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World War 2 German Insignia & Armbands

Results 201 - 250 of 630

Uniform Insignia

WH (Heer) M36 Infantery EM's Shoulder-Straps

Pair of Wehrmacht (Heer) M36-type EM's shoulder-straps having the woolen-type white coloured piping as intended for a 'Soldat der Infanterie'. Rare and hard to find original pair of shoulder-straps in very good, near mint, condition!

€ 295,00

HJ District Triangle 'Südost Steiermark'

Hitler-Jugend (HJ) District Triangle 'Südost Steiermark' (Gebietsdreieck). This is a male version, woven in golden/yellow coloured thread on a black-coloured linnen background. This is one of the more scarcely seen (Austrian) District Triangles. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 130,00

HJ/BDM 'Feldscher' Sleeve Insignia

HJ/BDM 'Feldscher' Sleeve Insignia (Ärmelabzeichen). The arm badge is executed in the so-called 'BeVo' weave pattern. Hard to find original example in clearly used and tunic removed condition!

€ 75,00

'Feuerlöschpolizei' NCO's Sleeve Eagle

'Feuerlöschpolizei' NCO's Sleeve Eagle (Ärmeladler für Mannschaften der Feuerlöschpolizei). The eagle is embroidered in carmine on a field-grey woolen background. Nice original sleeve eagle in good used and clearly tunic removed condition!

€ 80,00

Flieger-HJ 'Bann 228' Insignia Grouping

HJ Insignia Grouping consisting of a pair of blue piped 'Flieger-HJ' (Flieger Hitler-Jugend) Shoulder Straps for a HJ member within 'Bann 228' (564 = Buer, Westfalen, West), a Westfalen unit patch probably from a flag and a district triangle. Nice grouping!

€ 400,00

Reichsbahn 'RVD Kiew' Sleeve Eagle

'Deutsche Reichsbahn' (German National Railway) BeVo-woven 'RVD Kiew' (Reichsverkehrsdirektion Kiew) Sleeve Eagle (Ärmeladler). Example in good unissued condition, just a bit wrinkled caused by years of storage. Nice original sleeve eagle!

€ 65,00

Pair of BeVo 'Polizei' Collar Tabs

Pair of 'Polizei' Collar Tabs (Kragenspiegel). These collar-tabs were also worn on the (rare) M44 Dot pattern SS-camouflaged jacket. Nice matching pair of BeVo-woven collar-tabs in clearly used and tunic removed condition!

€ 30,00

HJ District Triangle 'West Westmark'

Hitler-Jugend (HJ) District Triangle 'West Westmark' (Gebietsdreieck). This is a male version, woven in golden/yellow coloured thread on a black-coloured linnen background. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 120,00

WH Tropical Signal Blitz 'Kradschützen'

WH (Heer) Tropical Signals Personnel's Trade Badge as intended for an 'Kradschütze' (motorized) soldier (Tätigkeitsabzeichen für Nachrichtenpersonal). The badge is neatly machine-embroidered on light-brown tropical cloth, having a reinforced border. Nice example in good unissued condition!

€ 50,00

WH (Heer) Tropical 'Waffenmeister' Insignia

WH (Heer) 'Waffenmeister' Trade- & Special career insignia (Tätigkeitsabzeichen). The patch is showing two neatly machine-embroidered crossed rifles on a light-brown tropical cloth, having a reinforced border. Nice original patch in good unissued condition!

€ 45,00

Reichsbahn 'HVD Brüssel' Sleeve Eagle

'Deutsche Reichsbahn' (German National Railway) BeVo-woven 'HVD Brüssel' (Hauptverkehrsdirektion Brüssel) Sleeve Eagle (Ärmeladler). Example in good unissued condition, just a bit wrinkled caused by years of storage. Nice original sleeve eagle!

€ 60,00

Kriegsmarine 'Küstenartillerie' Breast Eagle

Kriegsmarine 'Küstenartillerie' Breast Eagle (Hoheitsabzeichen). The eagle is executed in the neat so-called BeVo weave style in golden-yellow thread on a dark-green linnen background. Nice original coastal artillery breast eagle in mint and unissued condition!

€ 70,00

WH (Heer) M44 'Panzergrenadiere' Shoulders-Straps

Pair of Wehrmacht (Heer) M44-type shoulder-straps having the silk-like type bright-green coloured piping as intended for a 'Soldat der Panzergrenadiere' (Rifle regiments). Nice original pair of shoulder-straps in very good condition!

€ 195,00

NSDAP 'Politischer Leiter Anwärter' Armband

NSDAP Local Political Leader Candidate's Armband (Armbinde Ortsgruppenleitung für einen Politischer Leiter Anwärter). The top and bottom of the armband are bordered in light blue rayon piping. Nice and rare original armband in very good, most likely unissued, condition!

€ 350,00

WH (Heer) 'Hufbeschlagpersonal' Trade Badge

Wehrmacht (Heer) hand-embroidered trade- & special career insignia (Tätigkeitsabzeichen) as intended for 'Hufbeschlagpersonal' (Farriers). Nice example in very good, mint and unissued, condition!

€ 25,00

Kriegsmarine 'Küstenartillerie' Breast Eagle

Kriegsmarine 'Küstenartillerie' Breast Eagle (Marine Brusthoheitsabzeichen). The eagle is executed in the neat so-called BeVo weave style in golden-yellow thread on a field-grey linnen background. Nice example in mint and unissued condition!

€ 65,00

Kriegsmarine Tropical Breast Eagle

Kriegsmarine Tropical Breast Eagle (Marine Tropen Brusthoheitsabzeichen). The eagle is executed in the neat so-called BeVo weave style in golden-yellow thread on a tan coloured linnen background. Nice example in good unissued condition!

€ 95,00

Cut out Kriegsmarine 'Küstenartillerie' Breast Eagle

Kriegsmarine 'Küstenartillerie' Breast Eagle (Marine Brusthoheitsabzeichen). The eagle is executed in the neat so-called BeVo weave style in golden-yellow thread on a field-grey linnen background. Stunning example which has been cut out from a field blouse!

€ 135,00

'Schutzpolizei' NCO's Sleeve Eagle 'Duisburg'

'Schutzpolizei' NCO's Sleeve Eagle (Ärmeladler). The eagle is embroidered in green on a field-grey woolen background. The name of the city 'Duisburg' is nicely embroidered above the eagle. The eagle has been tunic removed. Stunning original sleeve eagle!

€ 125,00

Luftwaffe Flight Personnel's Trade Badge

Luftwaffe Flight Personnel's (Fliegendes Personal) trade badge (Tätigkeitsabzeichen). The badge is executed in silver-white linnen, embroidered on a blue-grey woolen background. Nice example in clearly worn and tunic removed condition!

€ 20,00

Luftwaffe 'Waffenpersonal' Trade Badge

Luftwaffe Armourer (Waffenpersonal) Trade Badge (Tätigkeitsabzeichen). The badge is hand-embroidered in silver-white linnen on a blue-grey woolen background. The outer edge of the badge is trimmed in gold piping. There is some minor moth damage. Nice original badge in clearly worn and tunic removed ...

€ 65,00

Luftwaffe Golden-Yellow Collar Cord Piping

Luftwaffe Golden-Yellow Collar Cord Piping. The "Goldgelb" coloured piping was used to border the early Luftwaffe uniform collars and was also used as piping around specialty patches. The cord measures approximately 70cms in length and was clearly removed from a tunic collar!

€ 75,00

Luftwaffe Breast Eagle

Luftwaffe Breast Eagle (Hoheitsabzeichen). Standard second pattern machine-embroidered breast eagle as used by EM/NCO ranks. The breast-eagle is executed in regular Luftwaffe-type wool. Nice original eagle in clearly used and tunic removed condition!

€ 65,00

Pair of Luftwaffe 'Flieger' Shoulder-Boards

Nice pair of Luftwaffe Flight/FJ Shoulder Straps as intended for a 'Soldat der Flieger' or 'Fallschirmjäger' being an NCO-Candidate (Unteroffizieranwärter). The straps measures approximately 10cms in length. Nice pair of straps in good used and worn condition!

€ 150,00

Reichsbahn 'RBD Regensburg' Sleeve Eagle

'Deutsche Reichsbahn' (German National Railway) BeVo-woven 'RBD Regensburg' (Reichsbahndirektion Regensburg) Sleeve Eagle (Ärmeladler). Example in good unissued condition, just a bit wrinkled caused by years of storage. Nice original sleeve eagle!

€ 75,00

Single 'Deutsche Reichsbahn' Shoulder-Board

Single 'Deutsche Reichsbahn' (German National Railway) shoulder-board as intended for a 'Planmäßige Beamte' within the 'Besoldungsgruppen 7' (Pay Group 7). Nice original officer's rank shoulder board in good clearly used and worn condition!

€ 15,00

Waffen-SS/Panzer 'Oberschütze' Rank Pip

Rank Pip as intended for a Waffen-SS 'Oberschütze' or WH (Heer) Panzer 'Oberschütze'. The pip is nicely machine-embroiderd on black wool. Nice original example in good condition!

€ 50,00

'Feuerwehr' Driver & Equipment Trade Badge

'Feuerwehr' (Fire Protection Police) Fire Engine Driver's License holder who was also trained in handling fire-fighting equipment Trade Badge (Tätigkeitsabzeichen). Rare and hard to find badge in mint and unissued condition!

€ 65,00

DJ 'Hordenführer' Armbadge

DJ (Deutsches Jungvolk) 'Hordenführer' armbadge (Ärmelabzeichen). These rank-badges were also used within the Marine HJ: the rank signified was then: 'Marine-HJ-Rottenführer'. Nice original badge in good unissued condition!

€ 25,00

DJ 'Oberhordenführer' Armbadge

DJ (Deutsches Jungvolk) 'Oberhordenführer' Arm Badge (Ärmelabzeichen). These rank-badges were also used within the Marine HJ: the rank signified was then: 'Marine-HJ-Oberrottenführer'. The badge is in clearly used and tunic removed condition!

€ 20,00

DJ Arm Badge 'Oberbann 1'

'Deutsches Jungvolk' Arm Badge 'Oberbann 1'. The Oberbann badge was worn on the left upper arm directly below the HJ arm triangle badge. Complete with original RZM label. Nice original arm-badge of the 'Deutsches Jungvolk' in good unissued condition!

€ 50,00

Single SA Rank Collar Tab

Single SA (Sturmabteilung) Rank Collar Tab as intended for a member within the 'SA-Gruppe Sudeten'. The tab is complete with its original RZM Label (C-Stück). Nice original collar tab in good condition!

€ 35,00

Luftwaffe Unteroffizier's Rank Patch

Luftwaffe Rank Patch, showing one so-called 'moustache' indicating an Unteroffizier's rank. The moustache is executed in white wool and sewn on a dark-blue woolen background. Nice original rank-patch in good unissued condition!

€ 45,00

WH (Heer) Artillery EM's Shoulder-Straps

Pair of Wehrmacht (Heer) M40 EM's shoulder-straps having the silk-type red coloured piping as intended for a 'Soldat der Artillerie'. Rare and hard to find original pair of shoulder-straps in good used condition!

€ 175,00

Single Wehrmacht (Heer) General’s Collar Tab

Single Wehrmacht (Heer) General’s Collar Tab (Kragenspiegel). The collar tab is showing nicely hand-embroidered gold coloured cellulon thread on a smooth red wool base, mounted on a light tan buckram backing. The collar tab is in clearly used and tunic removed condition. Rare original General's ...

€ 395,00

'Organization Todt' Sleeve Rank Insignia

'Organization Todt' Sleeve Rank Insignia. The 'OT' monogram is machine embroidered above 4 sewn on red rank stripes. Nice example in good unissued condition!

€ 75,00

Waffen-SS Collar Tab

Waffen-SS Enlisted Men's Style Runic Collar Tab (Kragenspiegel). The collar tab is showing the machine-embroidered SS runes in silvery/grey on a black woolen background, regrettably showing some moth damage. Rare original example in clearly used and worn condition!

€ 495,00

HJ/BDM Sleeve Diamond

HJ/BDM (Hitler-Jugend/Bund Deutscher Mädel) Sleeve Diamond (Ärmelraute). The arm badge is executed in the so-called 'BeVo' weave pattern, the badge is nicely marked 'Ges.Gesch.' and complete with RZM Label. Nice example in good unissued condition!

€ 65,00

Pair of Luftwaffe Signals School Shoulder Straps

Nice pair of Luftwaffe Signals Shoulder Straps as intended for an 'Oberfeldwebel' who was also a member of a Signals School (Nachrichtenschule). Complete with tongues. Nice original pair that can easily be used to complete an early Luftwaffe Tunic with!

€ 150,00

Kriegsmarine Sport Shirt Breast Eagle

Kriegsmarine Sport Shirt Breast Eagle, approximately sized 25 x 13 cms. The eagle is in clearly used and sport-shirt removed condition, it is a bit wrinkled and shows some staining caused by years of storage. Nice original example in used condition!

€ 60,00

Italian MSVN Officers Shoulder Boards

Italian MSVN Officers Shoulder Boards, complete with Fasces insignia and buttons. The gilt brass boards are having a black woolen backing. Nice set in very good condition!

€ 150,00

SD 'Sicherheitsdienst' Sleeve Diamond

SS SD 'Sicherheitsdienst' Personnel's Sleeve Diamond (Ärmelraute für SD Mitglieder). Machine-embroidered 'SD' in silver-white linnen on a black wool diamone shaped base. Nice example in mint and unissued condition!

€ 350,00

WH (Heer) M36 Infantery EM's Shoulder-Straps

Pair of Wehrmacht (Heer) M36-type EM's shoulder-straps having the woolen-type white coloured piping as intended for a 'Soldat der Infanterie'. Rare and hard to find original pair of shoulder-straps in very good, near mint, condition!

€ 295,00

LW Air Signals Teleprinter Operators Badge

Luftwaffe Air Signals Teleprinter Operators Badge (Tätigkeitsabzeichen für Geprüfter Fernschreibunteroffizier). The patch is trimmed with twisted white-grey cord piping indicating NCO ranks. Nice example in good unissued condition!

€ 45,00

LW Air Signals Telephone Operators Badge

Luftwaffe Air Signals Telephone Operators Badge (Tätigkeitsabzeichen für Geprüfter Fernsprechunteroffizier). The patch is trimmed with twisted white-grey cord piping indicating NCO ranks. Nice example in good unissued condition!

€ 45,00

Luftwaffe Sound Location Operators Badge

Luftwaffe Sound Location Operators Trade Badge (Tätigkeitsabzeichen für Geprüfter Horchfunkunteroffizier). The patch is trimmed with twisted white-grey cord piping indicating NCO ranks. Nice example in good used condition!

€ 45,00

LW Motor Transport Equipment Administrator's Badge

Luftwaffe Motor Transport Equipment Administrator's Trade Badge (Geräteverwalter für Kraftfahrzeuggerät Tätigkeitsabzeichen). The patch is trimmed with twisted gold cord piping for distinguished performance. Nice example in very good condition!

€ 75,00

Luftwaffe Flight Technical Personnel's Badge

Luftwaffe Flight Technical Personnel's (Fliegertechnisches Personal) Trade Badge (Tätigkeitsabzeichen). The patch is trimmed with twisted gold cord piping for distinguished performance. Nice example in very good condition!

€ 75,00

Kriegsmarine Summer Tunic Breast Eagle

Kriegsmarine aluminum-type gilt washed breast-eagle as intended for the white summer tunic (Brustadler für Sommerrock). The aluminum-type eagle is nicely maker marked with the 'M' logo of the company of 'Meadicke' from Berlin. Rare and hard to find original example in very good condition!

€ 200,00

NSDAP Member's Armband - BeVo Variant

NSDAP Member's Armband (Armbinde). The armband is showing a nicely machine-woven black coloured swastika on a white roundel, woven directly onto the red cotton armband. Rare original BeVo variant armband in good used condition!

€ 195,00