P38 Pistol Holster
WH (Heer)/Waffen-SS P38 Pistol Holster (Pistolentaschen P38). The softshell holster is nicely marked on the back with 'P38' and maker marked and dated 'gxy 1944'. Nice original P38 pistol holster in mint and unissued condition!
Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze - Schickle
Panzer Assault Badge in Bronze (Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze). The early hollow tombak badge is not visible maker marked but can be attributed to production by the company of 'Otto Schickle' from Pforzheim. Nice and desirable original badge in very good condition!
'Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber'
Infantry Assault Badge in Silver (Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber). The hollow tombak type badge is not visible maker marked, it can be attributed to the company of 'Otto Schickle' from Pforzheim. Stunning original badge in very good condition!
Waffen-SS BeVo Collar Tab
Waffen-SS BeVo Enlisted Men's Style Runic Collar Tab (Kragenspiegel). This is a later-war type collar tab showing the machine-woven (BeVo) SS runes in silvery/grey on a black background. Nice original example in very good condition!
WH (Heer) M36 Type Panzer Breast Eagle
Wehrmacht (Heer) M36 Type Panzer Breast Eagle (Hoheitsabzeichen). The eagle is executed in the neat so-called BeVo weave style in white thread on a black linnen background. Nice example in good unissued condition!
BeVo-woven 'TeNo' Arm Badge
'Technische Nothife' (TeNo) BeVo-woven Arm Badge (TeNo Ärmelabzeichen). The shield is executed in the neat so-called BeVo weave style, woven in silver/grey threads on a green background. Nice example in mint and unissued condition!
Nahkampfspange in Bronze - 'F&B.L'
Close Combat Clasp in Bronze (Nahkampfspange in Bronze). The badge is maker marked with 'F&B.L.' indicating production by the company of 'Funcke & Brüninghaus' from Lüdenscheid. Nice original slightly vaulted clasp in very good condition!
Eastern Peoples Award 1st Class
Eastern Peoples Award 1st Class without Swords in Silver (Verdienstauszeichnung für Angehörige der Ostvölker, 1. Klasse in Silber). The medal is not visible maker marked. Nice original badge in very good condition!
WH (Heer) 'Flatwire' M40 Officer's Cap Cocarde
WH (Heer) Flatwire woven M40 Officer's cap cocarde, woven according to the 'BeVo'-weave technique in silver metallic wire on a fieldgrey cotton background. As worn on the Officer's M34 overseas caps. Nice original example in good unissued condition!
DRK Sleeve Eagle
This is a nice original German Red Cross (DRK) sleeve-eagle (Ärmeladler). The armbadge is BeVo-woven in silver-grey coloured thread and mounted on a dark-grey coloured woolen background. The badge is 'Ges.Gesch.' marked. Nice example in good condition!