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Miscellaneous items like flags, porcelain, art, daggers, swords and other unique pieces.

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Results 1 - 50 of 413


Elastolin Jingling Johnny

Elastolin Jingling Johnny (Schellenbaum). The flag is size approximately 10cms in length. Hard to find original spare part in used and partly incomplete condition, see photos!

€ 10,00

Elastolin Wehrmacht Army Musician

Elastolin Wehrmacht Army Musician (Heeres Musiker). The toy is showing the expected age cracking and traces of usage. Rare original toy in good used condition!

€ 25,00

German Cultural Wooden Plate

German Cultural Wooden Plate "Unser Täglich Brot Gib Uns Heute" (Brotteller). The hand carved wooden plate is having a diameter of approximately 28,5cms. Decorative original period piece!

€ 35,00

Plywood Toy Soldier - SA Standard Bearer

Glued to plywood and cut out SA Standard Bearer. These where period DIY paper toy soldiers for kids which where intended to glue on plywood and cut out. Decorative original example!

€ 35,00

Metal Swastika Flag for Elastolin Flag Bearer

Metal Swastika Flag for an Elastolin Flag Bearer Toy Soldier (Infanterie Fahne für Fahnenträger). The tin flag is size approximately 10cms in length. Hard to find original spare part in very good condition!

€ 35,00

HJ - DJH Collecting Box Banderole

HJ - DJH Collecting Box Banderole (Banderole für Spendenbüchse). As used on the collecting boxes used at the street collections (Reichsstraßensammlung) held by the 'Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk'. Decorative original item!

€ 40,00

Waffen-SS Plane Tree Camouflage Fabric

Original piece of Waffen-SS Plane Tree camouflage material (Platanenmuster). The fabric is sized approximately 34 x 7 cms. Perfect for restauration purposes, or just for decoration and/or reference!

€ 45,00

Elastolin Dutch Army Soldier

Elastolin Dutch Army lying soldier with rifle (Soldaat met geweer). The toy is showing the expected age cracking and traces of usage. Rare original toy in good used condition!

€ 45,00

Elastolin Dutch Army Musician

Elastolin Dutch Army Musician (Muzikant). The toy soldier is nicely maker marked by 'Elastolin'. The toy is showing the expected age cracking and traces of usage. Rare original toy in good used condition!

€ 45,00

Small sized Third Reich Christmas Ball with Swastika

Small sized Third Reich Christmas Ball with Swastika (Weihnachtskugel). Original pre-war 1930's propaganda christmas tree ornament with swastikas. Rare and decorative original item!

€ 45,00

SA Paper Shooting Target

SA (Sturmabteilung) Paper Shooting Target (Schießscheibe). The 35 x 33 cms large sized paper target is marked 'SA Brustringscheibe'. Nice and decorative original example in good unissued condition!

€ 45,00

'Berchtesgaden' Wooden Souvernir Box

Nice hand-made 'Berchtesgaden' wooden souvernir box with carved 'Edelweiß' flower and 'Berchtesgaden' inscription. The box is not visible dated but looks like a period souvernir. Decorative item!

€ 50,00

Waffen-SS Oakleaf Camouflage Fabric

Original piece of Waffen-SS Oakleaf 'A' camouflage material (Eichenlaubmuster A). The triangular shaped piece of fabric is sized approximately 37 x 32 cms. Perfect for restauration purposes, or just for decoration and/or reference!

€ 50,00

Chinese 'Mao' Propaganda Poster 1967

Chinese 'Mao Zedong' Propaganda Poster. The poster is approximately sized 75 x 50 cms. It was published in 1967. Decorative original Cold-War era Chinese Propaganda Poster!

€ 50,00

Chinese Communist Propaganda Poster

Chinese Communist Party Propaganda Poster. The poster is approximately sized 75 x 50 cms. published around 1965/1968. Decorative original Cold-War era Chinese Propaganda Poster!

€ 50,00

German 'Heeres Verpflegungs Sack' 1944

German Provision/Ration Bag (Heeres Verpflegungs Sack). This is a nice 1944 dated example showing the Third Reich style national eagle. The sack is in very good mint and unissued condition. Nice and decorative original sack!

€ 60,00

VDI Small porcelain dish 'Dresden 1939'

Association of German Engineers 'VDI' (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure) small porcelain dish, marked 'Dresden 1939'. The porcelain dish is nicely marked by the famous 'Meissen' company. Decorative original item!

€ 65,00

'Paul von Hindenburg' Glass Plate

'Paul von Hindenburg' Glass Plate, approximately 29 x 21,5 cms glass plate showing an engraved portrait of Paul von Hindenburg flanked by oakleaves. Decorative original item!

€ 65,00

Wehrmacht (Heer) NCO's Portepee

Wehrmacht (Heer) Sword Portepee (Portepee für Säbel der Unteroffiziere). Nice original replacement item which would be perfect for completing your army sword with. Nice original portepee in very good condition!

€ 70,00

Luftschutz Black Out Lightbulb in Carton Box

German Luftschutz Black Out Lightbulb (Luftschutzlampe) as issued in many civilian homes during the war to help maintain blackout conditions against air raids. Complete with original carton box by 'Osram'. Nice original lightbulb in good condition!

€ 70,00

Set of 2 Carton Door Signs from Oosterbeek

Set of 2 Carton German Door Signs, one for an 'Adjutant' and one for a 'Hauptmann und Bataillonsführer. Anmeldung Adjutant'. These signs have been found in a private household at the 'Hartensteinlaan 9' in Oosterbeek, right across the street of the Hartenstein Museum. Interesting original items!

€ 75,00

Set of HJ/NSFK Cut-Out Paper Plane Models

Set of HJ/NSFK Cut-Out Paper Plane Models. One black&white coloured NSFK 'Bauplan Nr.1 Einführungs-Flugmodell' Plane, the other one is a HJ-NSFK paper plane in colour. Decorative original period unissued paper plane models!

€ 75,00

French Prisoner of War Engraved Mess Kit

French Prisoner of War Engraved Aluminum Mess Kit. The aluminum mess kit is dated 1936. Engraved on front is 'Souvenir de Captivitée, Mailly le Camp 1940' and an image of an ibex. Decorative original POW Souvernir!

€ 75,00

Hand-made 'Reichsarbeitsdienst' Embroidery

Hand-made 'Reichsarbeitsdienst' Embroidery. The embroidery is approximately sized 23 x 18 cms, showing the RAD logo. Decorative original period item!

€ 75,00

German Patriotic Swastika Candle Holders

German Patriotic Swastika Candle Holders. The approximately 8cms high cups are made of gelatine and having a cardboard bottom. They were issued to NSDAP Party members to put in front of their windows on certain occasions. Decorative original set of candle holders!

€ 75,00

Lineol Toy Soldier - Luftwaffe General

Lineol Toy Soldier - Luftwaffe General with sword (Fliegerschwert). The toy is showing the expected age cracking and traces of usage. Rare original Luftwaffe General Toy in good used condition!

€ 75,00

Enamelled Cup made from a Panzerfaust Head

This is a nice brown enamel cup made from a World War 2 German Panzerfaust Head. The cup is in very good condition. Early post-war reissued army item turned into civilian usage. Decorative original item!

€ 75,00

Group of 9 German Army Toy Soldiers

Group of 9 German Army Toy Soldiers from various brands like 'Lineol', 'Hausser' and 'Elastolin'. The toy soldiers are showing the expected age cracking and traces of usage. Nice set of toy soldiers in good used condition for a fair price!

€ 75,00

Allied Wood & Metal Children's Toy Jeep

Allied Children's Toy Jeep & Trailer. Home-made metal & wood construction Willy's style toy jeep with trailer, most likely made during/after the liberation for kids to play with. The jeep & trailer are in used condition with damages and heavy traces of usage. Decorative original item!

€ 75,00

Pre-war Tin Toy Field Gun Cannon

Pre-war Tin Toy Field Gun Cannon as intended as a toy in combination with Elastolin and Hausser toy soldiers. The tin cannon is approximately 25cms in length. Decorative original toy!

€ 85,00

WW2 German Laboratory Glass 'Erlenmeyer'

World War 2 German Laboratory Glass 'Erlenmeyer' made by the company 'Schott u. Gen.' (Schott und Genossen) from Jena. The 100cc laboratory glass is clearly marked with a German Eagle with Swastika and dated 1939. Rare original item!

€ 85,00

Third Reich Lantern shaped Christmas Ball with Swastika

Third Reich Lantern shaped Christmas Ball with Swastika (Weihnachtskugel). Original pre-war 1930's propaganda christmas tree ornament with swastikas. Rare and decorative original item!

€ 85,00

German Silver Swastika Necklace Hanger

Original German Women's Silver Swastika Necklace Hanger (Hakenkreuzanhänger). Nice '800' silver marked necklace hanger. The details are pronounced and stunning. Nice original hanger in good used condition!

€ 85,00

Elastolin 'Adolf Hitler' Figure

Elastolin 'Adolf Hitler' Figure (Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler). He's wearing his brownshirt. The figure is nicely marked with 'Elastolin'. The toy is showing the expected age cracking and traces of usage. Rare original toy in good used condition!

€ 95,00

1936 Olympic Games Souvernir Table Pennant

This is a nice and scarce original Souvernir Table Pennant of the 1936 Olympic Games held in Germany. The small sized flag is approximately sized 10 x 18,5 cms. It shows the flags of all participating countries. Nice and decorative original souvernir item from the Olympic Games!

€ 95,00

Framed Luftwaffe Faithfull Service Certificate

Framed Luftwaffe Faithfull Service Certificate (Dienstzeit-Erinnerungskunde) to a member within the '4./Flakregiment 33'. The colourfull certificate is framed in a 32 x 44 cms sized wooden frame. Decorative original framed certificate!

€ 95,00

NSV Door Plaque 'Gau Hessen-Nassau'

NSV (Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt) 'Gau Hessen-Nassau' Door Plaque (Türplakette). The plaque is very lightweight, stamped from a thin metal sheet. The plaques is having a diameter of approximately 9 cms. Decorative original item!

€ 95,00

German 'Max Schmeling' vs 'Joe Louis' Toy

German 'Max Schmeling' vs 'Joe Louis' Toy. As a contest between representatives of the United States and Nazi Germany during the 1930s, the fights came to symbolize the struggle between democracy and Nazism. Interesting historical item!

€ 95,00

Wehrmacht (Heer) Sword Portepee

Wehrmacht (Heer) Sword Portepee (Portepee für Säbel der Offiziere). Nice original replacement item which would be perfect for completing your army sword with. Nice original portepee in very good condition!

€ 95,00

Eagle on a marble base 'Fl. Schule Hildesheim 1937'

Zinc statue of a German Eagle on a marble base (Adler auf Marmorsockel). Aluminum plate with the inscription 'Zur Erinnerung Uffz-Korps Fl. Schule Hildesheim 1937'. Wings have been repaired. Still a nice and decorative item!

€ 95,00

Wooden Box 'Gen.Komp.Gren.Ers.Btl.466'

Nice hand-made wooden souvernir box with carved inscription "Gen.Kom. Gren.Ers.Btl.466" (Genesenden Kompanie Grenadier Ersatz Bataillon 466). Decorative original item!

€ 95,00

Veteran Bringback German-Italian Alliance Flag

Veteran Bringback German-Italian Alliance Flag. The small sized printed on rayon flag measures approximately 33 x 11 cms and shows the written text 'Limburg, Germany, 9-16-45, PFC Tony Bush' as taken back by a US GI after WW2!

€ 95,00

Set of 10 Luftwaffe Relays in Box

Set of 10 Luftwaffe Relays in carton box (Siemens Bordnetzgerät Widerstandskasten 19-5304 A-3). Used for board weapons in Luftwaffe planes. The set is in mint and unissued condition!

€ 95,00

'1938/39 3. Kompanie 26,11%' Silvered Cup

Wehrmacht '1938/39 3. Kompanie 26,11%' Silver-plated Cup (Versilberte Erinnerungsbecher). The silver-plated souvernir cup measures approximately 26cms in height and is having a diameter of 10,8cms. Decorative original item!

€ 95,00

Lineol Toy Soldier - Hermann Göring

Lineol Toy Soldier - Hermann Göring with Marshal’s Baton. The toy is showing the expected age cracking and traces of usage. Rare original Hermann Göring Toy Soldier in good used condition!

€ 95,00

Lineol Flag bearer marching with national flag

Lineol Toy Soldier - Flag Bearer marching with national flag. The toy is showing the expected age cracking and traces of usage. Rare original Flag Bearer Toy Soldier in good used condition!

€ 95,00

Set of 2 'Oneida' Deutschland Spoons

Set of 2 'Oneida' Deutschland Spoons showing 'Feldmarschall Von Hindenburg' and 'Kaiserin Augusta Victoria'. The silver plated spoon were sold to promote Germany in America. Decorative original spoons in very good condition!

€ 95,00

Third Reich Christmas Ball with Swastika

Third Reich Christmas Ball with Swastika (Weihnachtskugel). Original pre-war 1930's propaganda christmas tree ornament with swastikas. Rare and decorative original item!

€ 95,00

München Silver & Enamel Souvenir Spoon

München Silver & Enamel Souvenir Spoon (Löffel). The spoon is nicely hallmarked and '835' silver content marked. Decorative original item!

€ 100,00

26.Inf.Div. Knight's Cross Recipients Bookmark

Wehrmacht 26th Infantry Division (26. Infanterie-Division) Knight's Cross Recipients Bookmark. The bookmark is showing a list of names of Knight's Cross Recipients within this Divison. Decorative and rare original item!

€ 100,00
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