 Navy Helmet with fixed bale and front seam. The navy grey painted helmet shows the stenciled on name 'Hogan' and comes with a matching liner, marked by 'MSA', and named to 'Hogan' as well. Great original Navy helmet in very good condition!

€ 1200,00

Luftwaffe M38 Gasmask with Canister

Luftwaffe Gasmask with short type Canister (Gasmaske M30 mit Blechbüchse M30), complete with damaged carrying straps. The canister is nicely overpainted in Luftwaffe grey. Nice original gasmask set in used condition!

€ 195,00

Dutch Waffen-SS 'Alles Sal Reg Kom' Propaganda Poster

Dutch Waffen-SS 'Alles Sal Reg Kom' Propaganda Poster (60x44cms). On this poster, Paul Kruger, former president of the South African Republic, is pictured above a marcheing column of Waffen SS soldiers. Scarce original period propaganda poster in very good condition!

€ 1950,00

WH (Heer) M42 Combat Helmet

Wehrmacht (Heer)/Waffen-SS M42 Combat Helmet (Stahlhelm M42). 'ckl66' marked helmet, complete with its original 1943 dated size '58' liner. This helmet was left behind in Zwolle in the Netherlands. Nice original late war M42 combat helmet in good condition!

€ 795,00

Wehrmacht 'Fluffy' Camouflage Sniper Smock

Wehrmacht 'Fluffy' Camouflage Sniper Smock (Tarnhemd für Scharfschützen). The smock is showing strong colours and minor traces of usage. Great for a Wehrmacht sniper display, this is one of the rarest smocks to be found!

€ 7750,00

Kriegsmarine Staff Officer's Visor Cap

Kriegsmarine Staff Officer's (Kapitän zur See) Visor Cap (Schirmmütze), maker marked by 'Peküro'. The cap is complete with its original hand-embroidered cocarde and cap-eagle. Cap in used condition. Rare and hard to find original Kriegsmarine High Rank Officer's Visor Cap!

€ 2500,00

WW1 6-Piece Ribbon Bar

World War 1 6-piece Ribbon Bar (Bandspange) for various German and Austrian-Hungarian Medals including a WW1 Iron Cross 2nd Class. With nice jeweler tag by 'J.Reimann' from Berlin. Beautiful original WW1 ribbon bar!

€ 65,00

WW1 7-Piece Ribbon Bar 'Württemberg'

World War 1 7-piece 'Württemberg' Ribbon Bar (Bandspange) for various German and Austrian-Hungarian Medals including a WW1 Iron Cross 2nd Class and a Württemberg Medal of Bravery, see photos. Beautiful original WW1 ribbon bar!

€ 65,00

WW1 7-Piece Ribbon Bar

World War 1 7-piece Ribbon Bar (Bandspange) for various German and Austrian Medals including a WW1 Iron Cross 2nd Class and a WW2 period War Merit Cross with Swords. See photos. Beautiful original WW1 ribbon bar!

€ 65,00

WH (Heer) M35 SD Camouflage Helmet

WH (Heer) M35 Single Decal Camouflaged Combat Helmet (Stahlhelm M35) - 'NS68' marked helmet complete with original large size '58' liner and damaged chinstrap. The helmet is showing a beautiful two tone tan/green camouflage. Hard to find original camouflaged helmet!

€ 2950,00

German 'Feuerwehr' Dress Bayonet

German 'Feuerwehr/Feuerschutzpolizei' Dress Bayonet (Extraseitengewehr). The bayonet is complete with its original leather frog & portepee. Nice original fire brigade bayonet in very good condition!

€ 295,00

Beaded M35 Luftschutz type Helmet

Beaded M35 Luftschutz type Helmet (Stahlhelm M35). This is a heavier quality M35 type Luftschutz helmet featuring a pronounced bead along the midline of the shell, the 'EF66' marked helmet is complete with its original liner and chinstrap. Nice original helmet in good used condition!

€ 325,00

Wehrmacht Helmet Chinstrap

Wehrmacht Helmet Chinstrap (Stahlhelm Sturmriemen). The chinstrap is slightly shortened but long enough to use on a helmet. Complete with steel buckle and studs. Perfect for completing a M40 or M42 helmet!

€ 145,00

NSDAP Nürnberg 1929 Party Rally Plaque

NSDAP Nürnberg 1929 Party Rally Plaque or Table Medal. The plaque is nicely maker marked by the company of 'Hofstätter' from Bonn. The plaque is sized 77 x 35 mm and is showing outstanding detail. Rare and decorative original item!

€ 775,00

Reference book "Exploring the Dress Daggers and Swords of the German SS"

Reference book; "Exploring the Dress Daggers and Swords of the German SS" by 'Thomas T. Wittmann'. This hardcover book features 764 pages full of information regarding all types of SS Daggers and Swords. Rare and hard to find reference work!

€ 250,00

WH (Heer) Slip-ons for the 'Infanterie-Regiment 112'

Matching pair of WH (Heer) Shoulder Strap 'slip-ons' ('Überschübe') as intended for a 'Soldat des Infanterie-Regiment 112'. The pair shows some minor traces of years of storage. Nice original pair in good used condition!

€ 25,00

WH (Heer) Slip-ons for the 'Artillerie-Regiment 72'

Matching pair of WH (Heer) Shoulder Strap 'slip-ons' ('Überschübe') as intended for a 'Soldat des Artillerie-Regiment 72'. The pair shows some minor traces of years of storage. Nice original pair in good unissued condition!

€ 25,00

WH (Heer) Slip-ons for the 'Pionier-Bataillon 179'

Matching pair of WH (Heer) Shoulder Strap 'slip-ons' ('Überschübe') as intended for a 'Soldat des Pionier-Bataillon 179'. The pair shows some minor traces of years of storage. Nice pair in good unissued condition!

€ 25,00

WH (Heer) Slip-ons for the 'Nachschubtruppen 33'

Matching pair of WH (Heer) Shoulder Strap 'slip-ons' ('Überschübe') as intended for a 'Soldat der Panzer-Divisions-Nachschubtruppen 33'. The pair shows some minor traces of years of storage. Nice pair in good unissued condition!

€ 25,00

WH (Heer) Slip-ons for the 'Infanterie-Regiment 127'

Matching pair of WH (Heer) Shoulder Strap 'slip-ons' ('Überschube') as intended for a 'Soldat des Infanterie-Regiment 127'. The pair shows some minor traces of years of storage. Nice pair in good unissued condition!

€ 25,00

WH (Heer) 'Nachschub' Slip-ons 'Wehrkreis XII'

Matching pair of WH (Heer) Shoulder Strap 'slip-ons' ('Überschübe') as intended for a 'Soldat der Nachschub' within the 'Wehrkreis XII'. The pair shows some minor traces of years of storage. Nice pair in good unissued condition!

€ 20,00

WH (Heer) Slip-on for the 'Infanterie-Regiment 313'

Single WH (Heer) Shoulder Strap 'slip-on' ('Überschube') as intended for a 'Soldat des Infanterie-Regiment 313'. The slip-on shows some minor traces of years of storage. Nice example in good unissued condition!

€ 10,00

Cased Miniature Mothers Cross in Gold 'L/54'

Cased Miniature Mothers Cross in Gold (Ehrenkreuz der Deutschen Mutter). Complete with its original confectioned ribbon. The miniature is 'L/54' marked indicating production by the company of 'Schauerte & Hohfeld' from Lüdenscheid. Nice set in very good condition!

€ 225,00

NSDAP Member's Armband

NSDAP Member's Armband (Armbinde). The armband is showing a machine-woven black coloured swastika, woven on a white roundel, the roundel is machine-sewn on a red cotton armband. Complete with RZM label. Original armband in very good condition!

€ 235,00

German 'Schutzpolizei' Field Blouse

German Police Field Blouse (Polizei Feldbluse M42) as intended for a 'Wachtmeister der Schutzpolizei'. Maker marked by 'R. Bartùnèk' from Triesch (Třešť, Czechoslovakia). Complete with all original applied insignia. Nice original Police Field Blouse!

€ 750,00

Schutzpolizei Straight Leg Service Trousers

Schutzpolizei Straight Leg Service Trousers (Hose). The pants are nicely maker marked by the company of 'Stelner & Keller G.m.b.H.' and are dated 1942. The pants are slightly moth damaged. Hard to find original pair of straight leg protection police pants in good used condition!

€ 575,00

WH (Heer) M35 DD Combat Helmet

Wehrmacht (Heer) Double Decal M35 Combat Helmet (Stahlhelm M35). 'ET64' marked shell, complete with its original early liner (having a reinforced aluminum ring) an original 1940 dated chinstrap. Textbook original WH (Heer) M35 DD Helmet!

€ 4750,00

German 'Bodensee Rundschau' Newspaper Enamel Sign

German 'Bodensee Rundschau' Newspaper Enamel Sign (Emailleschild). The enamel sign is maker marked by 'Ferro-Email' from the company 'C. Robert Dold' from Offenburg. The sign is measuring approximately 78 x 58 cms. Hard to find original enamel sign in very good condition!

€ 1250,00

Wehrmacht Carbide Field Lantern

Wehrmacht Carbide Field Lantern (Einheitslaterne 37). Brown coloured bakelite example, it comes with aluminum hook and original slides. The lantern is nicely WaA marked, it is in overall good used condition. Nice example!

€ 235,00

'All About Amsterdam' Booklet 1945

'All About Amsterdam' Booklet. A Canadian Soldier's City Guide published by 'W.L. Salm & Co' in order of the Tourist Development Association. The map in the back is missing. Decorative original booklet!

€ 45,00

British 'Cigarettes' Ration Tin

This is a nice original British 'Cigarettes' Ration Tin. The empty tin is in overall nice used condition, some scratches and normal wear is visible. Very nice and desirable original item!

€ 65,00

Close Combat Fighting Knife Scabberd

Wehrmacht Close Combat Fighting Knife Scabberd (Scheide zum Nahkampfmesser). The scabberd is complete with clip. The scabberd might have been repainted long time ago. Hard to find scabberd in good used condition!

€ 125,00

German Pocket Knife

German WW2 Period Pocket Knife (Taschenmesser). The blade is nicely maker marked by the company of 'Gebr. Berns' from Solingen. The wooden grip is showing a naval anchor. This would be a nice addition to a Soldier's personal kit!

€ 60,00

Wehrmacht Bandage Package '1944'

Wehrmacht Bandage Package (Verbandpäckchen). The package is produced by the company of 'Paul Hartmann A.G.' from Heidenheim (Brenz) and it is dated 1944. Nice example in good unissued condition!

€ 20,00

German Visor Cap Cocarde

German Visor Cap Cocarde as used by many organisations during the Third Reich period. The aluminum cocarde is complete with both prongs. Nice original example in good unissued condition, perfect for restoring a visor cap!

€ 12,50

WW1 Iron Cross 2nd Class

WW1 Iron Cross 2nd Class (Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse). The cross is not visible maker marked. Complete with its original short sized ribbon as found. Nice original WW1 Iron Cross 2nd Class in good condition!

€ 75,00

Waffen-SS Jerrycan - Sandrik

Waffen-SS 20 liter Jerrycan (Kraftstoff Kanister). The jerrycan is maker marked by 'Sandrik' and marked with the recognizeable SS runes. Nice original example in used and uncleaned condition as found. These original SS Jerrycans are extremely hard to find!

€ 750,00

German M34 DD 'Feuerschutzpolizei' Helmet

German Double Decal M34 Fire Protection Police Helmet (Feuerschutzpolizei Stahlhelm M34). Both the police and party decal are for about 95% present, the helmet is showing minor traces of usage. Nice original 'Feuerwehr' helmet in good used condition!

€ 495,00

MG34/42 'Patronenkasten 36'

MG34 or MG42 vehicle mount ammo-box (Patronenkasten 36). This is a first pattern box with regular closure system. The box is not visible maker marked or dated. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 135,00

Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze 'R.K.'

Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze (Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze). The badge is maker marked with 'R.K.' indicating production by 'Rudolf A. Karneth & Söhne' from Gablonz an der Neiße. Nice original badge in good condition!

€ 375,00

Wehrmacht Hardshell P38 Pistol Holster

Wehrmacht Hardshell P38 Pistol Holster (Pistolentaschen P38). The blackened leather holster is marked and dated 'gxy 1942'. Norwegian reissue having replaced belt-loops. Still a nice original P38 pistol holster in very good condition!

€ 275,00

Wehrmacht 'Kleines Feldbesteck' in Pouch

Wehrmacht 'Kleines Feldbesteck', as intended for a 'Sanitäter' or 'Arzt', that comes in its original leather pouch. The pouch is nicely maker marked by the company of 'Bollmann & Co.' from Tuttlingen. Nice set in good used condition!

€ 160,00

British Helmet Chinstrap

Original World War 2 British Helmet Chinstrap. Perfect to complete your MK II or MK III helmet with. Hard to find spare part when needed. Example in good used condition!

€ 35,00

Lot of various Wehrmacht Equipment Straps & Parts

Lot of various Wehrmacht Equipment Straps & Spare Parts. Perfect to use for restauration purposes. Take a look at the photos for more details. Priced accordingly!

€ 50,00

Luftwaffe Officer's Visor Cap

Luftwaffe Officer's Visor Cap (Schirmmütze für Offiziere). The visor cap is not visible maker marked or dated. Complete with original applied hand-embroidered officer's type cap-eagle and cocarde. Hard to find original Luftwaffe Officer's Visor Cap in very good condition!

€ 1250,00

Luftwaffe Officer's Overseas Cap

Luftwaffe Officer's Overseas Cap (Schiffchen für Offiziere). This is privately purchased type of officer's overseas cap, constructed of gabardine wool and complete with hand-embroidered cap-eagle and cocarde. Nice original cap in very good condition!

€ 575,00

Luftwaffe Pilots Badge 'Juncker' J4

Luftwaffe Pilots Badge (Flugzeugführerabzeichen). Scarce original late war J4 type zinc example, the badge is nicely maker marked by the company of 'C.E. Juncker' from Berlin. Hard to find original badge in good used condition!

€ 795,00