This is our reference archive of rare and/or interesting products we've sold
WH Panzer document-group 'Willi Bode'
Wehrmacht Panzer award document-group of Oberfeldwebel 'Willi Bode', member within Panzer Regiment 1, 11 and 36. Including documents for the Long Service Award, 1 Oktober 1938 with Spange, Iron Cross 2nd Class, Panzer Assault Badge, Wound Badge in Silver and more. Interesting original grouping!
WW2 Iron Cross 2nd Class 'Übergröße'
Nice original example of the Iron Cross 2nd Class (Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse). The cross is not visible maker marked, the cross is sized 47mm making this the so-called 'Übergröße'. Rare original cross in very good condition, one of the best examples I've had on offer!
WH Entrenching Tool with 'ersatz' carrying case
Wehrmacht Entrenching Tool with 'Ersatz' type carrying case (Spaten mit Spatentasche). The carrying case is made of a tan, 'Ersatz' type, simulated leather. Hard to find original entrenching tool in good used condition!
WH (Heer) Medical Officer's Visor Cap
WH (Heer) Medical (Arzt) Officer's Visor Cap (Schirmmütze). Complete with it's original early aluminum cocarde and cap-eagle. The cap is named to ' Klaus Briest'. The cap is made by the 'Erel' company. Nice original Visor Cap in very good condition!
WH (Heer) Forestry Official's Visor Cap
WH (Heer) Forestry Official's Visor Cap (Reichsforstdienst Schirmmütze). Nice visor cap in very good condition, having a nice shape (Sattelform). The interiour is having a nice celluloid sweat-diamond, marked by the company of 'Paul Berkenkamp' in Bielefeld. Nice original cap in very good condition!
Gebirgsjäger Wind Pants (Windhose)
Mountain Troopers (Gebirgsjäger) Winter Camouflage Wind Pants, reversible to white (Windhose der Gebirgstruppen). The pants are nicely maker marked with R.B.No.'0/1001/0204' and dated 1944. The pants are in stunning mint and unissued condition!
Kriegsmarine E-Boat War Badge
2nd Pattern Kriegsmarine E-Boat War Badge (Schnellboot-Kriegsabzeichen). The late war zinc badge is nicely maker marked with 'R.S.' indicating production by the company of 'Rudolf Souval' from Wien (Vienna). A nice and honest Kriegsmarine war badge!
HJ 1933 Pattern Visor Cap
Hitler-Jugend 1933 Pattern Visor Cap (HJ Schirmmütze M33). Piped in red, complete with it's original cap eagle and HJ diamond shaped cap-badge. The visor cap is having the early style leather visor. Nice original Visor Cap in good used condition!
HJ Signals Overseas Cap
Hilter-Jugend Signals Overseas Cap (Nachrichten-HJ Schiffchen). Yellow piped cap, complete with original machine-sewn cap-eagle and metal HJ badge. Complete with RZM-tag and named. Scarce and hard to find original signals HJ overseas cap in very good condition!
NSKOV Gorget
'Nationalsozialistische Kriegsopferversorgung' (NSKOV) Gorget (Ringkragen). The full-length chain is present. The gorget is showing clear traces of usage and some oxidation. Rare and decorative original example which has been priced accordingly to its condition! NEW PRICE!
Kriegsmarine 'Schnellboot-Kriegsabzeichen'
2nd Pattern Kriegsmarine E-Boat War Badge (Schnellboot-Kriegsabzeichen). The late war 'Zink' badge is nicely maker marked with 'R.S.' indicating production by the company of 'Rudolf Souval' from Wien (Vienna). A nice and honest Kriegsmarine war badge!
WW2 Iron Cross 2nd Class 'Übergröße'
Nice original example of the Iron Cross 2nd Class (Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse). The cross is not visible maker marked, the cross is sized 47mm making this the so-called 'Übergröße'. Rare original cross in very good condition, the best example I've had on offer!
Coastal Artillery War Badge - Juncker
Kriegsmarine 'Kriegsabzeichen für die Marineartillerie' (Coastal Artillery War Badge). Early 'Buntmetall' example, marked with 'Fec Otto Placzek Berlin, ausf. C.E.Juncker Berlin'. This is a very early example, hard to find original badge early in good worn condition!
NSFK 'Küstenflug 1939' Plaque
'Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps' (NSFK) 'Küstenflug 1939' Plaque (Plakette). The enamelled plaque is nicely maker marked by the company of 'Gustav Brehmer' from Markneukirchen. Impressive and attractive looking original item in good condition!
Ersatz type MG34/42 Gunner's Tool Pouch
MG34/42 Gunner's Tool Pouch M34 (Maschinengewehr Werkzeug Tasche Modell 34). Nice example, manufactured from tan coloured simulated leather, so-called 'Preßstoff' (Ersatz) material, nicely WaA marked, maker marked and dated. Rare original pouch in good used condition!
Hitler-Jugend 'Drill' Pants
This is rare original pair of green coloured Hitler-Jugend drill pants (Drell Hose) as used in the 'Wehrertüchtigungslagern' (WEL) of the HJ. Nice pair in good used condition!
Rare Cased Dog Breeding Table Medal
Rare cased 'Für züchterische Leistungen' table-medal or plaque (Nichttragbare Plakette). This was a table-medal for dog breeding. The bronze table-medal has a diamater of 65mm and comes in its original case, marked by the 'Preuss.Staatsmünze' from Berlin. Rare and decorative original piece!
Nahkampfspange in Bronze 'C.E. Juncker'
This is a nice 'Nahkampfspange in Bronze' (Close Combat Clasp). Nicely maker marked by the company of 'C.E. Juncker' in Berlin. The badge is showing great detail and still retains almost all of its original bronze finish. A nice original CCC in very good condition!
WH (Heer/Waffen-SS) 'Demjansk' Campaign Shield
Nice original 'Demjansk' Shield (Demjansk Schild). The shield is a magnetic example from an unknown maker. Complete with metal backplate and original protective backing paper. This shield is in very good condition. Great original shield!
NSFK 'Deutschlandflug 1938' Plaque
Cased 'Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps' (NSFK) 'Deutschlandflug 1938' Plaque (Plakette). The plaque was issued to 'NSFK-Rottenführer Paul Moll' on 29 May 1938 and comes with Award-Document and original case. Impressive and attractive looking original set in very good condition!
NSDAP Propaganda Enamel Sign
'Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei' (NSDAP) Propaganda Enamel Sign (Propagandaschild). Small white enameled wall plaque, measuring approximately 12 x 8 cms. Extremely rare and hard to find original enamel sign in very good condition!
NSDAP Membership Booklet - Female
NSDAP Membership Booklet (Mitgliedsbuch). This official NSDAP party membership ID document-booklet belonged to a woman called "Minna Kramer", she had party member number #1635467. It comes together with her DRK Membership card. Hard to find original party member's booklet issued to a woman!
Luftschutz re-issued Czech Helmet
Czech M34 Helmet which has been re-issued to the Luftschutz, repainted in Luftschutz blue-grey and complete with decal. The helmet is complete with the the 5 liner pads and original chinstrap. A rare and hard to find helmet in very good condition!
Kyffhäuserbund Gorget
'NS-Reichskriegerbund/Kyffhäuserbund' (NSRKB) Gorget (Ringkragen). The full-length chain is present and is showing a a swastika/Iron Cross alternating motif. The gorget is showing normal traces of usage and is in overall good condition. Nice and decorative original example!
Luftwaffe Award-Document Grouping
Luftwaffe Award-Document Grouping of Obergefreiten 'Otto Pree', who was a member within the 'Flakregiment 36'. Including documents for the Flak Artillery War Badge, Krim Shield, Assault Badge in Silver, LW Ground Assault Badge, the Iron Cross 2nd Class and the Iron Cross 1st Class!
'Fallschirmjäger' Document & Medal Group
Luftwaffe 'Fallschirmjäger' Document & Medal Grouping from 'Otto Jürkewitz' including his Iron Cross 2nd Class, Award Document and Soldbuch. He was a member within the 'Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 21' of the 7th Fallschirmjäger Division. Interesting late war FJ grouping!
DRK EM Visor Cap
This is a original German Red Cross (DRK) EM Visor Cap. Complete with it's original enamelled DRK cap eagle and aluminum DRK wreath with cockade. Nice original Visor Cap in top condition!
WW2 German 'Petsamo' Souvernir Puukko Knife
Wehrmacht 'Petsamo' Souvernir Puukko Knife. This is a beatifully engraved Finnish Puukko Knife with leather scabberd, having an enamelled 'Petsamo Rovaniemi' badge originally attached. Great souvernir of a Wehrmacht Gebirgsjäger Soldier!
HJ district-triangle 'Ost Wartheland'
Hitler-Jugend (HJ) district-triangle 'Ost Wartheland' (Gebietsdreieck), Ost Wartheland was the area around Litzmannstadt in nowadays Lodz in Poland. The triangle is complete with it's original RZM etiket ('A-Stück'). Extremely rare original example in good unissued condition!
Ribbon for the Knight's Cross of the War Merit Cross
Ribbon for the Knight's Cross of the War Merit Cross (Band zum Ritterkreuz des Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1939). The ribbon is originally confectioned and is in full original length. Perfect for completing your Knight's Cross, hard to find original ribbon!
Panzerkampfabzeichen in Silber in Box
'Panzerkampfabzeichen in Silber' (Panzer Assault Badge), complete with rare original carton box. The badge is nicely maker marked with the logo 'H.A.' indicating production by the company of 'Hermann Aurich' from Dresden. Nice original set in very good condition!
Kriegsmarine 'Flotten-Kriegsabzeichen'
Kriegsmarine 'Flotten-Kriegsabzeichen' (High-Sea Fleet Badge). The 'Buntmetall' type badge is nicely maker marked with 'Fec. Adolf Bock, Ausf. Schwerin Berlin'. The badge is executed in 'Zink' and shows great detail and finish. Nice original example in very good condition!
Cased KVK 1st Class '1' with 'Überkarton'
Cased war merit cross 1st class with Swords (Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse mit Schwerter), complete with its rarely encountered original so-called 'Überkarton'. This one originates from the famous 'Deschler' hoard. Desirable set in stunning, stonemint, condition!
WH (Heer/Waffen-SS) 'Demjansk' Campaign Shield
Nice original 'Demjansk' Shield (Demjansk Schild). The shield is a magnetic example from an unknown maker. Complete with metal backplate and original protective backing paper. This shield is in good unissued condition. Great original shield!
Rare green-coloured 'Afrika' Cufftitle
Rare original green-coloured 'Afrika' Cufftitle (Ärmelband). The cufftitle measures approximately 38cms in length. It is in clearly worn and tunic removed condition. Rare and hard to find original cufftitle!
RAD greatcoat
RAD (Reichsarbeitsdienst) greatcoat (Tuchmantel). Nicely maker marked and unit marked 'A.D.Gau XXVII' (Baden). Complete with original applied insignia. The greatcoat is in minimally worn condition. Nice and hard to find original RAD greatcoat!
NSDStB Belt Buckle - RZM M4/38
NSDStB (Studentenbund) Belt Buckle (Koppelschloß). Nicely marked with RzM M4/38 - 'Richard Sieper & Söhne'. Extremely rare and hard to find original example!
Luftwaffe Heated Flying Gloves
Luftwaffe Heated Flying Gloves (Heizbare Handschuhe für Fliegendes Personal). Nicely marked with 'RB.Nr.0/0344/0073' and dated February 1944, the gloves are a size 9. Scarce original pair in good used condition!
LW 'Geschwader General Wever' Cufftitle
Luftwaffe 'Geschwader General Wever' Officer's Cufftitle (Ärmelband). Very nice full length example in top condition. Nicely hand-embroidered in bullion silver threads. Rare original cufftitle!
WA - NSKK 'Transport-Kontrolle' Armband
This is a very rare NSKK 'Transport-Kontrolle' Armband which is stamped with 'Stafkwartier der Motor W.A.' 's-Gravenhage. Very rare and unique item!
Infantry Assault Badge in Bronze in Box
'Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Bronze' (Infantry Assault Badge), complete with rare original carton box. Nicely maker marked with 'S.H.u.Co. 41' indicating production by the company of 'Sohni, Heubach & Co.' from Oberstein. Nice original set in very good condition!
WW2 Iron Cross 1st Class 'L/12'
Iron Cross first class (Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse), this is a scarce so-called 'screw-back version' (Schraubscheibe). Maker marked with 'L/12' indicating production by the company of 'C.E. Juncker' from Berlin. Nice original cross in good used condition!
WH (Heer) 'Mimo' Wrist Watch
Wehrmacht (Heer) Wrist Watch (Dienstuhr). Nice original WW2 period manual wind movement wrist watch by hard to find maker 'Mimo', marked with the unique number 'D6685H' (Deutsche Heer). The wrist watch is in functional and running condition. That neat little item to complete your mannequin with!
Cased Wound Badge in Gold '30'
This is a nice cased 'Buntmetall' Gold Wound Badge (Verwundeten Abzeichen in Gold). Maker marked with number '30' indicating production by the 'Hauptmünzamt' in Wien (Vienna). The badge is having the so-called wide-pin. Nice set in good condition!
DRK Officer's Leather Belt & Buckle
DRK Officer's Leather Belt & Buckle (Feldbinde und Feldbindenschloß für DRK-Führer). The buckle is nicely marked with 'Ges.Gesch.' and number '2'. Complete with it's original 103cms long sized leather belt. Scarce and hard to find original set in good used condition!
Transitional EM/NCO's Belt and Buckle
Transitional Wehrmacht Heer EM/NCO's Belt and Buckle (Koppel und Koppelschloß), nice 2-piece construction box buckle showing a left facing eagle. This is the smaller 40mm sized buckle, complete with it's original matching belt. Extremely scarce original matching set in very good condition!
DAF porcelain vase 'Quantmeyer & Eicke'
This is a nice DAF porcelain vase of the company 'Quantmeyer & Eicke' in Berlin. It is approximately 12,5cms tall and made by the 'Kunstabteilung' of the 'Rosenthal' company in Selb. Rare and decorative original piece!
RAD Officer's Brocade Belt & Buckle
'Reichsarbeitsdienst' Officer's Brocade Belt & Buckle (RAD Paradefeldbinde für Offiziere). With aluminium belt-buckle, maker marked by 'Assmann' and dated 1937. Nice complete example in good used condition!
KM 'Vorpostenflottille' cap insignia
Rare original Kriegsmarine 'Vorpostenflottille Abschnitt Kanal' cap badge (Schiffchenabzeichen). Enamelled example in very good condition!
KM 'U-boot-Kriegsabzeichen'
Kriegsmarine 'U-boot-Kriegsabzeichen' (U-Boat War Badge). 'Buntmetall' example, maker marked with 'Schwerin, Berlin 68'. The badge is having two loops soldered on the back. The badge belonged to a U393 member and comes together with some photographs and post-war remembrance items!