World War 2 German Visor Caps & Helmets
Luftwaffe Officer's Overseas Cap
Luftwaffe Officer's Overseas Cap (Schiffchen für Offiziere). This is privately purchased type of officer's overseas cap, constructed of gabardine wool and complete with hand-embroidered cap-eagle and cocarde. Nice original cap in very good condition!
US captured ‘vet art’ German Helmet
US captured ‘vet art’ German Wehrmacht (Heer) M40 Combat Helmet (Stahlhelm M40). 'ET64' marked helmet, complete with its original liner. The US veteran who captured this helmet as a souvernir painted SS runes and a Swastika on the helmet. Decorative original 'vet-art' helmet!
Luftwaffe M43 Cap
Luftwaffe M43 Cap (Einheitsfeldmütze M43). Complete with original applied BeVo-woven cocarde and machine-embroidered cap eagle. The size '55' cap is nicely RB.Nr. marked and dated 1944. Nice original Luftwaffe M43 cap in very good condition!
WH (Heer) Medical Officer's 'Crusher' Visor Cap
WH (Heer) Medical (Arzt) Officer's Crusher style Visor Cap (Schirmmütze) by 'Erwin Freudemann' from Berlin-Kleinmachnow. The cap is complete with its original hand-embroiderd cocarde and cap-eagle. The cap shows heavy traces of usage and damages/repairs, see photos. Nice original Medical Crusher!
WH (Heer) M40 Winter Camouflage Helmet
Wehrmacht (Heer) M40 Winter Camouflage Combat Helmet (Stahlhelm M40). 'ET64' marked helmet, complete with original liner. Nice and honest original M40 winter camouflaged combat helmet in good used condition!
HJ Flak Helper's Field Cap
Hitler-Jugend Flak Helper's Field Cap (Einheitsfeldmütze für Flakhelfer). Complete with its original machine-sewn BeVo type HJ cap-badge. The cap is RB.Nr.'0/2629/0003' marked and dated 1943, complete with original RZM label. Nice original cap in good condition!
WH (Heer) M40 SD Combat Helmet
Wehrmacht (Heer) M40 Single Decal Combat Helmet (Stahlhelm M40). 'SE64' marked helmet, complete with its original liner and chinstrap. The decal is present for about 95%. Nice and honest original M40 combat helmet in good used condition!
Kriegsmarine EM/NCO's Overseas Cap
Kriegsmarine EM/NCO's Overseas Cap (Bordmütze für Unteroffiziere und Mannschaften). The blue cap is complete with its original applied cap-eagle and cocarde. Nice original cap in very good condition!
WH (Heer) Administrative Official's Visor Cap
WH (Heer) Administrative Official's Visor Cap (Schirmmütze für einen Wehrmachtsbeamten). The 'Erel' marked visor cap is complete with its original early aluminum cap-eagle and hand-embroidered cocarde. Stunning original saddle shaped visor cap in very good condition!
Unissued WH (Heer) Army Helmet Decal
Unissued WH (Heer) Army Helmet Decal. The decal is maker marked by the company of 'Ed Strache' from Warnsdorf. Nice and interesting original item in good unissued condition!
WH (Heer) Tropical Overseas Cap
WH (Heer) Tropical Overseas Cap (Tropenfeldmütze). Complete with period machine sewn BeVo cocarde and hand-applied cap eagle. The cap is maker marked by 'Clemens Wagner' from Braunschweig and dated November 1942. Nice original cap!
DD M40 Polizei Combat Helmet Q64
Double Decal M40 'Polizei' Combat Helmet (Stahlhelm M40). The 'Q64' helmet is complete with its original 1943 dated liner and chinstrap. Hard to find original DD Polizei helmet in good used condition!
LW DD M35 ex-winter three tone camouflage helmet
Luftwaffe DD M35 ex-winter three tone camouflage helmet (Stahlhelm M35). The 'ET64' marked shows a nice three-tone brown/green/tan 'Normandy' coloured camouflage paint on top of several layers of camouflage paint. Stunning original helmet!
WH (Heer) M35 Camouflage Helmet
WH (Heer) or Kriegsmarine/SS M35 Single Decal Camouflaged Combat Helmet (Stahlhelm M35) - 'Q64' marked helmet with lot number '1138', complete with liner. This helmet is showing a nice (field)grey camouflage!
Luftwaffe Single Decal M40 Combat Helmet
Luftwaffe M40 Single Decal Combat Helmet (Stahlhelm M40). 'ET64' marked complete with its original liner and damaged chinstrap. Nice original helmet in good used condition!
WH (Heer) Winter Fur Cap
Wehrmacht (Heer) / Waffen-SS Winter Fur Cap (Pelzmütze). The cap is size '57' marked. The cap is in clearly worn but overall very good condition. Nice original Winter Fur Cap!