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Original World War 2 Photographs

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Results 51 - 100 of 148


Oberst 'Heinz Koller-Kraus' Portrait Photograph

Sharp portrait photograph of Wehrmacht Oberst 'Heinz Koller Kraus'. His German Cross in Gold, General Assault Badge and Iron Cross 1st Class are visible. Photograph has been personally signed during the war with 'Heil und Sieg!'. Unique and rare photograph! 

€ 150,00

Hauptmann 'Hans Geismann' Photograph

Nice photograph of 'Hans Geismann' Hauptmann der Luftwaffe in Kampfgeschwader 77 and in Nachtjagdgeschwader 1. His Knight's Cross, German Cross in Gold, Luftwaffe Pilot's Badge and Frontflugspange für Kampfflieger in Gold are visible. Unique portrait!

€ 100,00

Luftwaffe Portrait Photo

Portrait style black and white photograph of a Luftwaffe Unteroffizier wearing his Flight Blouse (Fliegerbluse) and M43 Field Cap / 'Bergmütze'. The photograph is dated Oslo (Norway), June 7th 1942. Nice Luftwaffe portrait photograph!

€ 25,00

Large sized Mussert & Hitler Press Photo

Original period (large-sized 23 x 17 cms) press-release photograph, showing Anton Mussert (leader of the National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands) shaking hands with Adolf Hitler. Interesting original period press-release photograph!

€ 75,00

Luftwaffe 'Fallschirmjäger' Photograph

Nice postcard size photograph showing two Luftwaffe paratroopers wearing their 'Splittertarn' camouflage jumpsmocks. The person on the right is also wearing a M43 cap and a shelterquarter as a camouflage jacket. Unique original Fallschirmjäger photo!

€ 65,00

Lot of 13 Fallschirmjäger Photographs

Nice lot of 13 original period showing various kinds of 'Fallschirmjäger' related images, such as: German paratroopers wearing their jumpsmocks and paratrooper helmets, paratroopers posing in front of a plane and some portraits. Interesting lot of Jäger photographs!

€ 125,00

Large sized propaganda photo of Adolf Hitler

This is an original period (large-sized 13 x 18 cms) propaganda photograph showing Adolf Hitler. The photo is printed on thick paper and is in excellent condition. Interesting original propaganda photograph!

€ 50,00

'Reichsbahn' Portrait Photograph

Portrait photograph showing a 'Deutsche Reichsbahn' (German National Railway) official wearing his DRB tunic with visor cap. The photograph measures approximately 8,5 x 13,5 cms in size. Nice quality original Deutsche Reichsbahn  portrait photo!

€ 35,00

'Arado Ar 96 ' Photograph

Nice original period photograph of an Arado Ar 96 from the German Luftwaffe. In front of the plane is a man in winter flight coveralls. This airplane was the Luftwaffe's standard advanced trainer during World War II. Interesting original Arado Ar 96 photograph!

€ 15,00

Allgemeine SS Portrait Photograph

Allgemeine SS photograph. Nice portrait showing an 'SS-Mann' wearing his black coloured SS tunic and SS visor cap. A "57" collar tab is clearly visible indicating that he was an assigned member to Standarte 57 (Meiningen). Nice quality original portrait photo!

€ 75,00

Rare 'SS-Sanitätsabteilung VT' Portrait Photograph

Rare 'SS-Sanitätsabteilung VT' (Verfügungstruppe) portrait photograph showing an SS-VT 'Schütze' wearing his SS-VT tunic and SS-VT overseas cap. An 'ᛋᛋ S' collar tab is clearly visible. Unique original 'SS-VT' portrait photo!

€ 100,00

Waffen-SS Portrait Photograph

Nice small sized portrait showing an SS-Unterscharführer wearing his SS tunic and SS 'crusher' visor cap with cap-eagle and skull. The photograph measures approximately 5,5 x 7,5 cms in size. Nice original Waffen SS portrait photo!

€ 50,00

Marder II D Photograph

Stunning and rare photograph of a German "Marder II D" tank destroyer. The Marder II D was a Panzer II converted to tank destroyer. Extremely rare original period photograph in excellent condition!

€ 250,00

WH (Heer) Sturmgeschütz Portrait Photo

Unique Wehrmacht (Heer) portrait photo of a Sturmgeschütz Gefreiter wearing his green-coloured 'Sturmgeschütz-uniform' (wrapper). An Ostmedal ribbon and a mint condition Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen are visible. Nice original Sturmgeschütz portrait-photo!

€ 75,00

WH (Heer)/RAD Photo Album

This is a nice WH (Heer) / Reichsarbeitsdienst photo-album containing over 80 military related photographs, pasted inside the photo-album are some dried 'Edelweiß' flowers. Nice and decorative original photo-album!

€ 65,00

Large Sized 'Adolf Hitler' Hoffmann Photograph

Large sized black and white 'Adolf Hitler' Propaganda Photograph. The Photo is sized approximately 30,5 x 24 cms. It is showing the number 'Nr.1047b' and 'Photo: Hoffmann-München'. Unique piece of Third Reich propagandistic art!

€ 150,00

WH (Heer) Photo Album

This is a nice WH (Heer) photo-album containing approximately 170 military related photographs showing many Artillery Howitzers, Flak Guns, vehicles, half-tracks, shot-down Russian planes and many other interesting details. Nice and decorative original photo-album!

€ 295,00

'Generalfeldmarschall von Kluge' Press Photo

This is a nice original period (large-sized 13 x 18 cms) press-release photograph, showing Generalfeldmarschall Günther von Kluge on 7 July 1944. There's a description about the photo on the backside. Great original period press-release photograph!

€ 35,00

Mussert & Hitler Press Photo

Nice original period (large-sized) press-release photograph, showing Anton Mussert (leader of the National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands) shaking hands with Adolf Hitler. The photo is printed on postcard paper. Interesting press-release photo!

€ 75,00

British Soldiers Group Photo Enschede

This is a small sized group photo of British soldiers at Enschede, the Netherlands. Nice group photo showing happy British soldiers with drinks in a field. 'Enschede May' is written at the back. Interesting original photograph!

€ 10,00

U.S. Army Press Photo

Nice original period (large-sized 15 x 21 cms) U.S. Army press-release photograph, showing a 'German nurse surrenders with troops'. Description on the backside. Published by 'the Associated Press Ltd.' from London. Great original period press-release photograph!

€ 30,00

WH (Heer) & 'TeNo' Portrait Photographs

Great set of 2 portrait photos of a member in both the Wehrmacht (Heer) and the Technische Nothilfe (TeNo). Showing an M40 field blouse with the rank of 'Unteroffizier', a reissued type M40 helmet and a Technische Nothilfe cufftitle. Nice set of photographs!

€ 100,00

Set of 6 WH (Heer) 'Panzer' Portrait Photographs

Great set of 6 portrait photos of Wehrmacht 'Panzer' Obergefreiter wearing his black-coloured 'Panzer-uniform' (wrapper) and a Panzer M43 cap. He was awarded with the Iron Cross 2nd Class, a Wound Badge and the German Eastern Front Medal. Nice lot of photographs!

€ 75,00

'SA Truppführer' Photograph

Small sized (6 x 9 cms) SA Photograph showing a 'Truppführer' of the 'SA' and a man in civilian clothes. An SA dagger, Swastika Armband and 'SA Treffen Braunschweig 1931' rally badge are visible. The photo is in good condition, see scans. Nice original decorative photograph! 

€ 20,00

Set of 3 'Panzer' portrait photographs

Nice lot of 3 photographs showing a Wehrmacht (Heer) 'Panzer' soldier and his bride. The photographs measure approximately 10 x 14 cms. All photos are high quality and are in excellent condition. Nice lot of 'Panzer' wedding portrait photographs!

€ 100,00

WH (Heer) Panzer Portrait Photo

Wehrmacht (Heer) 'Panzer' portrait photo. Nice quality portrait of a Panzer soldier wearing his black-coloured 'Panzer-uniform' (wrapper). The photo measures approximately 13,5 x 8,5 cms (postcard size) and is in excellent condition. Nice original Panzer portrait-photo!

€ 30,00

Empty WH (Heer) Photo Album

Empty WH (Heer) Photo Album (Ehren-Chronik). The empty photo album is showing many decorative pages with general army history and nice black&white photographs and (colour)illustrations. The album was given to a soldier by the NSKOV on 20 April 1942. Nice emtpy album!

€ 75,00

Small size Polizei Portrait Photo

Small size Polizei Portrait Photo showing a Police member wearing his Tunic having a SA Sports Badge attached. The photo measures approximately 7 x 5,5 cms. Nice original portrait-photo!

€ 10,00

WH (Heer) 'Gebirgsjäger' Portrait Photo

This is a portrait of a Wehrmacht 'Gebirgsjäger' soldier wearing his summer style tunic. He's wearing his Mountain Trooper Cap made of the same material having a T-shaped BeVo cap-eagle/cocarde and 'Edelweiß' cap badge attached. Nice original portrait photo!

€ 35,00

WH (Heer) Portrait Photo

Portrait style black and white photograph showing a Wehrmacht soldier wearing a reissued Dutch Army Field Blouse converted to a Wehrmacht Field Blouse. Interesting original photograph!

€ 15,00

WH (Heer) Panzer Portrait Photo

Nice quality portrait of a Panzer soldier wearing his black-coloured 'Panzer-uniform' (wrapper). The photo measures approximately 14 x 9 cms (postcard size). Nice original Panzer portrait-photo in good condition!

€ 35,00

Large Sized Framed SS 'Totenkopf' Photograph

Framed large sized SS 'Totenkopfstandarte 1 Oberbayern' Photograph. The photograph is sized approximately 29 x 39 cms and mounted in a 54 x 64 cms sized wooden frame. Rare original larges sized Waffen-SS Totenkopf Division photograph!

€ 495,00

WH (Heer) Photo Album

This is a nice WH (Heer) photo-album containing over 80 military related photographs, pasted inside the photo-album are some dried 'Edelweiß' flowers. Nice and decorative original photo-album!

€ 165,00

Set of 3 'Hitler Jugend' Photographs

This nice lot of 3 photographs showing 'Hitler Jugend' (HJ) members. The photographs measure approximately 9 x 6 cms in size and are developed on 'Agfa Lupex' photopaper. Nice lot of HJ photographs!

€ 15,00

Luftwaffe Leutnant Portrait Photograph

Nice sharp portrait photo of a Luftwaffe Leutnant wearing his Waffenrock. A Luftwaffe Pilot's Badge, Iron Cross 1st Class, Squadron Clasp for Reconnaissance Personal, a Black Wound Badge and 3-piece medal bar are visible. Unique portrait photograph of a highly decorated Luftwaffe Leutnant! 

€ 75,00

Waffen-SS 'Germania' Group Photo

This is a postcard size Waffen-SS 'Germania' group photo showing 4 Waffen-SS soldiers wearing their SS tunics. An "SS Germania" cufftitle is partly visible on one of the soldiers. The photograph measures approximately 14 x 9 cms in size. Interesting original photograph!

€ 25,00

Luftwaffe 'Fallschirmjäger' Photograph

Nice quality photograph showing a Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger 'Feldwebel' posing in the snow. He's wearing his 'Splittertarn' camouflage Smock, Paratrooper Gloves and Double-decal Paratrooper Helmet. Unique original paratrooper photo!

€ 75,00

'Messerschmidt Bf / Me 110' Photograph

This is a nice original period photograph of a Messerschmidt Bf / Me 110 destroyer / fighter-bomber from the German Luftwaffe. The photograph meausures approximately 9,5 x 7 cms in size. Nice original Messerschmidt Bf / Me 110 photograph!

€ 15,00

Junkers Ju 87 'Stuka' Photograph

This is a nice original period photograph of a Junkers Ju 87 dive bomber from the German Luftwaffe, also known as 'Stuka'. The photograph meausures approximately 9 x 6 cms in size and is developed on Agfa-Lupex photopaper. Nice original Stuka photograph!

€ 15,00

Personally Signed 'Markus Zeidler' Knight's Cross Photo

Nice small-sized portrait photograph of Luftwaffe Major 'Markus Zeidler' that was personally signed by him at the back. His Knight's Cross, German Cross in Gold, Luftwaffe Pilot's Badge, Transport and Glider Squadron Clasp and other medals are visible. Unique and signed Luftwaffe photograph!

€ 100,00

Large sized WH (Heer) 'Pionier' Portrait Photo

Nice quality portrait of a Wehrmacht 'Pionier' soldier wearing his M36 tunic and visor cap. The large sized photo measures 24 x 18 cms and is developed on thick photopaper. Nice original large sized pionier portrait photo!

€ 20,00

Set of 3 WH (Heer) 'Panzer III' Photographs

This is a great set of 3 photos of a Wehrmacht Panzer crew with their 'Panzer III' tank. The photographs meausure approximately 9 x 6 cms in size and are developed on Agfa-Lupex photopaper. Nice lot of photographs!

€ 50,00

WH (Heer) Panzer Portrait Photo

This is a Wehrmacht (Heer) 'Panzer' portrait photo. Nice quality portrait of a Panzer soldier wearing his black-coloured 'Panzer-uniform' (wrapper) with overseas cap. You can clearly see the recognizable 'skulls' on his collar-tabs. Nice original panzer portrait-photo in great condition!

€ 45,00

Set of crashed 'Junkers Ju52' photographs

This is a great set of 2 original period photographs of crashed Junkers Ju52 airplanes. These photgraphs were taken in the Netherlands in May 1940, most likely somewhere between Rotterdam and The Hague (in the area of Delft). Nice lot of interesting, sharp photographs!

€ 30,00

Set of 2 Waffen-SS 'Totenkopf' Photographs

This is a great set of 2 original period photographs of a group of Waffen-SS 'Totenkopf' soldiers enjoying a smoke. One photo's shows soldiers with a vertical "SS Totenkopf" collar tab clearly visible. Nice lot of interesting, very sharp photographs!

€ 50,00

Canadian Portrait Photograph

This is a nice portrait photograph of two Canadian soldiers from the 23rd RCA.  The soldiers are wearing their Canadian battle dress with beret. A Royal Canadian Artillery Cap Badge is attached to their beret. Nice original portrait!

€ 25,00

Waffen-SS Portrait Photograph

This is a nice Waffen-SS portrait photograph showing an SS-Unterscharführer wearing his SS tunic and SS overseas cap with cap-eagle and skull. A 4-piece ribbon bar (Bandspange) is visible on his left-breast. Nice original portrait photo!

€ 75,00

Luftwaffe Hauptmann Portrait Photograph

This is a nice sharp portrait photograph of a Luftwaffe captain wearing his Waffenrock. A Kreta Cufftitle, Krim Campaign Shield, Luftwaffe Pilot's Badge, Iron Cross 1st Class, Transport and Glider Squadron Clasp, 4-piece ribbon bar and Romanian awards are visible on this unique stunning picture!

€ 125,00

WH (Heer) 'Gebirgsjäger' Portrait-photo

This is a portrait of a Wehrmacht 'Gebirgsjäger' soldier wearing his M40 model tunic having a nice Gebirgsjäger 'Edelweiß' armbadge attached. He's wearing his M43 cap having a T-shaped BeVo cap-eagle/cocarde attached. Nice original portrait photo!

€ 30,00

Rare 'SS-VT Germania' Portrait Photograph

This is a rare SS-Verfügungstruppe, also known as 'SS-VT', portrait photograph. An 'SS 2' collar tab is clearly visible indicating that he was a member in the 'SS Verfügungstruppe Standarte 2 Germania'. Nice original portrait photo!

€ 250,00
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